Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society, Volume. 41, Issue 11, 3997(2022)

Effect of Al2O3 Content on Crystallization Behavior and Sintering Performance of PbOCaOB2O3SiO2 Glass

HAI Yun, XU Bo, YIN Xianyin, ZHU Baojing, HAN Bin, and ZU Chengkui
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    HAI Yun, XU Bo, YIN Xianyin, ZHU Baojing, HAN Bin, ZU Chengkui. Effect of Al2O3 Content on Crystallization Behavior and Sintering Performance of PbOCaOB2O3SiO2 Glass[J]. Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2022, 41(11): 3997

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    Received: Aug. 14, 2022

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Dec. 26, 2022

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