Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 52, Issue 3, 20220474(2023)
Research on linear array scanning lidar and photon signal processing technology based on InGaAs single-photon detector
Fig. 4. Variation comparison of the PDE (a) and background noise count rate with light incidenting (b) versus DCR under different refrigeration temperatures
Fig. 5. (a), (b) Point cloud data recording 1 and 4 echoes; (c) Result processed by rough filtering algorithm after recording single echo
Fig. 7. (a) Filtered point cloud image; (b), (c) Point cloud images of a building with a distance of 3.3 km and building group with distance of 1.5-2.0 km respectively
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Xiaoyu Zhang, Fengxiang Wang, Ying Guo, Wenjuan Wang, Yongfeng Luo, Wen Wu, Jia Hou, Ziqing Jiang, Ziqiang Peng, Genghua Huang, Rong Shu. Research on linear array scanning lidar and photon signal processing technology based on InGaAs single-photon detector[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2023, 52(3): 20220474
Category: Lasers & Laser optics
Received: Jul. 8, 2022
Accepted: --
Published Online: Apr. 12, 2023
The Author Email: Huang Genghua (