The 3-3 piezoelectric composites are widely used in ultrasonic sensors, underwater acoustic detection and other fields. The lead zirconate titanate(PZT) ceramics are expected to prepare the composites with the advantages of low dielectric constant and low brittleness. The PZT that has three-dimensional wood pile structure support is prepared by direct ink writing technology and combined with epoxy resin filled by impregnation method, the 3-3 PZT/epoxy piezoelectric composites are prepared. The effects of the ceramic phase volume fraction on the dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of 3-3 PZT/epoxy piezoelectric composites are studied, and the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of PZT ceramic support and PZT/epoxy composites are compared. With the increase of the volume fraction of ceramic phase, the dielectric constant, piezoelectric constant and residual electric polarization of the composites increases, and the PZT support has higher dielectric constant, piezoelectric constant and piezoelectric voltage constant. When the volume fraction of ceramic phase is 36%, the piezoelectric voltage constants of PZT support and PZT/epoxy are up to 151 mV·m/N and 104 mV·m/N, respectively. The PZT/epoxy composites have the advantages of hardness and electrical properties of piezoelectric ceramics, as well as flexibility and low density of polymers, and have a good application prospects.
Using the Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3-Pb(Zr0.41Ti0.59)O3(PNN-PZT) as the basic system, the phase structure, microstructure and electric properties of PNN-PZT ceramic samples are analyzed by adjusting the mass of sintering aids CuO (x%) and LiBiO2 (y%) according to the mass ratio, and the effects of sintering aids on the ceramic samples are discussed. The results show that the ceramics are sintered into ceramics at 940-960 ℃, and the grain growth is more adequate. When x=0.2, y=1, the ceramic samples have optimal electric properties with piezoelectric constant d33 of 608 pC/N, electromechanical coupling coefficient kp of 0.65, dielectric loss tan δ of 2.19%, and dielectric constant εr of 3 843. A stacked piezoelectric actor with size of 7 mm×7 mm×36 mm is prepared by using the ceramic powders with the sintering aids mass ratio of x=0.2 and y=1, and its microstructure morphology and displacement characteristics are investigated. The cross-sectional microstructure of stacked piezoelectric actuator shows that the electrode layer was closely bonded to the ceramic layer and no cracks and gaps are created. The displacement test results show that with the increase of voltage, the displacement also gradually increases, and the maximum displacement is 46.280 μm at 150 V.As the displacement increases, the hysteresis decreases gradually.
The 1-3 piezoelectric composites have great significance for the development of high-performance piezoelectric transducers due to its excellent electromechanical coupling properties. The 1-3 PZT/E-poxy composites with different structural parameters are fabricated by low-cost dice-fill process, and the piezoelectric properties, electromechanical response characteristics and temperature stability are systematically studied combined with the finite element simulation method. The 1-3 array structure produces a large attenuation of plane strain, which cause more concentrated energy in the thickness resonance mode. The aspect ratio of composites is the main factor affecting the electromechanical coupling performance, and the finer array structure is beneficial to the fabrication of high-performance piezoelectric transducers. The 1-3 piezoelectric composites show excellent temperature stability in the common temperature range from -20 ℃ to 60 ℃, while the thickness electromechanical coupling coefficient remains at about 0.61 with the change rate less than 1%.
In this paper, the phase structure, microstructure, dielectric properties and piezoelectric properties of (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Zr0.09Ti0.91-2xSnxGex)O3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics doped with different amounts of Sn and Ge were studied by the traditional solid-state reaction method. The results show that the crystal is still a single perovskite structure after doping Sn and Ge, and there is no obvious second phase, but the doping causes the change of the internal lattice of the crystal. With the increase of Sn and Ge doping amount, the piezoelectric constant and the electromechanical coupling coefficient show a trend of increasing first and then decreasing. When the doping mass ratio of Sn and Ge is that x=0.032, the highest curie temperature of the system is 122 ℃.
