Journal of Synthetic Crystals
Shining Zhu
Volume: 51 Issue 2
23 Article(s)

Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 1 (2022)
  • ZHAO Xin, XIE Hua, FANG Shenghao, ZHUANG Wei, and YE Ning

    The optical absorption at 9 μm to 10 μm related to lattice vibration in ZnGeP2 crystal limited its application in the mid- and far-infrared range. To explain the physical mechanism of the infrared cut-off edge and the absorption peak near 9 μm in ZnGeP2, a method combining theoretical calculations and experiments was used. Thus, the ZnGeP2 single crystal was grown by the Bridgman method, and the temperature-dominated and pressure-dominated Raman spectrum of the grown ZnGeP2 crystal were tested. In addition, the vibration frequency of ZnGeP2 in the center of the Brillouin zone, the crystal lattice constant and Raman shift peak under different pressures were calculated based on the first-principles method. Experimental and theoretically calculated results reveal that the frequency of the vibration red shifts with temperature increasing, simultaneously, decrease of intensity and wider half-peak width of the vibration are observed. Besides, the frequency of the vibration blue shifts with pressure increasing, simulatenously, decreases of intensity and wider half-peak width of the vibration are observed.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 185 (2022)
  • LI Jiaxi, XIONG Zhengbin, XIAO Xiao, LIU Xinyao, YU Mengqiu, CHEN Baojun, HUANG Wei, and HE Zhiyu

    CdGeAs2 polycrystalline was synthesized by temperature oscillation method, and an integral and crack-free CdGeAs2 single crystal with size of 28 mm×65 mm was grown by the modified vertical Bridgman method. The synthesized polycrystalline was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The CdGeAs2 wafer cut with a diamond cylindrical cutter was characterized by energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and IR Prestige-21 spectrophotometer. The results show that the synthesized product is CdGeAs2 polycrystalline with tetragonal chalcopyrite structure, and the atomic percentage of the wafer is close to the ideal stoichiometric ratio. The absorption coefficient of the as-grown CdGeAs2 crystal at 11.3 μm is 0.117 cm-1 and the fitted band gap is 0.52 eV. Temperature dependent (110 K to 300 K) Hall measurement shows that the sample is p-type conductive in the temperature range from 110 K to 300 K. The carrier concentration pH increases and the Hall coefficient RH decreases respectively with the increase of temperature, while the Hall mobility μH is almost unchanged. Fitting and calculating results show that the acceptor ionization energy EA is 0.305 eV in the crystal, and the possible acceptor defects in CdGeAs2 single crystal was further analyzed.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 193 (2022)
  • DONG Jianshu, WANG Qingguo, XU Jun, XUE Yanyan, WANG Wudi, CAO Xiao, TANG Huili, WU Feng, and LUO Ping

    CaF2 and SrxCa1-xF2crystals with different doping concentration of Ho3+ and Y3+ were successfully grown by the temperature gradient technique (TGT) in self-designed furnace, which can realize the synchronous growth of seven crystals with different doping concentration. The size of the grown crystals is about 15 mm×55 mm, and the growth cycle is about 6 d. The spectral properties of 4%(atomic fraction)Ho, 4%Y∶CaF2 crystals were tested and analyzed. The absorption cross section at 448 nm and 643 nm were 1.13×10-20 cm2 and 0.84×10-20 cm2. J-O theory was applied to analyze fluorescence properties, the intensity parameters Ωt(t=2, 4, 6), radiative transition rates, branching ratios and radiative lifetime were calculated. Excited by 448 nm xenon lamp at room temperature, the emission cross section at 546 nm, 650 nm and 752 nm were calculated to be 10.450×10-21 cm2, 8.737×10-21 cm2 and 5.965×10-21 cm2, respectively, and the fluorescence lifetime of the Ho3+ 5F4 and 5F5 level were measured to be 33.5 μs and 17.7 μs. Excited by 640 nm LD pump at room temperature, the emission cross section at 2 031 nm and 2 847 nm were calculated to be 5.375×10-21 cm2 and 10.356×10-21 cm2, respectively, and the fluorescence lifetime of the Ho3+ 5I7 and 5I6 level were measured to be 4.37 ms and 1.85 ms. All results show that the porous graphite crucible TGT method could greatly improve the efficiency of screening the doping concentration of rare earth ions in crystals, and speed up the research process of the new laser crystal materials.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 200 (2022)
  • LI Zhe, ZHANG Gang, FU Danyang, WANG Qikun, LEI Dan, REN Zhongming, and WU Liang

