There have been two published reviews of ultra-high-power lasers separated by nearly two decades; the first by Backus
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 7, Issue 3, 03000e54(2019)
Petawatt and exawatt class lasers worldwide On the Cover
In the 2015 review paper ‘Petawatt Class Lasers Worldwide’ a comprehensive overview of the current status of high-power facilities of
1 Introduction
There have been two published reviews of ultra-high-power lasers separated by nearly two decades; the first by Backus
A special mention should also be made to the work of ICUIL. ICUIL, the International Committee on Ultra-High Intensity Lasers, is an organization concerned with international aspects of ultra-high-intensity laser science, technology and education. This was formed in 2003 following the work of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) Global Science Forum[
1.1 Introduction – historical perspective
The possibility of using lasers to achieve previously unobtainable states of matter in the laboratory gained much attention following the demonstration of the first pulsed laser in 1960[
A parallel problem existed in radar systems, where short, powerful pulses that were beyond the capabilities of existing electrical circuits were needed. Using dispersive delay lines, the radar pulses could be stretched and amplified prior to transmission, and then the reflected pulse could be compressed, avoiding high-peak powers within the amplifier circuitry[
Strickland and Mourou’s approach was to take the 150 ps output from a commercial mode-locked Nd:YAG oscillator, which was then stretched to 300 ps and spectrally broadened in 1.4 km of optical fibre, using a combination of group velocity dispersion and self-phase modulation. The pulse was then amplified in a Nd:glass regenerative amplifier, and compressed using a Treacy grating pair[
Due to the limitations of mode-locked lasers operating at 1064 nm, early high-power/energy CPA lasers[
1.2 Introduction – facility landmarks
The developments described above led to the first well-defined, 100 TW class laser systems being commissioned simultaneously, with the P102 laser at CEA Limeil-Valenton in France (Figure
The world’s first petawatt laser was put together in 1996 re-purposing one beamline of the existing Nova Nd:glass laser facility based at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)[
Following the development of the Ti:sapphire oscillator in 1991[
The development of amplifiers capable of supporting broad bandwidths is also required to realize high-peak powers. Early systems relied entirely on dye or Nd:glass amplifiers. While dye lasers could support very large bandwidths, their short lifetimes and low saturation fluences severely limited the amount of energy that could be extracted. Neodymium-based lasers, on the other hand, could provide a large amount of energy but would support only a limited bandwidth. This led to the search for a new laser material that could provide the energy and bandwidth required to support high-energy short pulses. Ti:sapphire oscillators[
1.3 Introduction – the future
For this review it was felt appropriate to not only give an historical perspective and the current status of facilities, but also to look to the future, about where facilities are going, and what these might look like in 10–20 years’ time. New petawatt laser facilities are embracing a new mission to establish operation of secondary source beamlines and attract users from a much broader range of research fields. A precursor to this approach was Laserlab-Europe, the integrated infrastructure initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures[
Facilities, currently in their final commissioning phase, like the European Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) pillars in the Czech Republic, Romania and Hungary[
In the ultra-high-power development section we examine the journey to 100 PW OPCPA systems; other developments which could be used to achieve exawatt scale facilities and the potential use of plasma amplifiers as booster amplifiers for these systems.
The high-average-power developments deserve a special mention as they represent the key to the delivery of commercially relevant applications of petawatt lasers. Indeed, research with petawatt lasers has been prolific in terms of results with a high potential for applications in several areas, including medicine, materials and environmental sciences. This applies, for example, to secondary radiation sources for phase-contrast X-ray imaging[
In the final section we examine enabling technologies: where we are; the challenges facing us; and what we believe we will be able to achieve. This will include: the development of mid-IR lasers; the use of plasma optics; grand challenges that face the community in optics, diagnostics and target design; and the issue of temporal contrast techniques to improve the delivered pulse fidelity.
2 Geographic overview of facilities
In the section we give an overview of the current status of petawatt class lasers worldwide. Unlike the 2015 review paper, we have chosen to present this geographically. This was felt appropriate for two main reasons: firstly, the original paper sub-divided the lasers by their classification, but increasingly this is less clear to determine, as many systems are designed using mixed technologies; secondly it graphically illustrates the shift in time of the centre of gravity of ultra-high-intensity facilities from initially the US, through Europe, and currently firmly centred in Asia.
2.1 Geographic overview of facilities – North America
The US, with its combination of national laboratories and university-based systems, had the lead in ultra-high-power laser facilities worldwide until the start of the new millennium. These have ranged from: the first petawatt laser in Nova Petawatt; the only fully operational megajoule facility in NIF; pioneering university-based systems at the University of Rochester with OMEGA and its upgrade OMEGA-EP; and the BELLA facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The pioneering CPA technique also was developed at the University of Rochester. The following section describes the capabilities of these facilities and includes the Advanced Laser Light Source (ALLS) in Canada.
2.1.1 USA
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has played a critical and leading role in the development of high-energy and ultra-high-power laser facilities. The building blocks for Nd:glass lasers were developed at LLNL over many years and brought together to construct the Shiva facility in the late 1970s[
The NIF (National Ignition Facility)[
At LLNL, NIF ARC (advanced radiographic capability)[
There is a long history of using diode-pumped technology at LLNL originally with the Mercury laser facility, a diode-pumped Yb:S-FAP laser. Mercury was developed as a high-average-power laser (HAPL) using diode arrays for laser pumping and pioneered gas cooling as a precursor to an advanced fusion driver and was later considered for a potential pump laser for Ti:sapphire lasers[
The Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) at the University of Rochester, although university based, is operated more akin to a national laboratory. It has played a critical role in the development of ultra-high-power lasers, from the original development of CPA[
At Sandia National Laboratory a large-scale kilojoule class petawatt facility provides X-ray radiographic capability to the Z-pinch facility. The laser facility uses Beamlet[
2.1.2 LaserNet US
Given the numerous smaller-scale facilities in the USA (many described below) the DOE’s Office of Science has established a new coordination mechanism for institutes operating ultra-high-power lasers through LaserNet US. This network is designed to provide user access to petawatt class lasers and to foster collaborations. The initial members of LaserNet US are Colorado State University (CSU); Ohio State University (OSU); the Universities of Michigan (UM), Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) and Texas (UT); the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC); and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). The network was expanded in 2019 to include lasers from the Jupiter facility at LLNL and the OMEGA-EP at LLE, University of Rochester described above, both of which have already been operating as user facilities. A summary of the capabilities of these LaserNet US[
The Advanced Beam Laboratory at Colorado State University (CSU) operates a 0.85 PW Ti:sapphire laser operating at 3.3 Hz, with an option for second-harmonic operation at ultra-high contrast (Figure
The BELLA (BErkeley Lab Laser Accelerator) facility has been operational since 2013 and was built for dedicated experiments on laser plasma acceleration at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US (Figure
HERCULES (High Energy Repetitive CUos LasEr System) was constructed at the FOCUS Center and Center for Ultrafast Optical Science (CUOS), University of Michigan. In 2004 ultra-high intensities of up to
The Diocles laser at the Extreme Light Laboratory, University of Nebraska–Lincoln came online at a power level of 100 TW at 10 Hz in 2008, and 0.7 PW at 0.1 Hz in 2012[
The Texas Petawatt Laser[
The Scarlet laser facility[
The LCLS (Linac Coherent Light Source) is one of the principal facilities at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. The MEC (Materials in Extreme Conditions) instrument combines the unique LCLS coherent X-ray beamline with a femtosecond laser system. This system has been operational at the 25 TW level, but is planned to be upgraded to the petawatt class level.
