Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 42, Issue 21, 2126002(2022)

Description and Design of Deterministic Interface States in Anisotropic Photonic Crystals Based on Effective Electromagnetic Parameters

Bingbing Liu** and Zhihong Hang*
Author Affiliations
  • School of Physical Science and Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou 215000, Jiangsu , China
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    Figures & Tables(4)
    Planar interfaces formed by two semi-infinite biaxial media. (a) Interface along y direction; (b) interface along x direction
    Two types of photonic crystals. (a) Schematic diagrams of photonic crystal 1 (PC1) and photonic crystal 2 (PC2); (b) band structures of PC1 and PC2; (c)(d) calculated effective electromagnetic parameters of PC1 and PC2
    Impedance of photonic crystal 1 (dash line) and photonic crystal 2 (solid line) obtained by effective medium theory, and impedance of photonic crystal 1 (dot dash line) and photonic crystal 2 (dot line) obtained by numerical simulation
    Interface states at different interfaces. (a) Interface between photonic crystal 1 and photonic crystal 2 along y direction; (b) interface between photonic crystal 1 and photonic crystal 2 along x direction; (c) interface state after replacing photonic crystal 1 with corresponding biaxial medium; (d) interface state after replacing photonic crystal 1 with isotropic medium with same impedance

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    Bingbing Liu, Zhihong Hang. Description and Design of Deterministic Interface States in Anisotropic Photonic Crystals Based on Effective Electromagnetic Parameters[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2022, 42(21): 2126002

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    Paper Information

    Category: Physical Optics

    Received: Apr. 11, 2022

    Accepted: May. 22, 2022

    Published Online: Nov. 4, 2022

    The Author Email: Liu Bingbing (, Hang Zhihong (

