During the last decade many laboratories around the world (CERN, KEK, JINR, PITZ, SLAC) focused on development and implementation of laser-driven photocathodes for electron injection in linear accelerators (photoinjectors) [
Photonics Research, Volume. 5, Issue 4, 293(2017)
Fiber laser with random-access pulse train profiling for a photoinjector driver
We report on the design and performance of a fiber laser system with adaptive acousto-optic macropulse control for a novel photocathode laser driver with 3D ellipsoidal pulse shaping. The laser system incorporates a three-stage fiber amplifier with an integrated acousto-optical modulator. A digital electronic control system with feedback combines the functions of the arbitrary micropulse selection and modulation resulting in macropulse envelope profiling. As a benefit, a narrow temporal transparency window of the modulator, comparable to a laser pulse repetition period, effectively improves temporal contrast. In experiments, we demonstrated rectangular laser pulse train profiling at the output of a three-cascade Yb-doped fiber amplifier.
During the last decade many laboratories around the world (CERN, KEK, JINR, PITZ, SLAC) focused on development and implementation of laser-driven photocathodes for electron injection in linear accelerators (photoinjectors) [
Usually, a laser driver for a photoinjector should irradiate identical pulses (hereinafter we call them micropulses) at a repetition rate of several megahertzs, grouped into pulse trains (macropulses) with several tens of microseconds duration and 1–100 Hz repetition rate. Depending on the choice of the photocathode material, an output wavelength of the laser driver and a demanded micropulse energy are defined. The most widely used today are cesium-telluride high quantum efficiency photocathodes. They require 1–10 μJ energy at a wavelength of around 270 nm to generate electron bunches with nC-level charge.
An adaptive correction of a macropulse envelope is a particular problem of photoinjector laser design. Much research has been made on macropulse amplification with a rectangular temporal profile, but none helps us to cope with distortions in other elements of the scheme [
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In this research, we designed a fiber laser integrated with an adaptive acousto-optic system providing programmable random access micropulse control. This laser system was designed in IAP RAS as a front-end part intended for a novel photoinjector driver with 3D pulse shaping by means of volume chirped Bragg gratings [
Figure 1.Simplified block diagram of the photocathode laser driver. FA1, FA2, FA3, fiber amplifiers; HG, harmonic generator; SYNC, electronic synchronization unit; OSC, digital oscilloscope; PC, computer; AWG, arbitrary waveform generator; GEN, RF generator. Yellow on black are radiation oscillograms; blue on white are temporal transmission profiles of the scheme elements. Dashed blocks (non-fiber elements) are under development in the described laser system.
There are three cascades of fiber amplification (FA) in the system. The final stage is planned to be a powerful solid-state amplifier (SSA). Thus, we managed to avoid preliminary amplification in thick fiber and to work with single-mode Yb-doped fibers pumped continuously through the core. Such amplifiers can be entirely assembled of standard telecommunication components; they are cheap and reliable. Some modules (not shown at the scheme) are also installed between the FA cascades for micropulse time profiling. These modules introduce significant power loss, which makes the problem of luminescence amplification in Yb-doped fiber more urgent and increases the demand for the AOM as a temporal gate. Because the fiber amplifiers are continuously pumped, saturation of amplification leads to a monotonously decreasing distorted macropulse envelope. The pulse energy in the fiber amplifier is limited by cubic nonlinearity self-modulation.
The final stage of the system is a free space SSA. By using a pulsed pump in a “prepumping” regime, high peak power in the output macropulse can be achieved [
After the SSA, laser radiation is converted into the second and the fourth harmonics in nonlinear crystals. BBO crystal is chosen for the fourth harmonic generator due to its high nonlinearity, and broad synchronism can cause considerable non-monotonous distortion of the macropulse envelope. This effect is caused by generation of temporal (so-called “grey”) absorption centers in nonlinear two-photon absorption processes in crystal volume. “Grey” centers absorb linearly in the broad spectral range. Their accumulation at macropulse duration together with confusing synchronism adjustment (maximal output energy is achieved not in synchronism for the first micropulse of the train) leads to peculiar macropulse distortions [
The pulse control system consists of an AOM with a digital feedback loop, as shown in Fig.
The fiber-coupled AOM is based on a paratellurite single crystal. The incident optical beam, which propagates along the [110] axis, is diffracted by the longitudinal bulk ultrasonic wave propagating along the [001] axis with the phase velocity of 4200 m/s. The difference between the acousto-optic figure of merit
The driver electronic circuit feeding the AOM consists of a single-frequency RF generator with amplitude modulation controlled by programmable arbitrary waveform generator (AWG). Timing diagram is shown in Fig.
Figure 2.AOM synchronization diagram: (a) output intensity of the MO; (b) output voltage envelope of the AOM driver; (c) AOM transmission; (d) radiation intensity at the AOM output.
