Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, Volume. 56, Issue 2, 021202(2019)

Measurement of the Transmission Wavefront of a Large-Aperture Aspheric Lens Based on Computer-Generated Hologram

Yuhang He*, Qiang Li, Bo Gao, Xiaohong Wei, and Liqun Chai
Author Affiliations
  • Research Center of Laser Fusion, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, Sichuan 621900, China
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    Figures & Tables(9)
    Optical path of a large-aperture aspheric lens detected by a refractive compensation mirror
    Optical path of a large-aperture aspheric lens detected by a CGH
    Schematic of optical paths between focus spot of the interferometer and planar mirror
    Schematic of binary linear grating model
    Optical path photo of measurement installation
    Measured transmission wavefront by using a CGH as a phase compensation element
    Measured transmission wavefront by using a refractive compensation lens as a phase compensation element
    • Table 1. Parameters of aspheric lens

      View table

      Table 1. Parameters of aspheric lens

      ParameterSquareaperture /(mm×mm)Curvatureradius /mmConecoefficientTwo ordercoefficient /10-10Centerthickness /mm
    • Table 2. Parameter of main and assistant CGHs

      View table

      Table 2. Parameter of main and assistant CGHs

      CGH typeRadial coordinaterange /mmEtchingdepth /nmDuty-cycleDiffractionorderMinimal patternperiod /μm
      Main CGH0-32.926920.5+117.85
      Assistant CGH36-42700.5+36.94

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    Yuhang He, Qiang Li, Bo Gao, Xiaohong Wei, Liqun Chai. Measurement of the Transmission Wavefront of a Large-Aperture Aspheric Lens Based on Computer-Generated Hologram[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2019, 56(2): 021202

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    Paper Information

    Category: Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology

    Received: May. 29, 2018

    Accepted: Jul. 26, 2018

    Published Online: Aug. 1, 2019

    The Author Email: He Yuhang (

