Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications
Sergei Popov
Irregular issues
Patrick Pfuhl, and Markus Degünther
Dec. 16, 2024Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications
Additively manufactured structures for precise and robust mounting of optical elements
Eiji Hase, Jérôme Degert, Eric Freysz, Takeshi Yasui, and Emmanuel Abraham
Dec. 16, 2024Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications
Frequency-resolved measurement of two-color air plasma terahertz emission
Davide Boschetto
Dec. 16, 2024Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications
Anisotropy of coherent phonon in Bismuth crystal
Sylvie Lebrun, Maha Bouhadida, Théo Dampt, Mathieu Fauvel, Christian Larat, Abderrahim Azzoune, Jean-Charles Beugnot, and Laurent Divay
Dec. 16, 2024Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications
Design of composite optical nanofibers for new all-solid-state Raman wavelength converters
Antonino Foti, and Attilio Zilli
Dec. 16, 2024Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications
PLASMONICA and JEOS-RP: A new partnership for European nanophotonics
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Orbital angular momentum multiplexing architecture for OAM/SDM passive optical networks
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid PublicationsVol. 20, Issue 1, 2024027 (2024)
Additively manufactured structures for precise and robust mounting of optical elements
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid PublicationsVol. 20, Issue 1, 2024043 (2024)
Design of composite optical nanofibers for new all-solid-state Raman wavelength converters
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid PublicationsVol. 20, Issue 1, 2024039 (2024)
Distributed measurement of supercontinuum generation along a silica fiber taper using a confocal spectrometer
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid PublicationsVol. 20, Issue 1, 2024033 (2024)
Digital holographic microscopy applied to 3D computer micro-vision by using deep neural networks
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid PublicationsVol. 20, Issue 1, 2024032 (2024)