2.1.3 Canada
At the University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada the Advanced Laser Light Source (ALLS) is a commercial Ti:sapphire PULSAR system built by Amplitude Technologies operating at 200 TW (5 J, 20 fs, 5–10 Hz PULSAR laser)[
2.2 Geographic overview of facilities – Europe
Europe has been pivotal in the development of ultra-high-intensity lasers, with many systems operational in both national laboratories and universities. Many of the developments necessary for the advancement of these systems, including OPCPA, were pioneered in Europe. There is a very strong industrial base, in France in particular, which supplies components, subsystems and even petawatt class facilities to laboratories throughout the world. Looking to the future, ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) is a distributed European infrastructure comprising three pillars situated in the Czech Republic, Romania and Hungary, and financed through European Union structural funds. These facilities will transform how researchers gain access to world-leading interaction capabilities, with all three facilities due to start operations in 2019.
Europe has also benefited from the coordination role provided by Laserlab-Europe, bringing together researchers from 38 organizations, as full members, from 16 countries. Its main objective is to provide a sustainable interdisciplinary network of European laser laboratories to: provide training in key areas; conduct research into areas of perceived bottlenecks; and offer access to many of the member facilities to perform world-class research.
2.2.1 United Kingdom
The UK has two national laboratories with facilities which generate ultra-high powers: the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, which hosts the Central Laser Facility (CLF); and the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE). There are also very active programmes within UK Universities, with petawatt class lasers at the University of Strathclyde and Queen’s University Belfast.
Vulcan at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory was the first petawatt class laser to be used by the international plasma physics community as a dedicated user facility. It is a high-power Nd:glass laser[
The Vulcan Petawatt target area will undergo an upgrade with the addition of a petawatt class OPCPA-based beamline delivering pulses with 30 J and 30 fs with a centre wavelength of 880 nm. A new laser area will be created that houses a front end based on a DPSSL-pumped picosecond OPCPA scheme whereby the output from a Ti:sapphire oscillator is amplified to the millijoule level in LBO. These pulses are then stretched to 3 ns before undergoing further stages of amplification in LBO, the final stage employing one of the Vulcan long-pulse beamlines as a pump laser. The pulses will then be compressed in the target area and focused into the same target chamber as the existing petawatt beamline.
The Vulcan 2020 upgrade project is a proposal to increase the peak power of Vulcan to 20 PW (400 J and 20 fs), to enhance its long-pulse capability and to introduce a new target area for interactions at extremely high intensities. The peak power will be increased by the installation of an OPCPA beamline using DKDP crystals pumped by two dedicated 1.5 kJ Nd:glass lasers. The long-pulse provision will be increased by the use of additional 208 mm aperture Nd:glass amplifiers, increasing the output energy of each of the six long-pulse beams to
Gemini is a Ti:sapphire laser system[
AWE, Aldermaston operates the Orion facility which became operational in April 2013 (Figure
The TARANIS (Terawatt Apparatus for Relativistic and Nonlinear Interdisciplinary Science) laser in the Centre for Plasma Physics in Queen’s University Belfast is a Nd:glass system that can deliver up to 30 J in a nanosecond to
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow is home to SCAPA (Scottish Centre for the Application of Plasma-based Accelerators), who operate a commercial Thales Ti:sapphire system commissioned in 2017 (Figure
2.2.2 France
France has played an important role in the development, construction and operation of ultra-high-power laser facilities in its national laboratories, both academic and defence, and in its universities. A particular strength within France is having a very strong manufacturing base for all aspects of lasers, from components, advanced optics, subsystems and even full-scale petawatt class laser facilities, most notably from Thales and Amplitude Technologies.
At CEA CESTA (Centre d’etudes scientific d’Aquitaine), Bordeaux LMJ (Laser Megajoule), a megajoule class laser, is currently being commissioned[
A short-pulse capability is also available in LMJ through the PETAL multi-kilojoule glass beamline[
Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL), Orsay University is host to the LASERIX facility[
Apollon at Orme de Merisiers, Saclay is a next-generation Ti:sapphire 10 PW facility (Figure
At the Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquee (LOA), Palaiseau there is a commercial 200 TW Ti:sapphire laser delivering 6 J in 30 fs at 1 Hz, originally used as a proton source for medical applications but now used as a multi-particle accelerator for a broader range of applications.
2.2.3 Germany
Many of the laser facilities based in Germany have been brought under the umbrella of the Helmholtz Association. The Association was formed in 2001 and brings together 18 Helmholtz Centres in a broad range of scientific disciplines. The exceptions to this are the lasers operated at CALA in Garching and at the Institute for Laser and Plasma Physics in Dusseldorf. These facilities are described in detail below.
CALA (Centre for Advanced Laser Applications) in Garching is an institute run jointly by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU). It operates the following two lasers.
ATLAS 3000 consists of a homebuilt 300 TW peak power Ti:sapphire laser and a subsequent 90 J, 1 Hz power amplifier provided by Thales. After compression it is expected to deliver 60 J, 25 fs, 2.4 PW pulses at 1 Hz. The laser serves up to four experimental beamlines for laser-driven electron & ion acceleration; the former also constitutes the basis for well-controlled X-ray sources by undulatory radiation, betatron radiation, and Thomson backscattering in the energy range from keV to multi-MeV. A high-field beam line is available for laser-driven nuclear physics and high-field QED studies.The Petawatt Field Synthesizer (PFS), originally based at the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantenoptik (MPQ), in Garching is a 1 ps, 1 J, 10 Hz diode-pumped thick disk Yb:YAG laser used for pumping a few-cycle OPA chain with unprecedented temporal contrast[
At The Institute for Laser and Plasma Physics, Heinrich-Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany is the Arcturus system[
The following is a summary of the facilities based at the Helmholtz Centres.
The PHELIX (Petawatt High Energy Laser for heavy Ion eXperiments) kilojoule glass laser system[
There are two diode-pumped systems POLARIS and PEnELOPE.
POLARIS (Petawatt Optical Laser Amplifier for Radiation Intensive experiments) is based at the Helmholtz Institute Jena. It is designed as a fully diode-pumped Yb:glass/Yb:CaF
There are also a number of commercial Ti:sapphire lasers based at Helmholtz Centres.