The (K0.5Na0.5)0.98Li0.02Nb0.77Ta0.18Sb0.05O3 (LTS-KNN) lead-free piezoelectric ceramics are successfully prepared by the traditional solid-state method at the sintering range of 1 110-1 150 ℃. All samples show good crystallinity without second phase. The piezoelectric ceramics sintered at 1 130 ℃ are well-densified and have good piezoelectric properties. By adjusting the polarization electric field and polarization temperature, the polarization degree of the ceramics can be improved, and the piezoelectric properties are optimized. The experimental results show that when the sintering temperature is 1 130 ℃, the polarization electric field is 3 kV/mm and the polarization temperature id 60 ℃, the best piezoelectric performances have been obtained, that is, the piezoelectric constant d33 =310 pC/N, the electromechanical coupling coefficient kp=48%.
The (K0.45Na0.55)0.98Li0.02(Nb0.77Ta0.18Sb0.05)O3 (KNLNTS) lead-free piezoelectric ceramics is synthesized by the traditional solid-state method with the sintering temperature of 1 130 ℃. The ceramic samples have good density and electric properties, with a density of 98 %, a piezoelectric constant of 308.7 pC/N, thickness vibration electromechanical coupling factor of 0.5, and dielectric loss of 0.043 at 1 kHz. Using the above-mentioned KNLNTS-based powder as the raw material, the 1-3 piezoelectric composites are prepared by the cutting and filling method, and the effect of thickness on the performance of the composites is studied. It is found that the piezoelectric constant and thickness vibration electromechanical coupling factor Kt both increase with the increase of thickness, the dielectric loss decreases with the increase of thickness, while the relative permittivity remains basically unchanged.
To improve the electrical signal output capability of the flexible and wearable sensors, a 0-3 type piezoelectric composite with polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS) as the substrate and lead zirconate titanate (PZT) as the piezoelectric phase is designed and fabricated. The influence of different solid contents on the rheological property of the slurry is investigated. The results show that the viscosity and shear modulus of the slurry increase with the increase of the mass fraction of the Ag-coated PZT. The yield point of the slurry with w(PZT)=38% is 398.1 Pa, which has the best printability. In the electrical signal test, the highest peak-to-peak voltage of the Ag-coated sample is nearly 5 times larger than that of the sample without Ag-coated. Under the bending test conditions, the sample withΔL=7 cm shows a peak-to-peak voltage of 55 mV, which proves that the sample has flexible sensing performance.
The 0.75Pb(Zr1/2Ti1/2)O3-xPb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-(0.25-x)Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3 (0.75PZT-xPZN-(0.25-x)PNN, x = 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20) ceramics were prepared with conventional solid-state method, the effects of different x values on the crystal structure, sintering characteristics,microstructure, and the dielectric,ferroelectric,piezoelectric properties of ceramics were investigated.The result showed that the rhombohedral and tetragonal phases coexisted in the ceramics and the components were located near the MPB when x= 0.10~0.20. As the PZN content increased, the rhombohedral phase decreased, the tetragonal phase increased, and the dielectric constant (εT), piezoelectric constant (d33), electromechanical coupling coefficient (kp) and transduction coefficient(d33×g33) increased firstly and then decreased.When x=0.15, the ceramics with the composition of 0.75PZT-0.15PZN-0.10PNN showed excellent properties with εT = 1 850, tan δ=0.029, TC= 280 ℃, d33=370 pC/N, and kp=0.67.
With the increasing depth of seismic exploration, the seismic reflection waves continue to develop into the low-frequency band, and the development of low-frequency sensors has become an urgent requirement. In this paper, the PZT-5H based macro fibre composite(MFC) cantilever beam sensors for low-frequency sensing applications are designed and fabricated. Through the finite element simulation and the force-electric coupling analysis, the influences of the substrate material and structural size parameters on the electrical output performance of the MFC cantilever beam structure are investigated, and the structural parameters are optimized, and then the MFC cantilever beam sensor for low-frequency vibration monitoring has been developed. The sensing performance is tested and studied, and the results show that the MFC cantilever beam can well sense the change of low-frequency vibration acceleration, and the acceleration sensitivity is up to 205 mV/g(g=9.8 m/s2) at low frequency of 5-190 Hz.