    Based on our in-house aluminum nitride (AlN) crystal growth reactor, growth characteristics and material characterization of homoepitaxial AlN growth on Al-polar AlN seeds under four different growth conditions by PVT method were investigated in detail. The results show that small tensile stresses exist in all crystals grown under four growth conditions revealed by Raman spectroscopy. When the temperature of the crucible top is 2 210 ℃, the temperature difference between the crucible bottom and top is 42 ℃, the AlN crystal is grown under a low supersaturation condition with a step-flow growth mode. And the as-grown crystal has smooth surfaces with typical AlN growth habits. The initial expansion angle of the crystal growth is larger than 40°, which indicates that quick diameter expansion is possible for AlN crystal growth. The high quality of the obtained crystals is confirmed by the rocking curves of 0002, 1012 reflections with high-resolution X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. Finally, an AlN crystal up to 45 mm to 47 mm in diameter is homoepitaxially grown successfully under the optimized growth conditions, and characterization results confirm its excellent quality and crystallinity.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 208 (2022)
  • HONG Hong, ZHOU Mao, CHEN Hongling, ZHANG Peixiong, LI Zhen, YIN Hao, and CHEN Zhenqiang

    In order to explore the possibility of using two-dimensional materials as saturable absorbers (SA) of passively Q-switched lasers, antimonene nanosheets were successfully prepared by pre-grinding liquid-phase-exfoliation (LPE) method. The phase composition, microstructure and absorption properties of the samples were characterized by Raman spectrometer, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM) and UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer. Based on the prepared synthesized antimonene nanosheets SA, an all-solid-state passively Q-switched Nd∶GYAP laser at 1.3 μm was realized for the first time. The shortest pulse width is 589 ns, the repetition rate is 424 kHz, the peak power is 1.14 W, the average output power is 284 mW, and the maximum single pulse energy is 669.43 nJ. The results show that the antimonene nanosheets have the potential to become SA of all solid state Q-switched laser in the near infrared region.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 216 (2022)
  • LI Yao, ZHENG Zixuan, and PU Hongbin

    To improve the self-heating effect in GaN HEMT, integrating diamond substrate with high thermal conductivity is an effective way for heat dissipation in active region of device. However, columnar grain structures in polycrystalline diamond (PCD) grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) cause anisotropic and thickness dependence thermal conductivity of PCD. Therefore, the evolution of diamond grain size during growth was modeled to compute the PCD thermal conductivity along the in-plane and cross-plane directions. Based on the above PCD thermal conductivity model, the limitations of channel temperature in GaN HEMT were derived by computing the analytical model of GaN thermal resistance incorporating the nonlinear thermal conductivity, whose variations were studied with the device structure (gate length, gate width, gate spacing and substrate thickness) and power dissipation. Finally, by comparing with the verified finite element model (FEM) simulation results, two effective thermal conductivities of PCD were extracted, which are 260~310 W/(m·K) and 1 250~1 450 W/(m·K). This calculations provide a fast and effective way to estimate the channel temperature in GaN HEMT on diamond substrate.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 222 (2022)
  • LIN Guangwei, WANG Shan, ZHANG Xiya, PENG Xin, GAO Junwei, and GAO Dedong

    The growth process of Czochralski silicon is related to multi-field and multi-phase coupling and complex physical and chemical changes. The fluctuations in process parameters are an important cause of uneven crystal diameter. This is significant research on how to achieve the control of process parameters to obtain an ideal and uniform crystal diameter. In this paper, after analyzing the instability and control effect degradation of the existing control method, a model-free adaptive control model based on Bayesian parameter optimization is presented to control the crystal diameter of the monocrystalline silicon growth process. Firstly, a model-free adaptive control model was established with crucible rising speed and heater power as control input parameters and crystal diameter as output parameters, and the stability of the algorithm was analyzed. Secondly, the control model was simulated and it is found that different super-parameter settings in the Czochralski silicon diameter control model will affect the number of iterations and the control effect. Finally, the value range of the hyper-parameter was optimized by Bayesian and the final simulation experiment was carried out. The results show that the model-free adaptive control optimized by the hyper-parameters is faster in calculation, less in iteration times, and the growth process parameters are controlled within the actual production requirements. Therefore, the model-free adaptive control based on Bayesian parameter optimization can effectively control the diameter of monocrystalline silicon, which has a practical application prospect combined with engineering background.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 229 (2022)
  • LI Tianjie, GU Yunfeng, and WU Gensheng

