International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, Volume. 6, Issue 6, 65501(2024)

An in-situ hybrid laser-induced integrated sensor system with antioxidative copper

Xu Kaichen, Cai Zimo, Luo Huayu, Lin Xingyu, Yang Geng, Xie Haibo, Ko Seung Hwan, and Yang Huayong

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Xu Kaichen, Cai Zimo, Luo Huayu, Lin Xingyu, Yang Geng, Xie Haibo, Ko Seung Hwan, Yang Huayong. An in-situ hybrid laser-induced integrated sensor system with antioxidative copper[J]. International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing, 2024, 6(6): 65501

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Received: Apr. 28, 2024

Accepted: Feb. 13, 2025

Published Online: Feb. 13, 2025

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