DRACO (Dresden laser acceleration source)[
2.2.4 Russia
The first operational petawatt class OPCPA system was developed at the Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Science (RAS), Nizhny Novgorod using a homemade pump beam. The laser delivered 0.2 PW in 2006[
The construction of a high-power megajoule laser facility was started in Russian Federal Nuclear Center, VNIIEF, Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod in 2012 with commissioning expected in the next few years[
2.2.5 Spain
At the Centre for Pulsed Lasers (CLPU), University of Salamanca VEGA is a user facility open for domestic and international researchers (Figure
2.2.6 Italy
In Italy two laboratories have commercial PULSAR Ti:sapphire laser systems from Amplitude Technologies, delivering 200 TW (5 J, 20 fs, 5–10 Hz)[
The Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF) is one of the four main laboratories of INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics). LNF has also addressed dedicated R&D on advanced accelerator concepts. Born from the integration of a high-brightness photo-injector (SPARC) and of a high-power laser (FLAME); SPARC_LAB is mainly devoted to conducting further development, characterization and application of compact radiation sources (FEL, THz, Compton) driven by plasma-based accelerator modules. This will investigate the techniques of: LWFA (laser wakefield acceleration), which uses short-pulse laser drivers to excite the wake; and PWFA (plasma wakefield acceleration), which uses a high-energy particle bunch to excite the wake[
2.2.7 Romania
At the Centre for Advanced Laser Technologies INFLPR (National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics), Măgurele, Romania the CETAL Ti:sapphire laser is a commercial petawatt laser (25 J in 25 fs at 0.1 Hz) supplied by Thales Optronics[
2.2.8 Multi-national European programmes
ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) is a distributed European infrastructure comprising three pillars situated in the Czech Republic, Romania and Hungary. ELI[
ELI-Beamlines, Dolni Brezany, Czech Republic will provide a range of laser systems for research, not only in the fields of physics and material science, but also in biomedical research and laboratory astrophysics. The beamlines use lasers based on either OPCPA, Ti:sapphire, or a combination of the two to produce pulses ranging from hundreds of millijoules at a kHz up to a kJ beamline (flashlamp pumped mixed Nd-doped glass) firing once a minute. These will be coupled to separate interaction areas or beamlines, allowing a wide range of experiments to be performed. The laser systems are: L1:
The EuPRAXIA (Compact European Plasma Accelerator with Superior Beam Quality) collaboration is the first plasma accelerator collaboration on this scale bringing together 16 European partner laboratories and an additional 24 associated partners from the EU, Israel, China, Japan, Russia and the USA[
2.3 Geographic overview of facilities – Asia
Asia has a long history of operating ultra-high-power laser facilities and has been pioneers in their development and implementation. China, Japan and the South Korea have all had, or have, facilities with world-leading capabilities, described in the sections below. India has only recently commissioned its first petawatt class laser facility.
The Asian Intense Laser Network is an unfunded consortium which uses the ASILS (Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science) conference series and summer schools to maintain interactions between the various groups throughout Asia. The following is a summary, by country/institute, of the ultra-high-power lasers in Asia.
2.3.1 China
China has seen the greatest growth internationally in the development of ultra-high-power lasers and in their applications. This research is clustered around three main cities: Shanghai, Beijing and Mianyang. In Shanghai there are the following research institutes: SIOM (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics) National Laboratory on High Power Laser and Physics (NLHPLP); SIOM State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics; there is a further site within ShanghaiTech University operated by SIOM; and the Key Laboratory for Laser Plasma (Ministry of Education) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. In Beijing there are high-power lasers situated at the Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics (IOP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Peking University. Mianyang is the location of the Laser Fusion Research Centre operated by the China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP).
At SIOM’s National Laboratory on High Power Laser and Physics (NLHPLP) the first Nd:glass petawatt laser in China was built as an auxiliary beamline to the Shenguang (Divine Light) SG-II high-energy facility[
An additional OPCPA beamline has been recently added to the SG-II facility: the SG-II 5 PW laser facility is designed to deliver
SIOM’s State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics was the home of the first Ti:sapphire petawatt class laser in China which delivered 0.89 PW in 29 fs pulses at 800 nm in 2006[
The first multi-TW OPCPA laser in the world was also developed within the laboratory producing
In the joint laboratory of SIOM and ShanghaiTech University, the team from SIOM’s State Key Laboratory of High Field Laser Physics is constructing SULF (Shanghai Superintense Ultrafast Laser Facility), a new standalone Ti:sapphire laser facility in a purpose-built building (Figure
At the Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas (LLP), Shanghai Jiao Tong University a commercial PULSAR Ti:sapphire laser from Amplitude Technologies operates at 200 TW, delivering 5 J, 25 fs pulses at repetition rates between 5 and 10 Hz[
At the Laser Fusion Research Centre, CAEP, Mianyang SILEX-I was an early Ti:sapphire petawatt class facility. The facility produced 9 J pulses at 30 fs, giving an output power of 286 TW at a repetition rate of 0.15 Hz[
Shenguang-IV (SG-IV)[
There is also a 4.9 PW all-OPCPA laser at Mianyang (CAEP-PW) operating at 800 nm delivering 168.7 J after the final amplifier and 91.1 J post-compressor in 18.6 fs[
The National Laboratory for Condensed Matter, IOP Beijing operates the Xtreme Light III (XL-III) Ti:sapphire facility which generates 32 J in a 28 fs pulse delivering 1.16 PW to target at focused intensities
At the Institute of Heavy Ion Physics, Peking University CLAPA (Compact LAser-Plasma Accelerator) is a dedicated facility for laser-driven plasma accelerator experiments; it includes a 5 J, 25 fs, 5 Hz, 200 TW commercial Ti:sapphire laser supplied by Thales, a plasma accelerator, proton beam transport line and the application platform[
2.3.2 Japan
The Institute of Laser Engineering (ILE), Osaka University is host to the GEKKO XII Nd:glass facility (Figure
Within the GEKKO XII facility, the LFEX (Laser for Fast Ignition Experiment) facility has been commissioned as a fast ignitor[
At the Kansai Photon Science Institute (KPSI), QST (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology), Kyoto, Japan (previously Advanced Photon Research Centre (APRC), JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)), the J-KAREN (JAEA-Kansai Advanced Relativistic ENgineering) Ti:sapphire laser system was the world’s first petawatt class Ti:sapphire facility, generating 0.85 PW in 2003 (28.4 J at 33 fs)[
For laser wakefield electron acceleration, LAPLACIAN (Laser Acceleration PLAtform as a Coordinated Innovative ANchor) is being built at RIKEN SPring-8 Centre, Harima, Japan in the framework of a Japanese national project ImPACT (Impulsing PAradigm Change through disruptive Technologies program). This facility is equipped with a Ti:sapphire laser system specially designed to attain stable electron staging acceleration by LWFA. The concept of the laser system was designed by Osaka University and installed by Amplitude Systems. A laser beam from an oscillator is divided into three beams, which are amplified and compressed to provide three beams of 1 J/20 fs at 10 Hz, 2 J/50 fs at 5 Hz and 10 J/100 fs at 0.1 Hz. These beams are then provided to an injector, a phase rotator, and a booster, respectively, with minimum timing jitter. The laser parameters for each stage can be controlled independently to maximize the total performance of the electron acceleration.
