Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 42, Issue 5, 1514(2022)

Wavelengths Optimization and Chlorophyll Content Detection Based on PROSPECT Model

Jun-yi ZHANG*, De-hua GAO1;, Di SONG1;, Lang QIAO1;, Hong SUN1;, Min-zan LI1; *;, and Li LI1;
Author Affiliations
  • 1. Key Laboratory of Modern Precision Agriculture System Integration Research, Ministry of Education, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
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    Figures & Tables(8)
    Sensitivity analysis of chlorophyll content using PROSPECT model(a): Reflectivity curves for different chlorophyll contents; (b): Sensitivity analysis of chlorophyll content
    The measured reflectivity spectra(a): Measured in 2019; (b): Measured in 2020; (c): Wavelet denoised spectra in 2019;(d): Wavelet denoised spectra in 2020; (e): SNV processed spectra in 2019; (f): SNV processed spectra in 2020
    Sensitive band filtering results (a): SEN-BAND, SPA-BAND; (b): BP-BAND
    Modeling and verification results with SPA-BAND sensitive bands in 2019 and 2020(a): In 2019; (b): In 2020
    Dynamic chlorophyll distribution results based on PLSR model(a): Field fertilization distribution; (b): Detected distribution in 2019; (c): Detected distribution in 2020
    • Table 1. Input parameters of PROSPECT model

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      Table 1. Input parameters of PROSPECT model

      结构参数N(1, 5)1
      叶绿素含量cabμg·cm-2(10, 80)1
      花青素含量canthμg·cm-2(1, 2)0.2
      干物质含量cmg·cm-2(0.005, 0.025)0.005
    • Table 2. Statistics of sensitive band distribution

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      Table 2. Statistics of sensitive band distribution

      SEN-BAND548~610, 694~706
      BP-BAND514~532, 533~551, 590~608, 647~665, 723~741
      SPA-BAND400, 500, 517, 536, 554, 591, 676, 686, 711, 729
    • Table 3. Detection results of PLS model of the chlorophyll content

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      Table 3. Detection results of PLS model of the chlorophyll content

      SEN-BAND760.806 22.981 60.727 03.643 5
      BP-BANG950.812 82.930 00.755 53.508 0
      SPA-BAND100.815 62.908 60.799 52.997 7
      SEN-BAND760.860 21.621 40.792 01.785 6
      BP-BANG950.962 50.839 70.803 42.014 6
      SPA-BAND100.949 20.976 80.910 21.562 9

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    Jun-yi ZHANG, De-hua GAO, Di SONG, Lang QIAO, Hong SUN, Min-zan LI, Li LI. Wavelengths Optimization and Chlorophyll Content Detection Based on PROSPECT Model[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2022, 42(5): 1514

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    Paper Information

    Category: Research Articles

    Received: Mar. 25, 2021

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Nov. 10, 2022

    The Author Email: ZHANG Jun-yi (junyizh@cau.edu.cn)