    In order to control low frequency noise, a two-dimensional plate-connected phononic crystal was designed. The dispersion curve and displacement field of the structure were calculated by finite element method. The results show that the designed structure has a band gap between 29.37 Hz and 354.07 Hz. Compared with the model in the literature, this structure has a lower initial frequency and a wider band gap, which indicates that it is more accessible to obtain low frequency band gap in phononic crystals with connecting plate structure. The enlarged band gap was also explained by vibration modal analysis of displacement field and mass spring model. On this basis, the influences of the width of the connecting plate and the opening radius of the silicon rubber coating on the band gap were further discussed. It is noted that as the width of the connecting plate decreases, the band gap can be increased gradually. As the pore radius tapped in the silicon rubber coating decreases, the band gap further increases.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 242 (2022)
  • JIN Fenghua, GUO Hui, SUN Pei, YUAN Tao, ZHENG Lihui, and WANG Yansong

    Utilizing the explicit finite element method and the relative transmission loss coefficient (TLC) as the evaluation index, the vibration reduction performance of the square lattice sandwich plate with steel as the boundary and alternately filled with copper and silicone rubber was studied, and the impact of the square filling size on the structural vibration reduction performance was analyzed. Firstly, the finite element simulation model of the square lattice sandwich plate is established. Secondly, the relative transmission loss coefficient is introduced as the objective function, and the genetic algorithm is used to optimize the vibration reduction performance of the square lattice sandwich plate. For different application scenarios, the obtained optimization results show that the square lattice sandwich plate has tunability with different vibration reduction ranges. Finally, by analyzing the displacement field of the optimized topology at different frequencies, it can be seen that it is still under the action of the local resonance mechanism, showing strong attenuation of low-frequency elastic waves. This provides a new design idea for broadening the low-frequency vibration reduction performance and manufacturability of the sandwich plates.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 248 (2022)
  • CHEN Chen, QIAO Tiezhu, PANG Yusong, and HAO Guirong

    In the process of industrial production of sapphire crystals, the seeding step plays a vital role. Seeding needs to be performed under conditions where the temperature gradient is small and the temperature distribution tends to be stable. At present, the industrial production of sapphire mainly relies on manual experience to control the seed rod to achieve the crystal pilot operation, but the low accuracy of manual pilot operation will lead to poor quality of finished products and waste of resources. Therefore, this paper proposes a method based on sapphire visual spokes pattern recognition method to detect the free liquid surface state of sapphire melt, so as to realize an efficient crystal induction mechanism. In this method, classic skeletoning algorithm was used to refine the spoke pattern, and Harris operator was used to extract the characteristic information. The extracted characteristic information was put into the motion trajectory model to judge the stability of the melt, and the stability of the temperature distribution of the liquid surface was analyzed to achieve crystal induction. Experimental results show that this algorithm is effective, the efficiency of sapphire crystal seeding is greatly improved, and the yield of the finished product is also improved, which can effectively guide the industrial production of sapphire.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 256 (2022)
  • ZHU Huaqiang, LONG Kailin, and LIU Fengkun

    In this paper, the surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) active substrates of indium tin oxide (ITO) were prepared on aluminum foil by laser pulse deposition and vacuum annealing, and the SERS characteristics of ITO substrates were investigated. Five substrates with pulse numbers of 700, 1 000, 1 300, 1 600 and 2 000 were deposited. The measurements show that the film thickness is close to the linear relationship with the pulse number. When the thickness of ITO film is 60.80 nm with the pulse number of 1 300, the enhancement degree of Raman signal reaches the maximum, and the Raman intensity of the prepared ITO substrate is about 2 to 3 times that of the Au substrate. The results show that vacuum annealing can significantly improve the Raman enhancement effect of ITO substrates. All substrates with different thicknesses of ITO films have obvious SERS enhanced effect. SERS enhancement effect of the ITO substrates can be adjusted by varying the film thickness. These results provide a reference for subsequent SERS research and application of indium tin oxide.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 263 (2022)
  • XIONG Guanghui, LI Jun, LI Kaixuan, WU Cheng, YU Ningbin, and GAO Xiujuan