At SACLA, the X-ray free electron laser (XFEL) facility, operated by RIKEN SPring-8 Centre, Harima, Japan, there is a Ti:sapphire laser system delivered by Thales Optronique with two 0.5 PW laser beams. This has been commissioned with a maximum energy of 12.5 J in 25 fs at a 1 Hz repetition rate. The laser has been planned as one of the HERMES laser systems, which is coupled to SACLA under a RIKEN-Osaka University collaboration. In 2018 one beam has started operation in combination with SACLA for user experiments at 200 TW (8 J, 40 fs) with a reduced rate of once every few minutes.
The high-power laser community in Japan, led by ILE Osaka, together with KPSI QST, has proposed a concept design of a high-repetition-rate and high-power laser facility J-EPOCH (Japan-Establishment for POwer laser Community Harvest). This facility is a
2.3.3 South Korea
At the Centre for Relativistic Laser Science (CoReLS), Gwangju, South Korea, a petawatt Ti:sapphire laser facility (Figure
At ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) Daejeon, South Korea a 200 TW (5 J in 20 fs) 5–10 Hz PULSAR Ti:sapphire laser system from Amplitude Technologies has been upgraded to 1 PW. The facility is called EXLS (ETRI eXtreme Light Source) and operates at 800 nm, giving 31 J in 22 fs at 0.1 Hz. The 200-mm-diameter beam has
2.3.4 India
The RRCAT (Raja Ramana Centre for Advanced Technology), Indore, Dept of Atomic Energy is the premier Indian institute working in the field of lasers and particle accelerators. In 2012 a 150 TW Ti:sapphire laser operating at 5 Hz was procured from Amplitude Technologies, France. The system provides 3.75 J in 25 fs with a pre-pulse contrast of
3 Discussion of fifty years of ultra-high-power lasers
Since the first demonstration of the laser in 1960 by Theodore Maiman[
Beyond achieving its anticipated goals of reaching the threshold to the ultra-relativistic regime, wherein a free electron oscillating in the laser field is accelerated to near the speed of light (peak intensity
An important contribution to enhance the global capabilities is the recycling of components from national laboratories to academic environments, where their implementation is enhanced by university innovators. In the USA, following the closure of the Nova laser, several internationally recognized lasers were born including: PHELIX at GSI Darmstadt, Germany[
The physics at the laser–target interaction point is strongly governed by the intensity of the laser, although the reporting of peak power has become the standard in defining laser capability. This might be because a direct measurement of the focal intensity is extremely difficult. Researchers have measured the ionization ratio of atoms in the light field (optical field ionization) to assess the focused peak intensities[
It is interesting to note that even the highest-peak-power laser systems (10 PW and beyond) proposed or already in commissioning make no exception to this trend and largely predict intensities of only up to
Despite this observation, the race to even higher peak power is underway (see Section
A representation of the operational limits of high-power/high-energy laser systems is demonstrated in Figure
bandwidth constraints (left diagonal lines);aperture size limits (
Limits on aperture size and damage fluence limits determine the rightmost edges of the operational zones shown, while the B-integral (intensity) limit and max aperture size limit the peak power laser pulses in NIF-size apertures to <10 TW in the 1 J–10 kJ range, as shown. The damage threshold limits and bandwidth constraints of both gold and multi-layer dielectric metre-scale diffraction gratings are also indicated, as is the similar limits for fused silica. The damage threshold data presented by Stuart
The cumulative peak power of high-power laser systems worldwide is shown in Figure
The increasing number of petawatt class lasers has also resulted in a significant increase in publications on science with petawatt lasers, as described in the recently published NAS Report for Opportunities in Brightest Light[
The peak power versus average power of high-peak-power, single-aperture laser systems and its primary pump lasers are shown in Figure
An examination of the average powers of the operating and planned petawatt facilities across the world, shown in Figure
In fact, the high repetition rate (10 Hz) of the HAPLS system is a watershed moment for the community, as it reaches the point at which sophisticated feedback control systems, as opposed to the feedforward designs of the past, can optimize and maintain the spatial focusing and temporal compression of the laser output to near-diffraction-limit values. At repetition rates
Comparing the cumulative average power of petawatt class lasers installed and in construction across the world (Figure
One of the most compelling applications is the realization of a laser-based free electron laser (FEL). FELs are unique X-ray light sources with unprecedented peak brightness, offering insights into matter, molecules, chemistry, biology and so forth, otherwise not accessible. Shrinking the electron accelerator (typically a few tens of GeV) from several kilometres down to a laser-driven plasma accelerator that occupies only a few metres in real estate would allow a dramatic cost reduction and enlarging the user base of these unique light sources[
High-power lasers have, over the preceding five decades, illuminated entirely new fields of scientific endeavour, as well as made a profound impact on society. While the United States pioneered lasers and their early applications, it has been eclipsed in the past decade by highly effective national and international networks in both Europe and Asia.
4 Future technologies
In order to realize petawatt class laser facilities operating at ever shorter pulses, higher energies and higher repetition rates require advanced technologies to be developed. In this section we examine the various technologies which point the way to design these future systems. The section is broken down into three main subsections:
Ultra-high-power developmentHigh-average-power developmentEnabling technologies.
4.1 Ultra-high-power development
The drive to deliver ever-increasing powers is driven largely by a desire to achieve ever-increasing intensities to target to achieve focused intensities
The journey to 100 PW OPCPA systemsAlternative 100 PW schemesPlasma amplifiers.
4.1.1 The journey to 100 PW OPCPA systems
OPCPA was first demonstrated by Dubietis
The first terawatt OPCPA laser was demonstrated at the Central Laser Facility in the UK by Ross
Further progress towards scaling to the petawatt level was possible after the discovery of ultra-broadband phase-matching at 911 nm wavelength in DKDP crystal[
Later the FEMTA laser was built at the Russian Federal Nuclear Center in Sarov (Nizhny Novgorod region). The scheme was the same as PEARL but the final OPCPA amplifier was pumped by a 2 kJ Nd:glass slab laser LUCH[
The technique has now moved on with the demonstration, or plans to construct, multi-petawatt OPCPA lasers at a number of institutions in Europe, USA and China, described in the facility review section of this paper. The technique is scalable with plans to use it at several laboratories globally to generate powers of up to 200 PW.
At the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE), University of Rochester, USA, technologies are being developed for using the OMEGA EP beamlines to pump an ultra-intense OPCPA system, called EP-OPAL (Optical Parametric Amplifier Line)[Advanced gratings; large-aperture DKDP; specialized optical coatings for large-aperture mirrors.Wavefront control, adaptive optics, and two-stage focusing to maximize focused intensity.Ultra-short-pulse laser diagnostics and broadband dispersion control.Laser subsystem development including broadband front end and OPA gain adjustment.
