Optics and Precision Engineering
Volume: 15 Issue 12
24 Article(s)
[in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

The performance of the Monolithic Polycapillary X-ray Lens(MPXRL)for application in the Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure(EXAFS)technique is reported,especially,the main characters of the MPXRL such as gain in flux density,stabilizing effect,and high energy filtering.Experimental results show that the spatial resolution of the EXAFS facility based on the MPXRL is about 25 μm,and the gain in flux density of the Monolithic Polycapillary Focusing X-ray Lens(MPFXRL)is about 3 000 when the MPFXRL is used to focus the laser plasma pulsed X-ray for ultrafast time-resolved EXAFS experiments.These indicate that the MPXRL is helpful in the improvement of the EXAFS facilities.

Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1808 (2007)
  • A review of different diffraction optical elements developed at BESSY for X-ray focusing is presented.Bragg-Fresnel optics as a basic element to design effective and high resolution X-ray focusing and dispersive X-ray optics is discussed.An experimental investigation of the combination of a long focal distance Bragg-Fresnel lens with a bimorph mirror is described.A reflection Fresnel zone plate has been tested as a focusing and dispersion optical element for X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS)on short-time pulse beamline.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1816 (2007)
  • Much effort has beenexerted both in the development of modern dedicated synchrotrons and free electron laserswith unique properties.Femtosecond laser plasma sources provide ultra-short X-ray pulsesof high peak brilliance and can thus be complementary X-ray sources to the undulator basedsources.All these modern X-ray sources need dedicated X-ray optics for diagnostics andapplications,respectively.X-ray spectroscopy is one of the most important diagnostics ofplasmas in the context of laser fusion.Depending on the aims of theseexperiments,monochromatic X-ray images or high resolution spectra combined with eitherspatial or time resolution can be obtained.Sophisticated monochromatic imagers with up to10 toroidally bent crystals have been developed to study the implosion processes in laserfusion experiments;time-resolved maps of plasma parameters are evaluated from thedata.High-power femtosecond lasers provide a practical,relatively inexpensive,powerfulX-ray pulse source.Information on production efficiency,the energy distribution andtransport of hot electrons is needed to maximize X-ray output in desired K-shell emissionlines or continuum ranges so that peak brilliances comparable to those of synchrotrons maybe feasible.Combining these new sources with bent crystal optics enables diffractionexperiments on sub-picosecond time scales.Laser-pump X-rayprobe experiments have shownevidence of structure changes in several crystals within 250 fs.These X-ray optics havebeen designed in our institute using ray tracing and Bragg reflection codes for the 1D or2D bent crystals or combinations thereof.In the preparation process,extreme care has beentaken over crystal perfection,selection of optimum reflections,precisionbending,measurement of imaging and reflection properties.X-ray topographic cameras anddiffractometers are used to check the relevant properties of the analyzer crystals.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1823 (2007)
  • [in Chinese]