    In this paper, the effects of reactant type, abrasive concentration, reactant concentration and matrix hardness on friction coefficient, cross-sectional area of wear mark and roughness at wear mark were studied by single factor experiments of fixed abrasive ball grinding with KDP crystal. The test results show that: KHCO3 fixed abrasive ball has good symmetry of the wear scar, small roughness value at the wear scar, and small damage depth of KDP crystal. The cross-sectional area of wear scar increases with the increase of the concentration of abrasive and reactants, and decreases with the increase of the hardness of the matrix. The roughness at the wear scar decreases and then increases with the increase of the concentration of abrasive and reactant, and first increases and then decreases with the increase of the hardness of the matrix. The friction coefficient is not significantly influenced by the concentration of abrasive and reactants, but decreases with the increase of the hardness of the matrix. The abrasive scar contour symmetry is good and the roughness value at the wear scar is low when the composition of fixed abrasive ball is KHCO3 as the reactant, Ⅰ matrix, the abrasive concentration is 100% of the matrix mass, and the reactant concentration is 15%. The fixed abrasive pad was prepared from the components above, and the KDP crystal was polished by the pad. High efficiency and high precision machining can be achieved with surface roughness Sa of 18.5 nm and material removal rate of 130 nm/min.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 271 (2022)
  • NING Turong, ZHOU Jiaxin, LING Shiwu, SU Kunren, CHEN Xingyuan, XU Xiangfu, WANG Guo, LIN Erqing, HAN Taikun, QI Lingmin, and LAI Guoxia

    According to the experimental synthesis of ZnTiO3 ferroelectric compound with LiNbO3 (LN) structure, the characteristics of the LN-ZnTiS3 compound were designed and studied based on the first-principles method. The calculated results show that the LN-ZnTiS3 compound meets the conditions of mechanical stability. According to the analysis of the chemical potential equilibrium phase diagram, LN-ZnTiS3 will not form a stable structure under normal pressure, but can form a stable structure under external pressure. The calculated density of states and energy band indicate that the valence band maximum (VBM) of LN-ZnTiS3 is mainly composed of S-p orbitals, while the conduction band minimum (CBM) is composed of Ti-d orbitals. The substitution of sulfur atoms can promote the electron state above Fermi energy level of the system to drop significantly to the lower energy level, thus reducing the band gap of LN-ZnTiS3. The calculated band gap of LN-ZnTiS3 is 1.04 eV, which can promote the absorption of visible light. It shows that LN-ZnTiS3 is a potential high-efficiency photovoltaic material.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 282 (2022)
  • XU Zhenghao, WANG Fazhan, and HE Haoping

    In this paper, the model of Na-Ti co-doped LiFePO4 was constructed based on the first-principles method of density functional theory, the electronic structure and elastic properties of the co-doped system were calculated using the CASTEP module. The calculated results show that due to the introduction of impurity atoms, the cell parameters of the co-doped system increase slightly, the band gap decreases from 0.695 eV to 0.473 eV, and the energy required for electronic transition decreases. The Li ion migration barrier decreases from 0.34 eV to 0.25 eV, which enhances the conductivity of the co-doped structure. The calculation of elastic properties shows that the bulk modulus, shear modulus and Young’s modulus of the structure after co-doping decrease to varying degrees, while the calculated Poisson ratio shows that materials before and after doping are brittle. However, the plasticity of the co-doped material is stronger than that of the undoped material, and the anisotropy of the co-doped crystal weakens, which improves the ductility of LiFePO4.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 289 (2022)
  • YAN Minyan, GONG Changwei, ZHANG He, and ZHANG Mingang

