AEROSPACE SHANGHAI, Volume. 41, Issue 5, 1(2024)

Solar Close Observations and Proximity Experiments

Jun LIN*, Xi LU, Yuhao CHEN, Fan HUANG, Shenyi ZHANG, Yiteng ZHANG, Bin ZHOU, Zhenhua GE, Liu LIU, Hui TIAN, Jiansen HE, Xin CHENG, Pengfei CHEN, Xianyong BAI, Haisheng JI, Jiajia LIU, and Xiaoshi ZHANG
Author Affiliations
  • Yunnan Observatories,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming650216, , China
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    Jun LIN, Xi LU, Yuhao CHEN, Fan HUANG, Shenyi ZHANG, Yiteng ZHANG, Bin ZHOU, Zhenhua GE, Liu LIU, Hui TIAN, Jiansen HE, Xin CHENG, Pengfei CHEN, Xianyong BAI, Haisheng JI, Jiajia LIU, Xiaoshi ZHANG. Solar Close Observations and Proximity Experiments:[J]. AEROSPACE SHANGHAI, 2024, 41(5): 1

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    Category: Special Paper of Expert

    Received: Jun. 25, 2024

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    Published Online: Jan. 15, 2025

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