Journal of Semiconductors, Volume. 45, Issue 4, 042502(2024)

High-speed performance self-powered short wave ultraviolet radiation detectors based on κ(ε)-Ga2O3

Aleksei Almaev1,2、*, Alexander Tsymbalov1, Bogdan Kushnarev1, Vladimir Nikolaev3,4, Alexei Pechnikov4, Mikhail Scheglov4, Andrei Chikiryaka4, and Petr Korusenko5,6
Author Affiliations
  • 1Research and Development Center for Advanced Technologies in Microelectronics, National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk 634050, Russia
  • 2Fokon LLC, Kaluga 248035, Russia
  • 3Department of Semiconductor Electronics and Physics of Semiconductors, National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Moscow 119049, Russia
  • 4Perfect Crystals LLC, Saint Petersburg 194223, Russia
  • 5Department of Solid-State Electronics, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg 199034, Russia
  • 6Department of Physics, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk 644050, Russia
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    High-speed solar-blind short wavelength ultraviolet radiation detectors based on κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layers with Pt contacts were demonstrated and their properties were studied in detail. The κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layers were deposited by the halide vapor phase epitaxy on patterned GaN templates with sapphire substrates. The spectral dependencies of the photoelectric properties of structures were analyzed in the wavelength interval 200–370 nm. The maximum photo to dark current ratio, responsivity, detectivity and external quantum efficiency of structures were determined as: 180.86 arb. un., 3.57 A/W, 1.78 × 1012 Hz0.5?cm?W?1 and 2193.6%, respectively, at a wavelength of 200 nm and an applied voltage of 1 V. The enhancement of the photoresponse was caused by the decrease in the Schottky barrier at the Pt/κ(ε)?Ga2O3 interface under ultraviolet exposure. The detectors demonstrated could functionalize in self-powered mode due to built-in electric field at the Pt/κ(ε)-Ga2O3 interface. The responsivity and external quantum efficiency of the structures at a wavelength of 254 nm and zero applied voltage were 0.9 mA/W and 0.46%, respectively. The rise and decay times in self-powered mode did not exceed 100 ms.



    Solar-blind ultraviolet detectors (SBUVDs) are of large research and technological interest due to their potential in a pallet of applications such as flame sensors, space communications, control systems, ozone holes localization, navigation, etc. [1]. Gallium oxide (Ga2O3) is a very promising semiconductor for the development of SBUVDs due to its ultra-wide band gap energy value of Eg = 4.4–5.5 eV, and excellent stability in harsh environments especially under radiation[17]. Ga2O3 has several polymorphs. The thermodynamically stable one is the monoclinic β-Ga2O3 polymorph, which has been the most studied within the last decade[8]. Several polymorphs of Ga2O3 have been identified such as: α,δ, γ and κ(ε)[3, 911].

    The metastable κ(ε)-Ga2O3 polymorph has Eg = 4.4–4.9 eV and the thermal stability up to 700 ℃, that make possible to compete with the β-Ga2O3 polymorph in certain applications[12, 13]. The prospects of κ(ε)-Ga2O3 for the development of Schottky barrier and p−n heterojunction diodes[1416], a high electron mobility transistors[1720], a gas sensors[21, 22], a X-ray detectors[23] and SBUVDs[2434] were demonstrated already. Moreover, the κ(ε)-Ga2O3 crystal belongs to the hexagonal syngony and therefore, it has a good crystallographic matching with sapphire and Ⅲ-nitride crystals, which is of interest for the development of novel optoelectronic devices like e.g., matrix photodetectors[35]. These devices require a high uniformity of the active layer of the heterostructure[34, 36, 37]. The κ(ε)-Ga2O3 can satisfy this requirement due to its low concentrations of defects at the interface and high crystalline symmetry compared with the low-symmetry monoclinic β-Ga2O3[4].

