Ultrafast Science, Volume. 4, Issue 1, 0061(2024)
Quasi-Period Dynamics of Soliton Molecules: Route to Chaos and Intrinsic Frequency Entrainment
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Defeng Zou, Runmin Liu, Huanhuan Liu, Jinna Chen, Hong Dang, Jialong Li, Aoyan Zhang, Youjian Song, Perry Ping Shum, Minglie Hu. Quasi-Period Dynamics of Soliton Molecules: Route to Chaos and Intrinsic Frequency Entrainment[J]. Ultrafast Science, 2024, 4(1): 0061
Category: Research Articles
Received: Nov. 6, 2023
Accepted: Feb. 27, 2024
Published Online: Dec. 13, 2024
The Author Email: Song Youjian (yjsong@tju.edu.cn), Shum Perry Ping (shenp@sustech.edu.cn), Hu Minglie (huminglie@tju.edu.cn)