Since 1992, the vortex beam has been proved to possess orbital angular momentum (OAM)[
Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 19, Issue 10, 100101(2021)
Reconstitution of optical orbital angular momentum through strongly scattering media via feedback-based wavefront shaping method
Orbital angular momentum (OAM) is a fundamental physical characteristic to describe laser fields with a spiral phase structure. Vortex beams carrying OAMs have attracted more and more attention in recent years. However, the wavefront of OAM light would be destroyed when it passes through scattering media. Here, based on the feedback-based wavefront shaping method, we reconstitute OAM wavefronts behind strongly scattering media. The intensity of light with desired OAM states is enhanced to 150 times. This study provides a method to manipulate OAMs of scattered light and is of great significance for OAM optical communication and imaging to overcome complex environment interference.
1. Introduction
Since 1992, the vortex beam has been proved to possess orbital angular momentum (OAM)[
However, scattering is always a fundamental limit in optical applications. A beam of coherent light incident into a turbid medium will be scattered and produce the speckle of random intensity. Over the past few years, the propagation and penetration properties of optical vortex beams in the turbid medium have been investigated[
The feedback-based wavefront shaping (FBWS) method was proposed by Vellekoop and Mosk in 2007[
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In this Letter, assisted by the FBWS method, we restore the OAM information of light behind strongly scattering media. By using an SPP with an opposite topological charge as a detection component, the objective intensity steadily increases and approaches the local optimum with the operation of the genetic evolution algorithm. The enhancement factor is estimated to be 150 over 500 generations of the evolution. These experimental results are repeatable and suitable for OAM recovery of different topological charges. In addition, the reconstitution of OAMs around different optical axes is also demonstrated in our experiment.
2. Experiment
The concept of reconstituting optical OAMs via the FBWS method is shown in Fig. 1. Without wavefront shaping, the light behind the scattered material is mutilated as disordered speckles on the screen, as shown in Fig. 1(a). According to Huygens’ principle, each point of the original spiral wavefront emits a wavelet. The optical pattern is the result of propagation and coherent superposition of every wavelet. When going through the strongly scattering medium, each wavelet gets a random additional phase (as well as attenuation), which leads to the generation of the disordered speckle pattern. Such OAM states of light can be reconstituted forwardly by using a wavefront optimization procedure after the strongly scattering media, as shown in Fig. 1(b). In the reconstruction processes, the SPP with opposite topological charge is used to detect the relative intensity of light carrying the specific OAM[
Figure 1.Sketch map of optical OAM reconstitution through scattering media. (a) Without wavefront shaping, the OAM beam forms a disordered speckle pattern behind the scattering medium. (b) With an appropriate SLM phase mask applied in advance, optical OAM is reconstituted after scattering. Using an SPP with an opposite topological charge as a detection component, a focal point can be generated on the screen.
The experimental setup is illustrated in Fig. 2. A continuous wave (CW) laser at the wavelength of 532 nm is used as the light source. A half-wave plate (HWP) and a polarizer () after the laser are used to adjust the intensity and polarization of the incident light. Then () and () are a pair of beam expander lenses to allow the cross section of the laser beam to cover the modulation area of the spatial light modulator (SLM) as much as possible. The phase-only SLM (UPOLabs, HDSLM80R) is sensitive to horizontal polarization light and has a resolution of 1920 × 1200 pixels, each with a rectangular area of . Each pixel can be independently controlled and converts the phase of light from 0 to 2π. Lenses and () constitute a imaging system. The SLM and SPP are, respectively, at the front and back focal planes of the system, which maps the phase modulation of the SLM onto the SPP to realize OAM detection. The scattering sample that we used here is powder, which is deposited onto an indium tin oxide (ITO)-coated glass substrate by the electrophoresis method. The powder layer is about 100 µm thick, and the transport mean free path is less than 10 µm, measured by the coherent backscattering method[
Figure 2.Experimental setup for OAM restoration behind the strongly scattering media. HWP, half-wavelength plate;
Before algorithm optimization, it is important to set a suitable objective function for iteration. As mentioned above, the detection system is formed by an SPP, a far-field diffractive lens, and a CMOS camera, which forms the Fourier transform relationship in the plane of these three optical components. Firstly, the system is calibrated without the scattering medium. Figure 3 shows an experimental demonstration of measuring optical OAM. The intensity graph in Fig. 3(a) is the OAM state with generated by the SLM, which is the goal of subsequent experimental restoration. Figures 3(b)–3(f) show the far-field diffraction patterns when such an OAM state with , respectively, passes through the SPP with the integer topological charges from to . It is obvious and also demonstrated in previous researches that only if the topological charges of the OAM beam and SPP are just matching (), the dark hole in the center of the beam will transfer into a spot. Therefore, the relative intensity in this bright spot position can quantitatively reflect the light intensity of the OAM state that is coaxial with the SPP. The calibration process is to determine the position of the center bright spot during the far-field measurement. Secondly, we keep the entire light path unchanged in subsequent experiments, and the light intensity of such a bright spot area on the optical axis of the SPP is set as the objective function in our experiment.