    Halide vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE) is a well-established inorganic chemical vapour deposition method for heteroepitaxial growth of GaN, which recently has been employed to grow different Ga2O3 polymorphs of high quality, e.g., the metastable α-Ga2O3 and κ(ε)-Ga2O3 polymorphs[20, 38, 3943]. The metal−semiconductor−metal (MSM) structures based on HVPE deposited α-Ga2O3 demonstrated high response to shortwave ultraviolet radiation[4446]. HVPE allows to deposit high quality metastable α-Ga2O3 and κ(ε)-Ga2O3 polymorphs layers with thicknesses in the wide interval. This method is characterized by a high deposition rate combined with uniform n-type doping[38]. Nevertheless, of the advantages discussed above, the photoelectric properties of HVPE deposited κ(ε)-Ga2O3 are practically unexplored. That is why, the goal of our research is to gain insight into the photoelectric properties of MSM-structures based on the HVPE deposited κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layers.

    The innovative nature of our work is the research and development of self-powered SBUVDs based on HVPE-κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layers with the highest operation rate among same devices based on κ(ε)-Ga2O3. Such devices have a number of advantages: not required external power; high-speed performance; stability of characteristics[5]. In addition, the operating spectral range of the detectors demonstrated lays at a wavelength shorter than 280 nm, and the devices do not require utilization of optical filters.

    Materials and methods

    The κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layer deposition was multi-staged. At the first step, a semi-insulating (SI) GaN layer was deposited by the industry-relevant metal organic chemical vapor phase deposition, providing deposition of semiconductors of high quality and homogeneity on large areas[4749], on the c-plane patterned sapphire substrates (PSS). The SI-GaN was a template for the κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layer. At the second step, a κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layer was deposited on the SI-GaN by the HVPE, employing a hot-wall home-made reactor providing high thickness and properties homogeneity on large areas[11, 20, 22]. Vapor phase GaCl and O2 were utilized as precursors for elemental Ga and oxygen. GaCl vapors was produced by the reaction of metallic Ga and gaseous HCl. The molar flow ratio of the Ⅴ/Ⅲ components was 4.2. Argon was used as the carrier gas. The total flow of Ar was kept at 10 slm. The optimal HVPE deposition temperature for formation of the κ(ε)-Ga2O3 polymorph was determined as 630 ℃. The deposition rate during HVPE was ~1.56 µm/h. Intentional doping of the κ(ε)-Ga2O3 films during the HVPE growth process was not performed.

    Pt interdigital contacts were formed on the κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layers by means of magnetron sputtering with following photolithography. The interelectrode distance was 300 µm. The device wafer prepared was divided into chips with 5 mm × 5 mm in size (Fig. 1). The effective area S of the samples surface exposed to irradiation was 7.6 mm2.

    (Color online) A schematic view of SBUVD-based on the HVPE deposited κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layer.

    Figure 1.(Color online) A schematic view of SBUVD-based on the HVPE deposited κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layer.

    The phase composition and degree of crystallinity of the samples were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) by means of a DRON 6 diffractometer (Bourevestnik, JSC) with CuKα radiation at wavelength λ = 1.5406 Å. The cross-sectional images of the samples were studied by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Phenom ProX, The Netherlands) at accelerating voltage of 10 kV. The transmission spectra of the κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layers were calculated from the reflection spectra initially measured by means of a ultraviolet−visible (UV−VIS) spectrophotometer (Analytik Jena, Germany) in the interval of λ = 230–360 nm.

    The spectral dependencies of the photoelectric properties were measured by means of the spectrometric system based on a MonoScan 2000 monochromator (Ocean Optics) and a DH-2000 Micropack lamp, described in detail in Ref. [46]. A krypton-fluorine lamp VL-6.C was used as the source of irradiation at λ = 254 nm and the light power density P = 620 μW/cm2. The photoelectric and electrical properties of the samples were measured by means of Keithley 2636 A.