    Source-based and detector-based radiometry has been realized in the X-ray range during the last few years by using synchrotron radiation.Electron storage rings are operated as primary source standards and cryogenic Electric Substitution Radiometers(ESRs)as primary detector standards.As ESRs require intense monochromatic radiation,synchrotron radiation is also necessary for this approach.Energy-dispersive detectors as well as silicon photodiodes have been calibrated with relative uncertainties of the detection efficiency or responsivity down to about 1%.The results are compared to model calculations.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1829 (2007)
  • A convenient method,low-angle X-ray reflectivity measurement method,is presented to characterize the parameters of low-Z material layers in bilayer structures using X-ray diffractometer (XRD).Because the low-Z material optical constant is similar to the silicon(Si)substrate,the change of the low-Z material layer profiles is difficult to determine.Therefore,an ultra-thin metal layer is deposited as the Base Layer(BL)onto the substrate prior to the low-Z material layer.By choosing chromium(Cr)as the BL material,three Cr/C bilayer films with different C deposition times are fabricated and measured.After the simulation of the reflectivity curves,the density of C is approximately 2.25 g/cm3,while the deposition rate of C layer is 0.058 nm/s under our laboratory conditions.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1838 (2007)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Vacuum ultraviolet(VUV)beamlines have been playing an important role in studying the electronic structure of solids.Until now,over 30 VUV beamlines for Angle-resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy(ARPES)studies have been built in the synchrotron radiation facilities of US,Japan and Europe.In this work,we present a design of a high-resolution and high-flux VUV beamline covering 5~140 eV photon energy range at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility(SSRF)for ARPES studies.A quasi-periodic Elliptical Polarized Undulator(EPU)with 14 periods and each 0.32 m long is used as the source.A Dragon-type monochromator with two branches,a lower energy branch covering 5~32 eV and a higher one covering 25~140 eV,is employed.Calculations show that the total resolutions of the monochromator can reach up to 15 000~100 000 with entrance/exit slit openings of 5/5 μm and the ultimate flux of the s-polarized photon on a sample exceeds~1012phs/s.The figure slope errors dominate the total resolution limit of the monochromator.Ray-tracing simulations show that the designed beamline has a good focusing performance.This beamline will be the first VUV beamline constructed at SSRF and will provide valuable experience for future constructions.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1844 (2007)
  • An overview of the soft X-ray polarimetry udertaken at BESSY over the last 10 years is presented.At BESSY,ten elliptical undulator beamlines are operating in the VUV and soft X-ray range.which enables the polarisation state of the synchrotron radiation to be changed from linear (horizontal or vertical)to left-or right-handed circular.It is essential that the degree of polarisation is known quantitatively,since this is a normalization quantity for many polarisation-sensitive experiments(e.g.MCD-spectroscopy).For a polarimetry experiment i.e.the measurement of the polarisation state of light,two optical elements are required acting as a phase retarder and a linear polariser,respectively.In the soft X-ray range,specially tailored multilayers(ML)operating in transmission and in reflection have been developed and optimized for this purpose.By matching the ML-parameters(period,thickness ratio)to an absorption edge of one of the constituent materials,a resonantly enhanced polarisation sensitivity can be achieved.Thus,ML-polarimetry is strongly connected with At-Wavelength Metrology of these polarisation optical elements,for which the instrumentation and results are presented.Examples of magneto-optical spectroscopy and polarimetry to determine properties of magnetic thin films or optically active substances are also presented(Faraday and Kerr effect,L-MOKE).

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1850 (2007)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Some key technologies on soft X-ray and Extreme Ultraviolet(EUV)optics developed at CIOMP are reviewed in this paper.The technology for laser-produced plasma sources is described and a laser-produced plasma source with a liquid target worked at wavelength range of 6~22 nm has been developed.Soft X-ray and EUV photon-counting imaging is introduced and a two-dimensional photoncounting detector with position sensitive anode is fabricated.The active area of the detector is 25 mm in diameter and the resolution is 0.3 mm.The technology of super-smooth mirror fabrication is studied and a polishing machine has been developed to fabricate the super-smooth surface mirrors with the roughness and the figure of 0.6 nm(RMS)and 6 nm(RMS),respectively.Soft X-ray and EUV multilayer film technologies are coverd also in the paper and a number of mutilayer coating mirrors have been deposited for some space science projects.These multilayer mirrors show their reflectivity of 60% at 13 nm and the uniformity better than±2.5% across a 150 mm diameter.The soft X-ray and EUV radiometric technologies are studied and a reflectometer,with operational wavelength range of 5~50 nm,spectrum resolution of 0.2 nm and repeatability better than 1% has been set up.Based on a cutting-edge technology,an EUV imager and a space EUV solar telescope are developed.these imaging instruments have played an important role in a number of scientific projects.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1862 (2007)
  • Various X-ray opticswith an optical length of 150~500 mm are employed for beam guidance,beam alignment andmonochromatization.This paper focuses on two different types of large Xray mirrors.Thefirst optical element is a single-layer mirror which works as a total-reflection mirror inthe soft X-ray range(50~200 eV)and at a grazing incidence angle of 2°.Such a mirror isused in free-electron lasers,e.g.FLASH in Hamburg,Germany.The second mirror is amultilayer mirror,which is employed as a reflector due to its Bragg reflection for thehard X-ray range(20~50keV)and at incidence angles of 0.4~1°.Such a mirror could be used at a synchrotron storage ring,forinstance in a tomography beamline.In both cases,the mirrors are fabricated by means ofstate-of-the-art physical vapour deposition techniques,using magnetron sputtering toachieve a good optical quality for their X-ray optical application.This deposition processallows good run-to-run stability,which is crucial for the final deposition of the actualmirror on a high-quality substrate.Both the single and the multilayer mirrors have a highreflectivity for their relevant energy range,a low roughness on their surfaces and a gooduniformity of these properties over the whole optical wavelength.The investigationsdescribed here are performed by means of X-ray reflectometry(XRR),transmission electronmicroscopy(TEM),optical profilometry(OP)and atomic force microscopy(AFM).

