Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 44, Issue 2, 572(2015)

Sensitivity analysis of thermal design parameters for altitude optical sensor

Li Yanwei*, Zhang Hongwen, Zheng Lina, Yuan Guoqin, and Zhang Jingguo
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  • [in Chinese]
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    Li Yanwei, Zhang Hongwen, Zheng Lina, Yuan Guoqin, Zhang Jingguo. Sensitivity analysis of thermal design parameters for altitude optical sensor[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2015, 44(2): 572

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    Paper Information

    Category: 先进光学

    Received: Jun. 20, 2014

    Accepted: Jul. 21, 2014

    Published Online: Jan. 26, 2016

    The Author Email: Yanwei Li (