    Results and discussion

    Structural properties of the HVPE deposited κ(ε)-Ga2O3

    A typical XRD spectrum of the structure is illustrated in Fig. 2(a). The XRD peaks at 2θ = 18.7°, 38.6°, 59.5°, 83.1°, and 112.1° correspond to (002), (004), (006), (008), and (0010) Bragg reflections of the κ(ε)-Ga2O3[50, 51], respectively. The other high intensity peaks appearing at 2θ = 41.4°, 90.5° and 34.3°, 72.6° belong to (0006) and (00012) reflections of the Al2O3 substrate, (002) and (004) reflections of the GaN layer, respectively. Obviously, we have achieved heteroepitaxial growth of the κ(ε)-polymorph of Ga2O3 on GaN buffered sapphire.

    (Color online) (a) A typical XRD spectrum of the HVPE deposited κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layer on GaN/Al2O3. (b) Transmission spectrum of the HVPE deposited κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layer. Dependence of α2 on photons energy is shown in insertion. (c) SEM cross-sectional image of the κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layer on GaN/Al2O3.

    Figure 2.(Color online) (a) A typical XRD spectrum of the HVPE deposited κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layer on GaN/Al2O3. (b) Transmission spectrum of the HVPE deposited κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layer. Dependence of α2 on photons energy is shown in insertion. (c) SEM cross-sectional image of the κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layer on GaN/Al2O3.

    Transmittance T of the samples in the interval of λ = 300–360 nm is measured to be within the interval 63%–66% (depicted in Fig. 2(b)). Obviously, the sharp drop of T with decrease of λ from 285 to 260 nm is caused by the interband photons absorption. There are no impurity tails in the T(λ) dependence. The Eg of the samples is 4.72 ± 0.05 eV and corresponds to the literature data[19, 25, 28, 29, 34]. In Fig. 2(b), α is the absorption coefficient.

    According to the SEM study (Fig. 2(c)), the thicknesses of the κ(ε)-Ga2O3 and GaN layers are ~13.1 µm and ~4.5 µm, respectively. A clear boundary contrast is observed at the interfaces of κ(ε)-Ga2O3/GaN and GaN/PSS.

    Photoelectric properties of HVPE deposited κ(ε)-Ga2O3

    The current–voltage IV curves of the samples are approximated by power function I ~ Ul (Fig. 3), where U is the applied voltage; l is the power index, l = 3.32 ± 0.03 and 2.54 ± 0.01 in dark condition and under radiation exposure, respectively. The IV curves are typical for MSM structures with a Schottky barrier at metal/semiconductor interfaces. The dark current ID rises with U more significant than the total current IL. ID increases from 0 to 43.5 µA and IL increases from 55.3 nA to 197 μA with increase of U from 0 to 3 V. The noticeable conductivity of the HVPE κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layers in dark conditions is due to the presence of intrinsic electrically active defects of donor-type. Such defects in the HVPE κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layers were investigated by our group in detail in Ref. [20], however, their nature has not been definitively established yet.

    (Color online) I–V curves of the samples in dark conditions and under radiation exposure.

    Figure 3.(Color online) I–V curves of the samples in dark conditions and under radiation exposure.

    Dependencies of the photo to dark current ratio (PDCR), responsivity R, detectivity D, and external quantum efficiency (EQE) of samples on λ and U were computed by means of following formulas, consequently:





    where Iph is the photocurrent, Iph = ILID; h is the Planck constant, c is the speed of light in vacuum; q is the electron charge. Eq. (3) allows to estimate D in case of the SBUVD noise related with the noise of ID[2]. This formula does not take into account other types of noise that occur during the manifestation of the photoresponse enhancement. However, it is often used to evaluate D in this case[1, 2, 27, 29].