The organic-inorganic piezoelectric material is a kind of molecular ferroelectric with the advantages of flexibility, flexible structure, easy film formation, solution phase synthesis, environmental protection and energy saving, etc., and can meet the needs of a new generation of thin film devices and wearable devices. In this paper, the organic-inorganic piezoelectric material TMCM-MnCl3 with perovskite molecular structure were prepared by the solution evaporation method with trimethyl halomethyl ammonium (TMXM, X=F, Cl, Br) as the organic part and MnCl2 as the inorganic part. The molecular structure, piezoelectric, thermal, acoustic and ferroelectric properties were characterized. The results show that the piezoelectric constant d33 is 106 pC/N, the Curie temperature is 130 ℃, and the acoustic impedance is about 16.5 MRayl, which is lower than that of the piezoelectric ceramics PZT-4(great than 33 MRayl), and it has broad application prospects.
In response to the urgent demand for high performance microwave composite substrates for high power devices, high density packaging and other microwave communication fields, a new technique combining twin-screw pelletizing and hot press molding is proposed to prepare high thermal conductivity microwave composite substrates with high anti-impact polystyrene (HIPS) as the matrix and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) ceramics as the filler. The microstructure, microwave dielectric properties and thermal properties of the substrates are fully characterized. The results show that the use of h-BN25 with a large particle size of 25 μm is more beneficial than h-BN5 with a small particle size of 5 μm in improving the thermal conductivity λ and reducing the dielectric loss tan δ. As the filling ratio w of h-BN25 increases from 0 to 70%, the thermal conductivity of the HIPS/ h-BN25 microwave composite substrate increases from 0.13 W·m-1·K-1 to 7.43 W·m-1·K-1(in-plane) and 2.55 W·m-1·K-1 (inter-plane), which are 57 and 20 times higher than that of-pure HIPS, respectively, indicating that the above-mentioned preparation technique can realize the directional arrangement of h-BN in the HIPS matrix and build an effective in-plane thermal conductivity network. Meanwhile, the dielectric loss tan δ of the composite substrate is reduced from 7.3×10-4 to 5.3×10-4 (10 GHz), the coefficient of thermal expansion α is reduced from 93.8×10-6/K to 18.7×10-6/K. The HIPS/ h-BN25 microwave composite substrate filled with 70% of h-BN25 ceramic has excellent comprehensive performance, the thermal conductivity λ=7.43 W·m-1·K-1, dielectric constant εr=3.9, dielectric loss tan δ=5.3×10-4 and the coefficient of thermal expansion α=18.7×10-6/K at 10 GHz, which exhibits good application prospects in the field of microwave communication.
As an important device for non-destructive testing (NDT), the air-coupled ultrasonic transducer has a broad application prospect, but duo to the low bandwidth (BW), low sensitivity (SNS, high two-way insertion loss (IL) and other defects resulted from the mismatch between piezoelectric element and air acoustic impedance, its application is limited. The preparation process of air-coupled ultrasonic transducer is optimized in this paper, and the dimension design of piezoelectric elements is simulated by using COMSOL. An air-coupled transducer with operating frequency of 400 kHz is fabricated through regulating the acoustic impedance of piezoelectric elements and air by using 1-3 piezoelectric composite elements with optimizing matching layers of epoxy resin+hollow glass beads.The transducer has a pure thickness at the operating frequency, a wide bandwidth, and sensitivity with a two-way insertion loss of -38 dB. The results show that the air-coupled ultrasonic transducer fabricated by the self-developed process has good performance and great application potential.
As an environmentally friendly piezoelectric material, the (K,Na)NbO3-based (KNN) lead-free piezoelectric ceramics with a high Curie temperature and a tunable phase boundary structure show potential application prospects in the piezoelectric devices and have attracted extensive attention lots of research interesting. In this work, the research progress of KNN-based materials was reviewed from the aspects of phase composition, preparation process and performance control. Especially, its practical application in the field of piezoelectric devices was systematically introduced. Finally, the future research and development direction of KNN and its application in device were summarized and prospected.
Using mixed acid as corrosive liquid to corrode the grain boundaries of ceramic dielectric layer with SEM to observe microstructure, The test results show that the type and concentration of corrosion solution, corrosion time and temperature have significant effects on the corrosion effect. And the most suitable corrosion conditions were: hydrofluoric acid-nitric acid system, configure 2 mL of hydrofluoric acid and 5 mL of nitric acid into a 100 mL solution; the corrosion period of Class2(BaTiO3) ceramics under room temp. of 25 ℃ was 50 s, while Class 1((Sr,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O3) was 15 s.