A common feature of the exawatt scale (
The original concept of ELI was for there to be a fourth pillar, to study ultra-high field science. This facility was to use a coherent superposition of up to ten 20 PW beamlines to produce 200 PW to target[
At the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Nizhny Novgorod XCELS (Exawatt Centre for Extreme Light Studies) was proposed as a megascience project. The design is based on phase-locking of 12 laser channels, each of them a copy of the PEARL laser upgraded by additional OPCPA amplification, each delivering up to 15 PW[
An ambitious project led by SIOM, Shanghai, China is the Station of Extreme Light (SEL, Figure
The Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, Japan has proposed a conceptual design of laser delivering 500 J in 10 fs (50 PW), named GEKKO-EXA. The OPCPA chain has three stages generating 1 PW, 10 fs at 100 Hz; 20 PW, 10 fs at 0.01 Hz and a final stage delivering 50 PW, 10 fs at a shot on demand. The concept is based on laser pumping of p-DKDP crystals, with the first stage pumped by a DPSSL, the second stage by a split disk amplifier producing 2.7 kJ in a sub-ns beam at 532 nm, and the third stage using one of the output beams of the LFEX facility generating 6.4 kJ in a sub-ns beam at 532 nm[
To explore exawatt laser physics, a super-intense ultra-short laser project, named SG-II SuperX, is planned at SIOM, China. SG-II SuperX is a multi-beam high-efficiency OPCPA system pumped by the eight 2
In phase 1, SG-II 5 PW, the single-beam OPCPA system pumped by the SG-II facility at partial capacity, is used to verify the feasibility of large-aperture efficient and stable OPCPA technology.In phase 2, the full capacity of two SG-II beamlines will be used for pumping two OPCPA beams to demonstrate high-power ultrafast coherent beam combining (CBC) technology. The two OPCPA beams will be compressed, coherently combined and focused onto target, yielding 35 PW
The next decade will see a dramatic increase in development work across the globe for the delivery of
4.1.2 Alternative
In the previous subsection we discussed the generation of Compression after Compressor Approach (CafCA)
The main limitation of laser power is the damage threshold and physical size of diffraction gratings. It is not possible to increase the pulse energy after grating compression, but laser power may be increased by pulse shortening. The technique described here is called Compression after Compressor Approach (CafCA) and is based on spectral broadening by self-phase modulation (SPM) in nonlinear plates and eliminating the spectral phase through chirped mirror(s). This idea has been successfully used in mJ pulse energy systems since the 1980s, but power scaling was limited by the aperture of gas-filled capillaries and self-focusing.
In 2009 Mironov
The most detailed numerical studies[
In pulse duration, CafCA is limited by the single-cycle pulse, roughly an order of magnitude shorter than current CPA and OPCPA limits. In energy CafCA is limited by the laser-induced damage threshold of the chirped mirrors, which is much higher than the current grating damage threshold[ Nexawatt
Currently, scaling of petawatt lasers to higher pulse energy and peak powers is limited by several things: intensity-dependent damage thresholds of post-compression and final focusing optics, insufficient stretched pulse durations needed to avoid damage to amplifier and transport optics, and a lack of pre-amplifier bandwidth to support shorter pulse durations.
The Nexawatt concept[
The existing main amplifiers do not require any changes to achieve 25 kJ output; however, significant work to the pre-amplifier sections of the beamline must be done to include optical parametric and Nd:silicate amplification stages. This will provide the necessary joule-level seed energy and bandwidth required to support the amplification of 100 fs pulses.
Damage to final optics is avoided by increasing beam area via splitting the beam prior to compression and then coherently recombining the beams prior to focusing, where peak intensities of
4.1.3 Plasma amplifiers
Raman (and later Brillouin) scattering was first discovered in solid-state physics[
Numerical simulations of Raman and Brillouin amplification have been performed using a multitude of models. Examples of Raman amplification modelling are shown in Figure
In addition to Raman scattering, Brillouin scattering can also be used to amplify and compress laser pulses in plasma (Brillouin amplification). In order to reach high powers and intensities, Brillouin amplification will take place in the so-called ‘strong coupling’ regime, where the ponderomotive pressure by the EM fields dominates over the thermal pressure of the plasma electrons. The principles of the Brillouin amplification process in plasma have been developed by Andreev
The differences between Raman and Brillouin amplification can be summarized as follows. Raman amplification will achieve the highest intensities, powers and pump-to-signal compression ratios, but requires the frequencies of pump and signal to be separated by the plasma frequency, a separation which depends on the plasma density and may be difficult to achieve in experiments. It is therefore more sensitive to fluctuations in the laser and plasma parameters. Brillouin amplification achieves lower intensities, powers and pump-to-signal compression ratios, but the frequency difference between pump and signal is usually smaller than the signal pulse bandwidth. This means that pump and signal pulses can have the same carrier frequency and thus be generated by the same laser source, making Brillouin amplification experiments easier to design and less sensitive to laser and plasma parameter fluctuations.
Numerous plasma-based Raman amplification experiments have been conducted since the publications by Malkin, Shvets and Fisch[
The work at Princeton culminated in an experiment by Ren
The Livermore experimental results report[
The Strathclyde campaign on Raman amplification has been backed up by theoretical and numerical work[
At LULI research on Brillouin and Raman amplification has consisted of a number of experiments. The early experiments showed significant spectral amplification but the pump-to-signal energy transfer was limited to only 0.1%–0.3% of the total pump energy[
On the whole, Raman amplification in plasma has been more successful in theory[
Furthermore, novel laser amplification techniques such as OPCPA[scalability to other wavelengths;scalability of signal pulse parameters with pump intensity and duration; andamplification of higher-order laser modes, rather than just Gaussian.
The nature of the Raman backscattering instability allows it to be scaled in various ways. First of all, it can be scaled to various wavelengths, to allow the amplification, for instance, infrared light (for example, the third harmonic of a 1054 nm laser at 351 nm)[
Finally, Raman amplification can be used to amplify higher-order laser modes (for example, Laguerre–Gaussian or Hermite–Gaussian). The nonlinearity of the Raman process can be exploited to: (i) create new modes from old ones[
4.2 High-average-power development
The petawatt facilities described in Section
HAP gas-cooled architecturesScaling petawatt class lasers beyond 10 kWCryo-HAP laser developmentCoherent beam combiningTime-domain pulse combiningTemperature-insensitive OPCPA.
4.2.1 HAP gas-cooled architectures
The general recipe for making high-average-power lasers is to significantly reduce the laser gain medium heat intake and optimize the extraction of heat. Furthermore, operating the laser amplifier in a steady-state regime becomes important for stability, repeatability and management of thermal stress in the amplifier. Typical heat-induced, deleterious effects resulting on the system are stress-induced birefringence, thermal lensing or thermo-optic distortion.