Figure 3.Experimental demonstration of measuring OAM and calibration. (a) An example for the OAM state with
3. Results
The complete reconstitution process of an OAM state of is revealed in Figs. 4(a)–4(c). After calibrating with an ideal OAM state, a circular area with a radius of 10 pixels is recorded by CCD and shown in Fig. 4(a). Next, we place the strongly scattering medium into the optical path and choose the same coordinates of the area shown in Fig. 4(b) as our target location to start the genetic algorithm optimization. The relative light intensity of the target area continues to increase, and finally a high-contrast spot is obtained, as shown in Fig. 4(c). The optimized results can be maintained for quite a long time, as long as the system does not receive artificial interference, which confirms that our system has great stability. The enhancement factor is defined to quantify the optimization process, which is the ratio of the intensity at the detective region after optimization and the mean intensity of the scattering background. As expected, increases generally with the generation number, and it can reach the value of 150 after around 500 generations in our experiment. As mentioned, the SPP can be regarded as a spatial filter, and thus the zero-order component is selected at the Fourier spectrum plane to be the algorithm feedback. Though the data shown here has not completely converged, the overall enhancement has gradually slowed down, which is consistent with the convergence trend of the enhancement curve. A series of typical enhancement curves of different OAM states is also shown in Fig. 5(a). In this optimization process, the convergence speed has weak dependence on the OAM state to be restored. This is because the high disorder degree of the strongly scattering medium completely disrupts the wavefront structure of the OAM beams. Therefore, the convergence speed is mainly affected by the hardware and algorithm programs we used. Figure 5(b) shows the result of measuring the stability over 10 h. The relative intensity of the focus only has a small decrease to around 94%, which indicates a good stability of the whole system.
Figure 4.(a) Calibration of detecting system with an SPP of
Figure 5.(a) Enhancement factor curves of different topological charges (ℓ = 4–7). In our experiment, a typical value is 150 after 500 generations. (b) Stability measurement of the focusing relative intensity over 10 h.
As we know, the definition of OAM of light is determined by the direction of the optical axis. Besides, the manipulation of OAM at different directions also brings flexibility when it is used in different circumstances. Therefore, based on the same system, we also restore the OAM of light at different spatial directions in our experiment. By adjusting the angle of the reflect mirror after the SLM, the optical axis orientation of the light path can be adjusted in a small range. The calibration and optimization processes are similar to the previous. Figure 6 shows the experiments on the reconstitution of the OAM beam with at four different spatial directions, which corresponds to the deflection angle around and the pitch angle around , respectively. The evolution of the enhancement factor with the generation number is also shown in each figure. Without loss of generality, 300 generations are performed in our experiment, which can also achieve a relatively high enhancement. In fact, we can realize arbitrary direction manipulating of OAM of light after the strongly scattering medium theoretically, which will be more flexible and convenient when it is used in different fields. For example, alignment of the laser transmitting and receiving system is always needed at the process of optical communication. Therefore, our experiment provides a method to complete this task in the strongly scattering environment.
Figure 6.Reconstitution of OAMs in different spatial directions. (a) and (b) have a deflection angle of around
4. Discussion
The main limit of the enhancement factor in our experiment comes from the modulation depth and degree of freedom of the SLM. In theory, more input modes will result in a higher enhancement[
In conclusion, we have reported the reconstitution of optical OAMs scattered by strongly turbid media via the FBWS method. In our experiment, the SPP with an opposite topological charge is used to detect the OAM of scattered light. Using algorithms to address random scattering problems effectively avoids mathematically complex operations. Combining the optimization algorithm, the optical OAM information can be effectively extracted and enhanced after the strong scattering process. The enhancement factor was estimated to be 150 after optimization of 500 generations. Meanwhile, we have verified the feasibility of this method for OAM reconstitution of different topological charges and different spatial directions. This method has been confirmed to have good repeatability and robustness. Our system is also proven to have high stability. Actually, the enhancement of the scattered OAM states is a localized effect in a particular direction by wavelet path selection and constructive interference. Nevertheless, it still demonstrates both a unique perspective and significant progress in random optics. Consequently, this work paves a way for the use of OAM beams in complex media for optical communication and deep imaging.
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Lanting Li, Yuanlin Zheng, Haigang Liu, Xianfeng Chen, "Reconstitution of optical orbital angular momentum through strongly scattering media via feedback-based wavefront shaping method," Chin. Opt. Lett. 19, 100101 (2021)
Category: Atmospheric, Oceanic, Space, and Environmental Optics
Received: Feb. 13, 2021
Accepted: Mar. 18, 2021
Published Online: Aug. 20, 2021
The Author Email: Haigang Liu (, Xianfeng Chen (