Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, Volume. 57, Issue 5, 050001(2020)

Distributed Optical Fiber Acoustic Sensing Technology Based on Coherent Rayleigh Scattering

Haiwen Cai1,2、*, Qing Ye1,2, Zhaoyong Wang1,2, and Bin Lu1,2
Author Affiliations
  • 1Key Laboratory of Space Laser Communication and Detection Technology, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
  • 2Centre of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
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    Figures & Tables(22)
    Direct detection Φ-OTDR and intrusion detection based on time difference[10]
    Representative schemes of quantitative measurement. (a) Digital coherent phase demodulation[13]; (b) scheme using 3×3 coupler[18]; (c) PGC scheme[20]
    Interference fading and probability density distribution of scattering light amplitude. (a) Interference fading[34]; (b) probability density distribution of scattering light amplitude[35]
    Representative schemes for signal fading suppression. (a) Phase diversity[35]; (b) mode diversity[40]
    Multicolor parallel sampling and periodic non-uniform sampling. (a) Multicolor parallel sampling[42]; (b) periodic non-uniform sampling[48]
    (a) High spatial resolution technology based on pulse compression; experimental results with sensing distance of (b) 20 km and (c) 75 km[50-51]
    Intrusion detection field test based on DAS[52]
    Test result of deep neural network using multi-classification recognition[60]
    Train track detection[61]. (a) Field test layout; (b) waterfall pattern with DAS
    Railway safety monitoring based on (a) DAS and (b) confusion matrix of multi-classification recognition[66]
    Detection data of DSA and conventional seismometer[67]
    Seismic signals for different injected volume of CO269. (a) 27 kt; (b) 110 kt; (c) 220 kt; (d) 330 kt
    VSP signals based on DAS[70]. (a) 3D distribution; (b) visualization
    Monitoring of composite material structure with embedded fiber[72]
    Experiment of landslide detection model based on acoustic emission[73]. (a) Side view; (b) top view
    Geological monitoring based on traffic noise[76]. (a) Optical cable layout; (b) time-space distribution and (c) spectral distribution of detection signal
    Seismic signal detection based on communication cable. (a) Position and direction of cable[77]; (b) seismic signals obtained by DAS[77]; (c) seismic signals at different positions[79]
    Geological detection based on existing communication cable and DAS technique[78]. (a) Unmarked fault zone on map; (b) low-frequency harmonic noise possibly derived from waves in the earth's interior
    Diagram of Rayleigh scattering enhancement technique based on ultrafast laser[84]
    Principle of DAS based on multimode Rayleigh scattering[85]
    Model of distributed sensing array and equivalent sensing array[87]. (a) Model of distributed sensing array; (b) equivalent sensing array
    Three kinds of geometry configurations of optical fibers for multi-component measurement[89]

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    Haiwen Cai, Qing Ye, Zhaoyong Wang, Bin Lu. Distributed Optical Fiber Acoustic Sensing Technology Based on Coherent Rayleigh Scattering[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2020, 57(5): 050001

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    Paper Information

    Category: Reviews

    Received: Jan. 20, 2020

    Accepted: Feb. 12, 2020

    Published Online: Mar. 5, 2020

    The Author Email: Cai Haiwen (