Flashlamps energize most of today’s Nd-doped pump lasers and are feasible for pumping Ti:sapphire-based petawatt lasers up to 0.1 Hz. Only a fraction of the flashlamp’s broadband optical emission is used for optical inversion in the pump laser’s gain medium; the other part is directly lost into heat in the amplifier medium. Furthermore, the spectrum from the UV to IR results in a varying loss due to the quantum defect of the gain medium. Therefore, if the repetition rate is increased beyond 0.1 Hz, aperture combining is necessary (i.e., the flashlamp induced heat is distributed over multiple rod amplifiers, effectively increasing the surface area to extract heat). Hence all flashlamp-pumped lasers with repetition rates
Therefore, pumping the laser gain medium in its absorption band with a narrowband source such as laser diodes is preferable. Almost all of the optical energy is absorbed – hence only the quantum defect and ASE losses must be accounted for. The electrical-to-optical efficiency for laser diodes is
The second technology advancement required for average power is the removal of heat. Typically, heat is removed through the edges of the amplifier gain medium, resulting in stress patterns perpendicular to the beam propagation direction, and therefore to large distortions. LLNL pioneered the gas-cooling technique in the early 1980s where heat removal is achieved through face-cooling the amplifier with room-temperature helium gas travelling at ultrasonic speeds. In this case the heat gradient is along the beam propagation axis, resulting in minimal distortions. The first high-energy demonstration of this technique was realized in the Mercury laser system[
The HAPLS pump laser, shown in Figure
A similar technique noteworthy is the thin-disk technology, where conductive cooling through the back-surface of the laser gain medium is achieved. However, the thickness of the disk must be kept small
4.2.2 Scaling petawatt class lasers beyond 10 kW
Scaling the technology of high-peak power lasers to higher average power while maintaining key technological performance requirements is challenging. Operating petawatt class lasers beyond 10 kW average power requires a paradigm shift in laser design. To date, average power increase has been accomplished by scaling: increasing the repetition rate of single-shot laser architectures, in which each shot represents a complete pump/extraction cycle. A new scheme developed by LLNL is multi-pulse extraction (MPE) and is illustrated in Figure
There is no need to pump within a single inverse lifetime, and therefore more efficient, much cheaper CW pump sources can be used that deliver the pump energy over a longer time.Because efficient extraction is not necessary in a single pulse, the extraction fluence is much reduced in the corresponding nonlinear phase as well.Broadband gain media that can be directly pumped by diode become accessible, therefore reducing the number of stages, the overall system complexity, and the number of loss stages.
MPE requires that the gain material has an inverse lifetime significantly less than the desired repetition rate. LLNL conducted a study with over 80 known laser gain media and analysed their suitability for maximum net efficiency, for laser diode pumping (long upper-state lifetime) and for lasing properties consistent with achieving high-peak power operation (100 TW to multi-petawatt).
As shown in Figure
These considerations led to choosing Tm:YLF as the laser amplifier medium for a laser concept termed big aperture thulium (BAT) laser[
The BAT system leverages the HAPLS baseline two-head helium gas-cooled four-pass amplifier design. It amplifies the short pulse directly in the primary laser chain using CPA, avoiding laser-pumped-laser architectures using indirect CPA (diode pumping of the pump laser) that have significantly higher energy loss inherently. Therefore, BAT can operate at electrical-to-optical efficiencies
Operating directly at
Significantly, key operating performances of a full-scale (300 kW) BAT can be effectively anchored on the performance of a ten-times-downscaled prototype BAT laser
In addition to the desired petawatt class secondary source applications, the scalability of the system to higher pulse energy and average power at
4.2.3 Cryo-HAP laser development
Cryogenic high-average-power (cryo-HAP) laser development is a proven route to meeting the demand for systems that can operate at high average powers while maintaining high energies, a prerequisite for a petawatt class laser system.
Cooling the gain media to cryogenic or close to cryogenic temperatures is a long-standing method for improving a number of critical parameters, including the thermal conductivity[
All of these benefits have resulted in a number of groups working on cryo-HAP laser systems based on differing amplifier architectures. For the purposes of this discussion we will define cryo-HAP systems as those that possess the potential to act as a pump or could be scaled to a level suitable for higher-average-power petawatt class operation, and therefore can operate
Active-mirror and TRAM systems typically populate the lower-energy space in this field, with energy currently limited to
The TRAM design was proposed in 2009[
To date, the highest reported energy from a cryo-HAP system has been achieved using multi-slab architectures. Of these the DiPOLE 100 system produced by the UK’s Central Laser Facility is currently the only one to achieve 1 kW operation, with 100 J pulse energies at 10 Hz[
The PENELOPE laser also uses the He-gas-cooling architecture for cryogenic cooling in its main amplifier[
It should be noted that there are examples of high-average-power systems operating at high pulse energies that do not operate at cryogenic temperatures. The most notable examples are the HAPLS system[
To date, the highest reported performance of a cryo-HAP system is operation at the 1 kW level. This has been achieved by an active mirror, at low energies, and a slab system at high energies. If we consider that a high-average-power petawatt class system would require at least tens of joules of energy then the likely candidate for further increases in average power is the slab-based architecture. Such development work has already started at the Central Laser Facility, on a collaborative project with the HiLASE Centre, Czech Republic to increase the repetition rate of DiPOLE systems to 100 Hz. This would be at the 10 J level, with a view to future scaling of the energy where practicable. Such a system would be capable of driving a short-pulse laser at the 100–200 TW level at 100 Hz.
To summarize, gas-cooled HAP laser systems are already operating well above what flashlamp systems can provide and, in the coming years as the technology matures, they will be capable of significantly increasing the average power.
4.2.4 Coherent beam combining
To achieve both high-peak and high-average powers simultaneously might become a reality thanks to a relatively recent[
To date, the highest peak power (
With this in mind, the highest scalable architecture, XCAN project, Ecole Polytechnique-Thales, Palaiseau, France team is developing a 61-channel prototype (Figure
These demonstrations pave the way towards a system required for applications ranging from particle accelerators and nuclear waste transmutation to space debris tracking and mitigation[
4.2.5 Time-domain pulse combining
Coherent spatial beam combining of multiple fibre laser apertures overcomes limitations of individual fibres, and thus enables scaling of the total energy and power, but it does so at the cost of requiring a very large number of parallel channels in a fibre laser array. This is due to the limited energies that are achievable with a fibre-based CPA system. Relatively small beam size and long signal propagation length in a fibre lead to strong nonlinear effects, which confine typical fibre CPA energies to the
Low fibre CPA energies are the result of the fundamental limits on CPA-stretched pulse durations, which cannot exceed a nanosecond range. In solid-state CPA systems, such as Ti:sapphire, large-transverse-aperture crystals can be used to additionally increase CPA energies by a couple of orders of magnitude to reach the full stored energy. Since fibre lasers have constrained transverse apertures, full stored energy can only be accessed by exploiting the time domain – for example, by using coherent pulse combining to artificially extend amplified pulse durations from a nanosecond to at least the hundreds of nanoseconds range.