    The effect of Ti doping on the hydrogen storage performance of Li2MgN2H2 materials and its mechanism were investigated by the first-principles plane-wave pseudopotential method based on the density functional theory. The impurity replacement energy, formation enthalpy, energy band structure, density of states, differential charge density and population were calculated. The results show that when Ti atom is doped with Li2MgN2H2 system, it tends to occupy the Mg lattice sites, and when replacing Mg at position 8c, the impurity replacement energy is the lowest and the crystal structure is the most stable. The calculation results of the formation enthalpy indicate that Ti doping can effectively reduce the structural stability of Li2MgN2H2, which is beneficial to its hydrogen absorption reaction. Further combined with the analysis of the electronic structure, it is found that for the Li2MgN2H2 materials after Ti doping, the unit cell volume increases and the energy gap reduces. At the same time, because of the strong interaction between Ti and N atoms, the peak value of the Li-N and N-H bonds reduces, and the bond strength weakens. These factors are all conducive to the improvement of the hydrogen absorption kinetic performance of the Li2MgN2H2 material.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 297 (2022)
  • WU Guoyun, LIU Dan, and WEI Dongmei

    In this paper, a new cadmium complex [Cd2(hebimc)2(hex)]·2H2O was synthesized using 2-hydroxybenzimidazole-5-carboxylic acid (Hhebimc), hexadiic acid (H2hex) and Cd(NO3)2·6H2O as raw materials. The complex was characterized by X-ray single crystal diffraction, elemental analysis, infrared spectrum, TG, XRD and fluorescence spectrum. The single crystal X-ray diffraction results show that the complex is triclinic, the space group is P1, the central Cd(Ⅱ) has a distorted octahedral configuration, the crystal cell parameters are a=0.860 33(15) nm, b=0.906 59(16) nm, c=1.012 03(18) nm, α=74.826(3)°, β=73.131(3)°, γ=85.128(3)°, V=0.729 0(2)nm3, which is a coordination polymer with three-dimensional supermolecular framework. Fluorescence spectrum analysis shows that the complex has similar luminescent properties to the free ligand.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 304 (2022)
  • YANG Hongyan, OUYANG Junyao, XIA Die, GU Xuemei, YANG Shan, and WANG Wei

    Hemihydrate calcium sulfate whiske were prepared from phosphogypsum, which is phosphate mining enterprises produce waste slag, by raditional normal pressure alcohol hydrothermal method adding CaSO4 · 2H2O as crystal seed. In order to find the optimum preparation conditions, the effects of seed content, glycerol content and phosphogypsum mass fraction on the structure and morphology of whiskers were investigated by single factor test. These samples were characterized by SEM and XRD. The results show that the aspect ratio of the whisker prepared with CaSO4·2H2O crystal seed (49.29) is 30.99, which is about 60% higher than that prepared with glycerol. When the volume ratio (V) of glycerol to water is 1, the content of seed is 1%, and the mass fraction of phosphogypsum is 5%, the average diameter of prepared whiskers is 0.65 μm, the aspect ratio is 62.15, and the size of whiskers is uniform. These results indicate that hemihydrate calcium sulfate whisker with high aspect ratio and uniform size can be prepared by adding 1%CaSO4·2H2O seed, glycerol with V of 1 and phosphogypsum with mass fraction of 5% under atmospheric pressure.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 309 (2022)
  • JIAN Shaoju, CHENG Yiting, HONG Huifang, XIAO Jinyu, LIU Tao, ZHANG Mingxin, SHI Fengshuo, HU Jiapeng, and YANG Weisen

    Cerium nitrate/polyacrylonitrile (Ce(NO3)3/PAN) fibers were synthesized by electrospinning using PAN as template, Ce(NO3)3·6H2O as raw material. Cerium oxide (CeO2) micro-nanofibers were obtained by calcination in air. The morphology and structure of CeO2 micro-nanofibers were characterized by XRD, BET and SEM. The fluoride removal performance of CeO2 micro-nanofibers in aqueous solution was investigated by static experimental data. The influences of solution pH value, initial F- concentration and coexistent anions on the adsorption performance were studied. The results show that the adsorption capacity of CeO2 micro-nanofibers for F- is the best at pH=3, and it increases as F- concentration increases. The adsorption isotherm of F- on CeO2 micro-nanofibers fits the Langmuir model, and the second-order kinetics can well describe the adsorption process of F- on CeO2 micro-nanofibers. CeO2 micro-nanofibers have excellent fluoride removal performance, which can provide a theoretical reference for its practical application.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 316 (2022)
  • MIAO Zhongzheng