In recent years, on-chip photonic integration technology has received extensive attention and developed rapidly. However, it is still challenging to achieve optical coupling between optical fiber and chip, and between chip and chip with high efficiency and high reliability. The gratings, possessing many advantages such as easy fabrication, flexible position, large alignment tolerance, and available on-chip testing, have attracted broad interest. Recently, a large number of grating coupling devices have been developed on the silicon-on-insulator(SOI) platform and lithium niobate on insulator(LNOI) platform with high coupling efficiency and large bandwidth. This paper mainly introduces the working principle and main performance specifications of grating couplers. The coupling characteristics and current progress of uniform grating, slanted grating, blazed grating and apodized grating, are described. By comparing the performance of recent works on one-dimensional gratings, it is found that the Bragg mirrors and metal mirrors can improve the grating coupling efficiency. In addition, several LNOI-based grating couplers are also introduced. By combing the development history and state-of-the-art of grating couplers, it is hope that this review could provide useful guidance for future research on grating coupler.
i0.5Na0.5Ti(1-x)HfxO3 (x=0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06) ceramics were made using the conventional solid-state synthesis method in this study. By using XRD and SEM to characterize the phase structure and microsurface, the dielectric and ferroelectric characteristics, but also the connection between specific heat capacity and phase transition, were all investigated. In the study, we regulate the temperature and electric field to control the ferroelectric phase transition. The electrocaloric effect to be close to room temperature is excepted. Finally, the negative electrocaloric effect of ΔT=0.5 K was successfully attained in Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3-0.04Hf ceramics by induced domain switching at 50 ℃ and 70 kV/cm electric field with the aid of Maxwell’s equation and the indirect method.
The rare earth Sm3+ doped (Na0.2Bi0.2Ba0.2Sr0.2Ca0.2)TiO3 high-entropy phosphor (0~0.10 mol) were prepared by solid-state method. The study found that with the increase of Sm3+ concentration, the second phase of Sm2Ti2O7 gradually appeared in (Na0.2Bi0.2Ba0.2Sr0.2Ca0.2)TiO3 high entropy powder, and its luminous intensity changed obviously. When the Sm3+ ions concentration was 0.04mol, a single perovskite structure of the (Na0.2Bi0.2Ba0.2Sr0.2Ca0.2)TiO3 high-entropy powder had a single perovskite structure, and the components of each element were evenly distributed, and exhibited the best fluorescence performance. The (Na0.2Bi0.2Ba0.2Sr0.2Ca0.2)TiO3 high-entropy phosphors showed the pure yellow light emission by doping Sm3+ ions. Under the excitation near ultraviolet light, the color coordinates of (0.515 9,0.471 5), the color temperature of 2 469 K, and the color purity of 83.0% for (Na0.2Bi0.2Ba0.2Sr0.2Ca0.2)TiO3-0.04Sm high-entroy phosphor were obtained. The results show that the (Na0.2Bi0.2Ba0.2Sr0.2Ca0.2)TiO3 high-entropy phosphors have great potential applications in yellow phosphor for white LED.
The Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)0.2(Hf1-xTix)0.8O3 (PZNH1-xTx) perovskite piezoceramics were prepared by a two-step columbite precursor method. The effects of the ratio of Hf and Ti on the phase structure, electrical performance and energy harvesting characteristics were investigated. The results show that x=0.52 is located at the morphotropic phase boundary, and has the optimal comprehensive piezoelectric properties: Curie temperature TC of 287 ℃, figure of merit FOM of 14 753×10-15 m2/N, piezoelectric charge constant d33 of 492 pC/N. In addition, the cantilever beam-type piezoelectric energy harvester constructed from x=0.52 sample exhibited an output power density of up to 4.16 μW/mm3 and the generated power can successfully lit 138 parallel LED lights. The above results show that PZNHT ceramics have good application potential in the field of piezoelectric energy harvesting.