The described electronic control system implements two functions crucial for the application in photoinjectors. First, the sequence of
Because the transmission of the AOM is not a linear function of the driving RF voltage and does not reach 100%, the amplitude response of the system was calibrated and software correction was used. Maximum amplitude of the RF driving signal was about 80% of one corresponding to diffraction efficiency saturation level. This operation regime of the feedback loop provided high throughput of the AOM and prevented undesirable non-monotonous amplitude response resulting from an excessive RF driving power.
Previously demonstrated approaches to correction of laser pulse train envelope can be divided into two types: (1) rectangular macropulse amplification and (2) compensation for distortions of arbitrary nature. First attempts of rectangular macropulse amplification have been made at the time when the flash lamp pumping was widely used. Pump pulses of flash lamps are usually bell-shaped with duration of an order of laser transition lifetime. Superposition of several delayed pump pulses can make time dependence of amplifier gain close to a plateau [
When diode pump sources became available, many scientific groups chose a way of amplification in steady-state regime reached in the presence of amplified signal [
A universal macropulse envelope correction method has been proposed and implemented in Ref. [
Our experiment shows the macropulse shape correction after the second FA stage using the AOM installed in the laser driver scheme. For a highly efficient amplification, we have to work in the essentially nonlinear regime of the amplifier, which leads to a decreasing macropulse envelope when amplification saturation is approached. To obtain a rectangular envelope at the output, we need to precompensate for gain inhomogeneity by setting a programmable time-dependent AOM transmission.
Experimental macropulse shapes at the second fiber amplifier output with preliminary envelope correction and without correction are compared in Fig.
Figure 3.Macropulse envelope at the second fiber amplifier output: “W/o correction,” rectangular input macropulse; “Correction,” precompensated input macropulse.
Despite certain losses in the AOM (in the correction experiment total transmission was 85%), output laser power changed slightly due to amplification saturation (Fig.
Figure 4.Average micropulse energy inside pulse train dependence on pump control current at the second fiber amplifier output: “W/o correction,” rectangular input macropulse; “Correction,” precompensated input macropulse, rectangular output macropulse; “Continuous input,” a continuous chain of micropulses at the amplifier input.
Besides all the advantages of fiber amplifiers, they also have one important drawback. In fiber amplifiers, luminescence propagates through the same optical path as the signal, which is contrary to SSAs where it is irradiated into a broad angle. Under certain conditions, luminescence can be amplified, reducing inversion and signal power. If the amplification coefficient is high enough, a free-running mode appears. The problem is aggravated by the chosen active medium. Ytterbium has a wide amplification spectrum in a specific shape with three maxima and easily amplifies luminescence in the lack of input signal.
Consequently, the fiber part output can include a considerable portion of noise, which is difficult to recognize. For example, if in a continuous pulse chain with our parameters amplified luminescence comes to a half of total power, signal-to-noise ratio exceeds 4000. In this case, the noise cannot be detected in time domain by an oscilloscope. One can only evaluate it approximately in the spectral domain. If luminescence is distinguishable from the signal at the spectrometer display, and a certain number of pulses arrive during the exposure time, the resulting spectra are expected to be proportional to micropulse and noise power, respectively.
If FA includes several cascades, luminescence from one cascade may be amplified in another and grow up to free-running emerges. We faced the problem of all the three cascades’ amplification simultaneous optimization with minimal noise level. The problem is not so critical for the first amplifier because continuous micropulse train effectively takes the inversion off preventing luminescence emission. According to the AOM transmission diagram (see Fig.
A high-performance front-end fiber laser system for photocathode driving and subsequent electron injection in a linear accelerator has been designed and commissioned. An acousto-optic system installed between the fiber amplifier stages for adaptive precompensation of the macropulse envelope demonstrated high efficiency and adaptivity of macropulse control. Stable rectangular laser macropulses were obtained after the multistage fiber amplifier with fluctuations of less than 2% (both inhomogeneity of the macropulse and shot-to-shot instability). The architecture of the driver electronics allows using light intensity at the output of the whole laser system as the feedback signal for macropulse envelope correction. Our experiments allow us to conclude that a programmable AOM with a narrow temporal transmission window is almost indispensable for repeating pulse energy deviations’ compensation and luminescence suppression.
An acousto-optic high-performance macropulse profiling system implemented in this research has the capability of advanced pulse train controlling, which can be useful in applications not limited to photoinjectors. Such options as random access micropulse selection and arbitrary amplitude control can be easily implemented by the software. This enables generation of coded and pseudorandom pulse sequences of high fidelity. Using the AOM does not deteriorate the time stability of the laser system, which is determined by the self-mode-locking in the fiber MO, which ensures low optical jitter.
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Ekaterina I. Gacheva, Anatoly K. Poteomkin, Sergey Yu. Mironov, Viktor V. Zelenogorskii, Efim A. Khazanov, Konstantin B. Yushkov, Alexander I. Chizhikov, Vladimir Ya. Molchanov, "Fiber laser with random-access pulse train profiling for a photoinjector driver," Photonics Res. 5, 293 (2017)
Category: Lasers and Laser Optics
Received: Feb. 24, 2017
Accepted: May. 7, 2017
Published Online: Oct. 10, 2018
The Author Email: Konstantin B. Yushkov (aocenter@misis.ru)