    First-principles calculations and Monte Carlo methods were carried out to study the adsorption properties and photoelectric properties of TiCl4 gas molecules in armchair carbon nanotubes. The results reveal that: armchair carbon nanotubes have a strong physical adsorption effect on TiCl4 gas molecules. The absolute values of the adsorption energy of the studied configurations are more than 0.9 eV, which makes armchair carbon nanotubes ideal filling carriers for TiCl4 gas molecules. As the diameter of carbon nanotubes increases, the adsorption energy first increases and then decreases. The increase of temperature is not conducive to the adsorption of TiCl4 gas molecules, and the increase of gas fugacity is conducive to the adsorption. The temperature should be maintained near the boiling point of TiCl4 and the pressure of the gas increases when TiCl4 gas molecules are inserted into armchair carbon nanotubes. The adsorption of TiCl4 regulates the electronic structure of carbon nanotubes, significantly improves the density of states near the Fermi level, enhances the conductivity of the composite, has no significant effect on the size of the pseudo-energy gap, and the peak position is still determined by the carbon nanotubes themselves. The adsorption of TiCl4 has a limited effect on the optical parameters of the system. While enhancing the conductivity of the composite, it does not increase the absorbance, reflectivity and loss function values in the visible region, which can effectively improve the performance of transparent conductive films.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 324 (2022)
  • ZHANG Xuqing, LUO Hao, LI Jiajun, WANG Rong, YANG Deren, and PI Xiaodong

    Silicon carbide (SiC) possesses excellent properties of wide band gap, high electron saturation velocity, high breakdown field strength, high thermal conductivity and good chemical stability, etc. SiC is an ideal raw material for high-performance power device and other semiconductor devices. With the advantages of simple processing, convenient operation and low-cost equipment requirements, wet etching has been adopted in the materials characterization and device of SiC. Defect analysis and surface modification can all greatly benefit from wet etching. According to the underlying mechanisms, wet etching can be classified into electrochemical etching and chemical etching. In this review, the mechanisms, equipments and applications of both electrochemical etching and chemical etching have been introduced.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 333 (2022)
  • HUANG Qiang, SUN Bing, XU Wenli, CONG Ye, CHEN Yongting, ZHU Hui, LI Xuanke, and ZHANG Qin

    Iron nitrides feature in high hardness, high melting point, high thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance, safety and pollution-free, excellent electronic conductivity, as well as platinum-like electronic structure. The abundant raw material resources and low cost facilitate iron nitrides show great prospects in many fields, such as energy storage and electrocatalysis applications. This review summarizes the recent research progress of iron-based nitrides in terms of the structure, synthesis methods, electrochemical performance and applications. The advances in the field of energy storage (such as lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries) and electrocatalysis (such as hydrogen evolution reaction, oxygen evolution reaction, oxygen reduction reaction) are discussed in detail. Meanwhile, the challenges and future perspective targeting energy related applications of iron-based nitrides are outlined.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 344 (2022)
  • HAO Senran, CHEN Xiao, ZENG Xiaoyuan, and XIAO Jie

    The direct carbon fuel cell (DCFC) is a clean and efficient power generation device using carbon resources. It has attracted more and more attention due to its high energy conversion efficiency, low environmental pollution and wide range of fuel selection. The performance of DCFC is closely related to the fuel used, in order to explore the influence of fuel on DCFC, the characteristics and modification methods of graphite, carbon black, medium density fiberboard, biomass, coal and activated carbon are expounded in this paper. The surface oxygen-containing functional groups and the promoting effect of metal catalysts in fuel on anode electrochemical reactions are analyzed and discussed. It is found that fuel surface chemical properties are more important than the specific surface area. Simultaneously, this paper also puts forward the expectation of biomass as an excellent renewable resource, it will provide a reference for the development and utilization of DCFC fuel in the future.

    Mar. 24, 2022
  • Vol. 51 Issue 2 360 (2022)
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