This paper proposed a dual-band film bulk acoustic resonator (FBAR) filter design method based on the wideband branch matching. Based on S-parameter network impedance transformation theory, the principle of broadband matching at the input and output terminals of the filter network is analyzed, and impedance matching branches corresponding to the two FBAR filter bands is designed. Then, the dual-band FBAR filter is constructed by connecting the common terminals of the two filtering networks. The capacitance and inductance of the matching network can be accurately designed on substrate, and the integration of the dual-band filter can be realized by mounting the two FBAR filters on the substrate. Finally, a dual-band filter with center frequencies of 2 492 MHz and 6 000 MHz is designed, fabricated and tested. The test results show that the insertion loss of the two bands are 3.29 dB and 4.91 dB respectively, and the stopband suppression is less than -25 dB, which is in good agreement with the theoretical ones.
In order to break through the detection accuracy of the piezoelectric rain sensor in terms of the particle size of small raindrops, this paper proposes a new type of transducer design structure. The peripheral structure of piezoelectric bimorph is added around the traditional transducer structure. Through the ANSYS transient analysis method, a series of simulation analyses on the voltage at different impact positions of the central arc structure, peripheral piezoelectric bimorph, piezoelectric fiber composite material and the piezoelectric fiber composite bimorph are carried out. At the same time, the impedance characteristics of the piezoelectric fiber composites bimorph caused by different water film thicknesses are simulated and analyzed, and finally the effectiveness of the simulated structure is verified. The results show that this research plays a certain supporting role in improving the sensitivity of raindrop detection and realizing the key technology breakthrough of the new rain sensor.
A rate dependent Prandtl-Ishlinskii(P-I) model is proposed to characterize the rate dependent hysteresis nonlinearity of piezoelectric actuators. Based on the classical P-I model of bilateral Play operator, the polynomial is introduced to modify its central symmetry. On this basis, the rise and fall rate of the driving voltage is introduced into the model parameters to describe its rate correlation. The rate dependent hysteresis characteristics of piezoelectric actuator are tested; the least square algorithm is used to identify the model parameters. The results show that the maximum error range is 0.076~0.190 μm, the root mean square error range is 0.044~0.077 μm, and the relative error is 1.2%~3.2% in the rate range of 0.12~6 V/ms, which verifies the accuracy of the model.
The high interface interconnection quality between the low temperature co-fired ceramic(LTCC)substrate and high silicon aluminum alloy carrier is required for the multichannel T/R module. In order to optimize the welding interface interconnection strength between the large-size LTCC substrate and the high silicon aluminum alloy carrier, the large area LTCC substrate and CE11 high silicon aluminum alloy carrier are designed by the experimental design method, and the welding test is carried out. The main effect method is adopted to identify that the key process factors influencing the welding interface interconnection strength are the cooling slope between the 183~140 ℃ and the welding peak temperature. The regression analysis method is used to establish the relational model between the above-mentioned two types of parameters and the interface wielding strength. The optimal welding process parameters combinations are 0.967 ℃/s for the cooling slope and 230 ℃ for the welding peak temperature by using the Adam algorithm based on the random gradient descent. Based on the optimized process parameters, the interface welding strength of the validated sample is 23.6 Pa, with a relative error of 2.1% from the predicted value of the optimized model, which proves that the study in this paper can predict and significantly improve the interface welding strength after brazing the large-size substrate and the high silicon aluminum alloy carrier.
The lead zirconate titanate(PZT) is widely used in tactile sensors,ultrasonic transducers and other fields because of its high sensitivity,fast response and large piezoelectric constant.First,the principle and fabrication process of PZT-based tactile sensor is described in this paper.Then, the research progress of PZT tactile sensor is summarized from four aspects of material optimization,structure optimization,flexibility optimization and scalability optimization,and its practical applications in the fields of motion detection, medical health and human-computer interaction are discussed.Finally,the shortcomings and future development trend of PZT tactile sensor are analyzed.
At present, there is a lack of research on the selection of PZT size and bonding location during the application of electro-mechanical impedamce technique. The influence of size and bonding location of PZT on the sensor admittance is investigated by designing the comparative experiment. The results show that the local peaks containing the information about the measured structure mainly occur around the resonance frequency bands. The larger the PZT size, the stronger the local dense peaks at the resonant frequency bands. The size selection in the electro-mechanical impedamce technique should have a combination of frequency range selection which should include resonance frequency bands. The bonding locations have an influence on the distribution of the local peaks in the admittance curve. The study results provide a reference for the size selection and bonding location determination of PZT in the application of the electro-mechanical impedamce technique.