Recently, a near-complete energy extraction from a fibre amplifier has been achieved using the so-called coherent pulse stacking amplification (CPSA) technique at the University of Michigan, US[
The CPSA approach illustrated in Figure
A different time-domain pulse combining technique, the so-called divided pulse amplification (DPA), has also been demonstrated both at Amplitude Systems, France and at the Helmholtz Institute Jena, Germany[
4.2.6 Temperature-insensitive OPCPA
Owing to the inevitable thermal effects at a high repetition rate, OPCPA with simultaneous high-peak and average powers is a challenge to laser technology[
The phase-matching condition is a major factor that governs nonlinear parametric processes. To enlarge the phase-matching temperature acceptance in second-harmonic generation (SHG), one can select a specific nonlinear crystal with
With this in mind a new phase-matching design of OPCPA has been proposed at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. The non-collinear OPCPA configuration was previously devoted to achieving wavelength-insensitive phase-matching
Furthermore, simultaneous wavelength and temperature-insensitive phase-matching, without the need of additional angular dispersion at seed signal, can be realized if the two non-collinear angles for
4.3 Enabling technologies
The development of mid-infrared lasersImprovements in temporal contrastPlasma opticsGrand challenges
4.3.1 The development of mid-infrared lasers
Most ultra-intense lasers available today operate at wavelengths around one micron. The reason is that the shortest pulses are offered by Ti:sapphire lasers whereas the highest pulse energies are possible with neodymium- and ytterbium-doped materials. Moreover, many passive optical materials with high transparency can be found in the near-infrared (NIR) and there is typically no issue from molecular vibration absorption from the normal atmosphere in this range. The classification of the infrared wavelength regions is often inconsistent. Here we will use the term mid-infrared (MIR) for all wavelengths above about
Many applications of ultra-intense lasers would greatly benefit from wavelengths longer than those available around one micron. This is not obvious since intensity scales with the wavelength
Moreover, the critical plasma density
Another application of high laser intensities is the generation of high harmonics (HHG), where the high-energy cutoff also scales with
The generation of THz pulses with high-intensity lasers is also more efficient if the driver is an MIR laser[
Similar to THz generation, incoherent X-ray generation with lasers can be more efficient with a longer-wavelength driving laser, as was shown for instance by Weisshaupt
Not only do direct laser–matter interactions demand longer wavelengths to optimize the effects, the critical plasma density scaling and therefore the plasma refractive index dependence on wavelength requires the tuning of diagnostic laser pulses to suitable wavelengths. The refractive index of the plasma is given by
All these considerations show that there is a strong demand for high-peak-power lasers in the MIR. Such lasers should be capable of generating high energies as well as short pulses, preferably pulses consisting of only a few cycles. Moreover, laser diode pumping typically offers operation of such lasers at higher repetition rates and, even more importantly, potentially higher long- and short-term stability. Most of today’s petawatt laser designs comprise flashlamp-pumped Nd lasers that are frequency-doubled to pump a Ti:sapphire crystal. Compared to direct diode-pumped short pulse lasers like the POLARIS laser scheme[
Optic parametric amplifiers (OPAs) are a very versatile solution that offers broad bandwidth without significant thermal limitations. Nevertheless, they require a coherent pump with very high performance and good synchronization with the seed pulse. Moreover, starting at one micron, systems will become less efficient in generating longer wavelengths. With a suitable MIR pump, ultra-intense pulses with even longer wavelengths could be efficiently generated by OPAs.
One problem of diode-pumping MIR lasers is that if the quantum defect needs to be small enough, diode lasers with wavelengths well above
Another approach to achieve efficient diode pumping of MIR lasers is to use a cross-relaxation process where a single pump photon will finally produce two excited states. Such a system is offered by the aforementioned Tm
The high potential of Tm-doped solid-state lasers for generating coherent radiation around two microns has already been employed for some time in fibre lasers. A
Volume lasers with Tm-doped materials have also been investigated. A report of 0.8 J output from a Cr:Tm:YAG laser dates back to 2000[
High average power, pulse energy and efficiency show proof that thulium lasers are promising MIR sources. They allow the production of pulses as short as 380 fs[
30 W CW output from Cr:ZnSe was achieved by fibre pumping at
The combination of ultra-broadband transition metal chalcogenides pumped by diode-pumped Tm-doped solid-state lasers offers a promising two-step approach for the generation of ultra-intense laser pulses in the MIR (around
Transition-metal-doped zinc chalcogenides are not the only option for broadband amplifiers pumped by
That optical pumping of
4.3.2 Improvements in temporal contrast
When the first CPA high-power lasers were being built the goal was to deliver the highest focused intensity to target; temporal contrast was not a major concern. However, it became rapidly apparent that any energy delivered to the target before the main laser pulse arrived could radically change the conditions of the interactions[
The energy which can precede the main laser pulse results from six principal mechanisms (Figure
Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) from conventional laser amplifiers. This lasts for the lifetime of the laser ion used in the amplifier and/or the pump duration, typically hundreds of microseconds. If a regenerative amplifier is used, pedestals of the
The final contrast of a petawatt class laser is influenced by the design of many subsystems.
In systems with short (
These processes are similar to ps-OPA in that they generate temporally clean seed pulses for the main amplification stage of a laser. However, these seed pulses still need to be stretched to nanosecond durations for further amplification, which can lead to other effects limiting the contrast.
In multi-passed, imaged amplifiers, ghost foci from the lenses can cause pre-pulses to be formed which lead the main pulse out of the amplifiers. This effect led to the Texas Petawatt system being redesigned by replacing the lenses in their beamline with off-axis parabolic reflectors[
The other approach is frequency-doubling the beam post-compression. This requires very large, thin doubling crystals, to minimize nonlinear phase issues; and a series of dichroic mirrors post-compression to reject the unconverted fundamental. Conversion efficiencies of
Alternative schemes have been developed for short-pulse gas lasers, such as the nonlinear Fourier filter[
A huge amount of work has been undertaken to provide the cleanest possible laser pulse, yet as the peak power of lasers increases so does the importance of contrast. Future facilities could rely on coherent beam combining to achieve the highest possible focused intensities, which gives the possibility of slightly mistimed beams producing interference which could throw energy from the main pulse into satellite pulses. Short pulses at large apertures are susceptible to spectral clipping in compressors, along with localized wavefront and phase errors[
4.3.3 Plasma optics
As an optical wave propagates from vacuum into plasma it experiences a wavelength- and density-dependent refractive index which acts to refract it away from higher densities (see Equation (
Initial studies in the early 1990s with nanosecond laser contrasts of
Recently, it has been observed that by utilizing a suitable picosecond-scale pre-pulse on the surface of a plasma mirror, the scale length can be optimized[
At intensities of
Utilizing the nonlinear plasma response has been used to produce shorter (
4.3.4 Grand technological challenges
As petawatt/exawatt laser systems are developed in the future there are a number of grand challenges facing the community to realize their potential. In this section we have briefly examined four areas which need to be addressed:
Advanced opticsLaser diagnosticsPlasma diagnosticsTarget fabrication. Advanced optics
The performance limits of optical components are of crucial importance in realizing the potential of petawatt systems. The principal limitation dictating the energy and power available on target is usually laser-induced damage of the compressor gratings, where energetic short pulses are first exhibited in a beamline[
The effective grating aperture may be increased by tiling multiple gratings (and/or other transport optics)[
Controlling the wavefront through the compressor is important to minimize spatiotemporal coupling and realize the highest intensities. Adaptive optics systems both before and after compression can address this issue.