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1869 (2007)
  • X-ray microscopy iscapable of imaging particles in the colloidal size range directly in their aqueousenvironment with high spatial resolution.It is possible to combine this with high spectralresolution for spectromicroscopic studies.Two types of microscopes are common in X-raymicroscopy,the transmission X-ray microscope and the scanning transmission X-raymicroscope,whose setup is shown in this paper.While an X-ray microscope quickly takes highresolution images from an object,a scanning X-ray microscope as an analytical instrumentis suited for spectromicroscopy.As an example for visualization of morphology,clay andsoil samples have been imaged with a transmission X-ray microscope.Images from acryotomography experiment based on X-ray microscopy images to obtain information about the3D structure of microhabitats formed by bacteria and other soil colloids are shown.Theanalysis of a stack of images taken with a scanning transmission X-ray microscope to bringtogether morphology and chemistry within a soil sample is given.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1878 (2007)
  • Broadband Mo/Si muhilayer polarization optical elements were developed for the extreme ultraviolet(EUV)region,including a reflective analyzer and a transmission phase retarder.These multilayers were designed by a combined analytical/numerical method based on an aperiodic stack.Then these aperiodic multilayers were fabricated using direct-current magnetron sputtering technology.The multilayer structures were measured by an X-ray Diffractometer(XRD)working at the Cuthe Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University(No.NCET-04-0376).Ka line,and the polarization response Was characterized by the polarimeter on the UE56/1-PGM1 beamline at BESSY-Ⅱ,in Berlin.The measured s-polarized reflectivity is higher than 15% over the 13~19 nm wavelength range,and nearly constant s-reflectivity,up to 37%,is observed over the 15~17nm wavelength range.Furthermore,these aperiodic multilayers show high s-reflectivity and polarization over a wide angular range at fixed wavelength.The measured phase shift is 41.7°over the 13.8~15.5 nm wavelength range.Using an aperiodic transmission phase retarder and a reflection analyzer,a complete broadband polarization analysis system was developed.The polarization properties of the synchrotron radiation from the beamline UE56/1 PGM1 at BESSY-Ⅱ were systematically characterized in the 12.7~15.5 nm wavelength range by this newly developed broadband polarization analysis system.This kind of broadband multilayer polarizing elements can be used in EUV polarization measurements and will greatly simplify experimental arrangements.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1886 (2007)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    In order to investigate the principle and fabrication technique of Fresnel zone plates(FZPs),a diffractive optical element used in X-ray imaging with the best resolution currently is presented.A theoretical analysis of the spatial resolution depending on the outermost zone width is given.An analyrical expression of the diffraction efficiency in terms of thickness and X-ray refractive index of the zone plate is also provided.Electron beam lithography combined with X-ray lithography is employed to fabricate FZPs.Experimental results indicate that the outermost zone width is 150 nm and the aspect ratio is 4,which satisfies the X-ray imaging system requirements of high resolution.high aspect ratio as well as high precision.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1894 (2007)
  • The general design of a high-resolution diffraction beamline at a third generation X-ray synchrotron radiation source is presented.For this,we introduce the basics of high resolution diffraction and the optical elements necessary to prepare a nearly parallel but intense X-ray beam with well-defined photon energy for high-resolution application.In particular,the function of double-crystal and four-bounced crystal monochromators is explained in terms of X-ray dynamical theory.As an example,we present the layout of the High Resolution Diffraction(HighRes)beamline at the new synchrotron radiation source PETRA Ⅲ in Hamburg(Germany)which will become operational in 2009.By optimizing the optical components.a resolution in q-space will be achieved down to △q=10-5 nm-1with micron beam size and a flux of more than 10 11 cts/s.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1900 (2007)
  • Because the photon flux of laser-based X-ray sources is considerably lower than that of synchrotron radiation sources and radiation is emitted isotropic in all directions,focusing optics with a large solid collecting angle and high integral reflectivity are required.For these requirements crystals of Pyrolytic Graphite(PG)are of particular interest for the use as dispersive and focusing elements.Due to the mosaic crystal structure,PG exhibits a very high integral reflectivity.Furthermore,thin PG films give the opportunity to realize crystal optics with arbitrary geometry by mounting them on a mold of any shape.Beyond that,mosaic focusing in specific geometry allows these crystals to be used as high resolution X-ray optics,even in bent geometry.All these properties allow the design of highly efficient dispersive collecting optics for uhrafast X-ray spectroscopy with laser plasma sources.In our contribution we describe the application of bent PG crystals in a spectrometer with a modified Von HAMOS geometry.Using this spectrometer,the spectral distribution of the X-ray radiation emitted from a fs laser produced plasma has been measured.The application of this radiation for timeresolved Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure(EXAFS)experiments is discussed. We show that,by optimizing both the crystal properties and the spectrometer geometry,a good spectral resolution sufficient for EXAFS measurements at the K-edges of transition metals can be achieved.