In this paper, the research on the initial error compensation of strapdown sea-air gravimeter is carried out. After the gravimeter is turned on, the gravimeter data has a gradually stable process. The error between the unstable value and the stable value in the initial section is estimated, and the error compensation of gravity data is realized. In this paper, the long-term and short-term memory network method is proposed. This method can continuously learn the existing data and predict the future data changes with high accuracy. It is verified that by the measured gravity measurement data that the proposed method has a good error compensation effect, which improves the accuracy and effectiveness of gravity measurement data. The experimental results show that the effect of the measurement error suppression for the initial section of the gravity data is more than 90%, which is of great value for the operation efficiency of the strapdown sea-air gravimeter.
To meet the urgent requirement of new-generation millimeter phased array antenna for the light, thin and small T/R module technology, this paper proposes a Ka-band short-brick T/R module based on the HTCC process, which realizes high-density integration of 8 Tx/Rx channels with a size of 36 mm×33 mm×3 mm. The T/R module has the functions of signal amplification, power dividing and synthesis, and amplitude and phase control. Through the planar transition and shielding design of microwave signals in HTCC substrate, the stable transmission of Ka-band microwave signals in high-density sub-cavities and the good amplitude and phase consistency between different channels are realized. The test results show that the T/R module has a receiving gain of ≥22 dB, a noise figure of ≤5.1 dB, and a transmit output power of ≥23 dBm, which can meet the application requirements of active phased array antennas for the new-generation communication, radar and other equipments.
In this paper, a high performance integrated optical fiber acousto-optic modulator (FAMO) with operating wavelength of 1 550 nm, optical pulse rise time of 16.7 ns, optical pulse delay jitter of 1.5 ns, electric power consumption of 0.72 W(pulse operation mode) and overall size of 59.56 mm×49.48 mm×14.60 mm is designed and fabricated by using the integrated, low-power consumption and thermal simulation design technology of optical fiber acousto-optic modulator(FAOM). The modulator has the advantages of small size and low power consumption. It has a certain role in promoting the development of miniaturized low-power fiber lasers, laser wind radar and fiber-optic distributed sensing systems.
The single ended circulator based on the spatiotemporal modulation(STM) will be affected by the intermodulation products(IMP) very close to the required frequency band due to the mixing between RF input and modulation signal. These intermodulation products will not only cause interference to adjacent channels, but also limit the modulation parameters. By matching two single ended circulators, the single ended circulators in the differential circulator are modulated respectively with the modulation signal of 180° phase difference, which can eliminate the IMP, so as to effectively improve the insertion loss, bandwidth and power handling of circulator, improve the performance of circulator, and significantly relax the requirement of the modulation frequency. This paper describes the basic principle of differential circulator, summarizes its circuit structure, modulation and test methods. The comparative analysis shows that BAW differential circulator exhibits excellent performance in insertion loss, isolation and power consumption, and is expected to replace ferrite circulators in most commercial systems.
Aiming at the problem that the traditional Prandtl-Ishlinskii (PI) model cannot reflect the asymmetric hysteresis characteristics of the piezoelectric gas proportional valve, which makes it difficult to improve the compensation control accuracy, an improved PI model is proposed, which can fit the asymmetric hysteresis curve of the piezoelectric gas flow proportional control valve by adding a third-order polynomial. The improved adaptive particle swarm genetic algorithm is used to identify the required model parameters, and the relative error of the model is 0.007 3%. The model is used for the feedforward compensation control. The experimental results show that the feedforward compensation control based on the hysteresis model can significantly improve the rapidity of the output flow control of the piezoelectric gas proportional valve, and the adjustment time is reduced by 60%.
The piezoelectric microelectromechanical system(MEMS) provides a versatile platform for various high-performance filters, oscillators and sensors, etc.. The aluminum nitride (AlN) MEMS contour mode resonator (CMR) has the advantages of large operating frequency span, high quality factor, small size, ability to integrate multi-frequency devices on a single chip and compatible with integrated circuit(IC) technology, etc., and has good prospects for application. In this paper, the principle, typical structure, fabrication process and applications of AlN MEMS CMR are comprehensively overviewed, and the future developments of CMR technology are analyzed.