When operating with high repetition frequencies and high average power, the thermal loading on the optics and opto-mechanics becomes significant. For example, control of the zero-order beam from gratings is necessary to avoid local heating of components. Absorption within optical components must also be minimized. High-repetition-rate systems also require laser gain media suitable for diode pumping. Materials with a broader gain bandwidth, such as Nd:glass, may be used for direct CPA lasers, or for pumping Ti:sapphire or OPCPA systems. Narrowband systems may only be used as pump sources.
Future OPCPA systems with very high energy will require developments in gain media. For example, highly deuterated (
Improvements in optics performance are expected to plateau unless advances in optical metamaterials[ Laser diagnostics
While high-power lasers can generate extreme conditions of matter, for the physics to be understood the laser must be well characterized and diagnosed at the point that hits the target. The key parameters required for each experiment differ, but consistency and control of the delivery of energy is essential to reproducible science. With the increase in peak and average power of new laser systems, new challenges have come to the fore.
The traditional method of diagnosing a laser is subsampling a beam through a pick off or leak through an optic before reducing it down and sending it to a suite of diagnostics. This becomes increasingly difficult as broad bandwidths and high intensities become the norm. The impact of nonlinear effects on material dispersion means that the diagnostic beam can be radically different from the main beam[
All of the exawatt class facilities currently proposed rely on combining many beams at target to reach the highest intensities. In order to ensure full coherent combination, the full spatiotemporal information of the beams must be measured, including intensity and phase in time and space domains. Advanced diagnostics are therefore required to reconstruct the E-field, such as STRIPED FISH[
With increased repetition rates the rate at which diagnostic data is produced increases dramatically. Analysis and optimization of the system can be performed in real time and automated[
At the other extreme for single-shot facilities the demand for increased information about the pulse as delivered at focus increases. Techniques that had previously been used in a scanning operation, such as high-dynamic-range contrast measurements, now need to be converted to single shot[
All of the aforementioned diagnostics use small optics and are sensitive to wavefront (including pointing) and some require small time-bandwidth products. On large aperture laser systems those are often a challenge. Furthermore, beam sampling and the beam transport to the diagnostics station are challenging due to B-integral and other nonlinear effects.
Finally, most high intensity laser applications require highest intensities but the community still lacks an online diagnostic that measures intensity directly. None of these challenges are insurmountable, but new techniques will need to be developed and matured to a point that they can leave the lab and become reliable facility diagnostics. Plasma diagnostics
Measuring the radiation, particles, physical states and energy flows present within the broad range of plasmas generated during the interaction of a petawatt class laser with matter[
The target chamber and environment surrounding a high-intensity interaction[large fluxes of energetic particles (primarily electrons[
By designing and controlling the interaction geometry to reduce[
A significant challenge facing the laser-plasma community is to deliver new, matched detectors capable of taking advantage of the short-pulse nature of laser-driven secondary sources to obtain higher-quality, higher-resolution measurements for both scientific studies and applications. This will be an area where development and new approaches and techniques are needed (for instance, efficient hard X-ray detectors with few-ps resolution would enhance backscatter imaging[
State-of-the-art hardware and infrastructure are allowing facilities to take advantage of the many new advances within the electronics/telecommunications industries, where data transfer rates of multi-GHz are now commonly available. Combining such high data flow rates with the broad range of opportunities for encoding and accessing plasma parameters will enable the next generation of laser facilities to greatly extend our diagnostic capabilities, resolutions and understanding of laser-driven interactions. Advanced high-repetition-rate diagnostics and techniques will not only enable new scientific measurements and discoveries to be made, but as laser-driven sources mature, facilities will be able to improve the quality, stability and level of control possible within the plasma and secondary source environment, enabling novel and more advanced studies and applications to be undertaken for the first time. Target fabrication
Future target fabrication challenges can be broadly split into two main areas:targets for high-repetition-rate ultra-high-power laser systems;complex targets for multi-beam high-energy facilities, usually coupled to petawatt class beam capability.
Each of these areas has challenges to overcome to deliver the highly complex targets that are required by the respective user communities.
The commissioning of new high-repetition-rate facilities such as the ELI pillars will require a significant and fundamental change in the way targets are delivered, due to the large numbers needed to field experiments. With petawatt lasers at shot rates that are of the order of 10 Hz for ELI-BL[
The requirements for these and other high-power laser systems, such as the European XFEL, Gemini (UK), CLPU (Spain), Apollon (France), are well defined in a recent review of target fabrication needs[
In addition to a range of high-repetition-rate laser systems there are many multi-beam high-energy facilities that are open to the academic community to carry out fundamental science experiments. The National Ignition Facility (NIF) has a discovery science program with 41 shots dedicated to this in 2018[
5 Conclusion
This review of petawatt and exawatt class lasers has attempted to provide a snapshot in time of the state-of-the-art of the global capabilities in the ultra-high-power environment. The profusion of these facilities in national laboratories and university departments is largely due to some key developments – not least, the invention of the technique of CPA. Part of the motivation for this review is to provide a tribute to the work of Donna Strickland and Gerard Mourou as the inventors of CPA and to whom the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded.
We have presented a comprehensive overview of the current status of petawatt class lasers worldwide. We have described over 50 facilities that are, or have been, operational, under construction, or in the planning/conceptual phase. Many of these facilities are coupled and synchronized to other sources, such as nanosecond lasers, XFELs, particle beams and z-pinches.
The evolution of such facilities, and the science they have enabled, has been placed in a historical context, describing how the early pioneering work in the US has today been progressed, notably in Europe and Asia. Increasingly, as technology advances, high-average-power machines are being constructed in preference to single-shot facilities. Meanwhile, work continues apace to increase peak powers to the highest possible values.
In looking to the future, we have described some of the technologies that will lead to the next generation of lasers: delivering higher peak powers for fundamental research; and higher average powers relevant to applications. In looking through our crystal ball it is not clear what these facilities will look like 10, 20 or even 50 years from now, but it promises to be a fascinating journey.
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Colin N. Danson, Constantin Haefner, Jake Bromage, Thomas Butcher, Jean-Christophe F. Chanteloup, Enam A. Chowdhury, Almantas Galvanauskas, Leonida A. Gizzi, Joachim Hein, David I. Hillier, Nicholas W. Hopps, Yoshiaki Kato, Efim A. Khazanov, Ryosuke Kodama, Georg Korn, Ruxin Li, Yutong Li, Jens Limpert, Jingui Ma, Chang Hee Nam, David Neely, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Rory R. Penman, Liejia Qian, Jorge J. Rocca, Andrey A. Shaykin, Craig W. Siders, Christopher Spindloe, Sándor Szatmári, Raoul M. G. M. Trines, Jianqiang Zhu, Ping Zhu, Jonathan D. Zuegel. Petawatt and exawatt class lasers worldwide[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2019, 7(3): 03000e54
Category: Reviews
Received: Mar. 10, 2019
Accepted: Jun. 21, 2019
Posted: Jun. 24, 2019
Published Online: Aug. 26, 2019
The Author Email: Colin N. Danson (