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1908 (2007)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The Spherical Grating Monochromator(SGM)branch of Spectral Radiation Standard and Metrology(U27)beamline is specially built for measurement of the properties of optical elements and detectors.In order to accurately measure the performance of optical elements,higher-order harmonics must be suppressed efficiently.For the existing beamline where the design cannot readily be altered,the simplest method is to use transmission filters to suppress higher-order harmonics.With a 840 1/mm transmission grating used behind the exit of SGM in U27 beamline,the exit beam can be dispersed and the contributions of the different orders can be analyzed.Results of higher-order suppression by 200 nm,400 nm,600 nm thickness Al filters,100/50/200 nm,100/50/150/150/250 nm thickness Si3 N4/Mo/Si,Si3N4/Mo/Si/Mo/Si multilayers and Al/Mg/Al filter in the region of 13~43 nm show that when the thickness of Al filter is 400 nm,and the wavelength is between 17 nm and 33 nm,the contributions of higher orders to the detector signal intensity are less than 2% ,and the detector intensity is strong enough when the beam on.After being corrected by quantum efficiency of the detector,higher order contributions are less than 0.6%.Si3N4/Mo/Si/Mo/Si filter can be efficiently used to suppress higher-order harmonics in the region of 13~19 nm,and Al/Mg/Al filter can be used to suppress higher-order harmonics in the region of 30~43 nm efficiently.These are important for the accurate calibration of absolute reflectivities of multilayer and detector etc.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1915 (2007)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    In order to optimize the optical component cleaning process,the oxygen dissociation by synchrotron radiation has been researched by analyzing the gas composition produced in cleaning process.The gas composition is measured by quadrupole mass spectra when synchrotron radiation light irradiates the oxygen filled in vacuum chamber.The gas composition and content can be established by analyzing the data gathered.Experimental results indicate that oxygen can be dissociated by synchrotron radiation light to produce some species with strong oxygenation,such as oxygen atom and ozone.The content of oxygen atom is about 1% and the content of ozone is about 0.005%~0.01% in cleaning process.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1921 (2007)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    The diffraction and absorption of UV light in SU-8 resist makes it very difficult to fabricate high precision microstructures with high aspect ratio in the process of UV LIGA,because the absorption coefficient gets bigger and the penetration depth gets shorter rapidly as the wavelength gets shorter.Therefore,such factors having effect on the precision of deep UV lithography as diffraction effect,exposure dosage,wavelength and distribution of fly's eyes lens etc.,are investigated in this paper.A method of correcting pattern transfer errors is developed through investigation of pattern transfer errors.Proposed method adopts the feature classification and area evaluation to modify the mask contour,thereby making the lithography contour as close as possible to the desired contour.In addition,it can be used to reduce the complexity and enhance the correction efficiency.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1926 (2007)
  • For more than 20 years,capillary optics have been used in X-ray analyties.During this time the technology of manufacturing capillary optics passed a considerable development.Whereas in the beginning of 1990s assembled capillary optics were tested in research laboratories,at present monolithie polycapillary optics are widely used in commercial X-ray analytical instruments.These optics show capillary sizes in the micrometer region and their physical behaviour can be described in terms of geometrical optics using ray tracing programs.Recently capillary channel sizes of 200 nm and below were realised due to further improvement of the manufacturing technology for polycapillary structures.At such small structures,the appearance of wave effects for X-ray radiation was observed.Finally,application examples for capillary optics in micro X-ray fluorescence analysis and micro X-ray diffractometry are presented.

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1932 (2007)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1946 (2007)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1952 (2007)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1959 (2007)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1963 (2007)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1969 (2007)
  • [in Chinese], [in Chinese], [in Chinese], and [in Chinese]

    Jul. 08, 2008
  • Vol. 15 Issue 12 1974 (2007)
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