    The samples demonstrate weak sensitivity to irradiation at λ ≥ 280 nm (Fig. 4). A slight increase of the PDCR, R, D and EQE in the interval of λ = 280–340 nm is due to the presence of GaN template. The sharp increase in PDCR, R, D and EQE with a drop of λ from 260 to 200 nm is caused by the interband photons absorption in the κ(ε)-Ga2O3. The maximum values of the photoelectric properties are observed at λ = 200 nm. The PDCR, R, EQE and D at λ = 200 nm and U = 1 V are determined to have the following values: 180.86 arb. un., 3.57 A/W, 2193.6% and 1.78 × 1012 Hz0.5∙cm∙W−1, respectively.

    (Color online) Spectral dependencies of the PDCR (a), R (b), EQE (c) and D (d) of the MSM structures at U = 1 V.

    Figure 4.(Color online) Spectral dependencies of the PDCR (a), R (b), EQE (c) and D (d) of the MSM structures at U = 1 V.

    Fig. 5 shows the dependencies of photoelectric properties of the samples studied on U. These dependencies are determined by the IV curves in dark conditions and under radiation exposure and are approximated by power function with power indexes of –0.96 ± 0.05, 2.36 ± 0.01, 0.58 ± 0.02 for PDCR, R and EQE, D, respectively. The R, EQE and D significantly increase with an increase in U from 0.1 to 3 V. The R, EQE and D at λ = 254 nm, P = 620 µW/cm2 and U = 3 V have been determined as: 2.60 A/W, 1272.9% and 1.92 × 1011 Hz0.5∙cm∙W−1, respectively. On the contrary, the PDCR is significantly reduced with an increase in U from 0.1 to 3 V (Fig. 5(a)) due to rise of the dark current (Fig. 3). The PDCR at U = 3 V is 3.54 arb. un. More interesting is the fact that the Iph at λ = 254 nm, P = 620 µW/cm2 and U = 0 was 55.3 nA. Obviously, the samples are applicable for the self-powered operation mode. The R and EQE in the self-powered operation mode (at U = 0) have 0.9 mA/W and 0.46%, respectively.

    (Color online) Dependencies of the PDCR (a), R (b), EQE (c) and D (d) of the MSM structures on U at λ = 254 nm and P = 620 µW/cm2.

    Figure 5.(Color online) Dependencies of the PDCR (a), R (b), EQE (c) and D (d) of the MSM structures on U at λ = 254 nm and P = 620 µW/cm2.

    The operation rate of the SBUVDs was studied in the self-powered operation mode. The rise τr and the decay τd times were determined as the time interval between 0.9 and 0.1 levels of the maximum IL (Fig. 6). τr and τd do not exceed 100 ms. The self-powered HVPE κ(ε)-Ga2O3 SBUVD are characterized by fast photoresponse. It is worth noting that the equipment used to measure the photoelectric properties does not allow to measure the τr and τd at <100 ms with a high accuracy.

    (Color online) Time dependence of the normalized IL at cyclic radiation exposure at λ = 254 nm, P = 620 µW/cm2 and U = 0.

    Figure 6.(Color online) Time dependence of the normalized IL at cyclic radiation exposure at λ = 254 nm, P = 620 µW/cm2 and U = 0.

    The existence of a built-in electric field at the Pt/κ(ε)-Ga2O3 interface gives the capability of the HVPE κ(ε)-Ga2O3-based SBUVDs to functionalize in the self-powered operation mode. The self-powered operation mode of SBUVDs was discussed in detail in Refs. [5254]. The built-in electric field separates the photo-generated free charge carriers that lead to appear an electric current in the circuit.

    In Table 1 the photoelectric properties of self-powered SBUVDs based on different Ga2O3 polymorphs from literature and our achievements are compared. In Table 1: NWs is the nanowires; a-Ga2O3 is the amorphous Ga2O3; HJ is the heterojunction; SBD is the Schottky barrier diode. In comparison with the results of other works the samples studied are characterized by low τr and τd, relatively high values of the R.

    • Table 1. Comparison of the photoelectric properties of self-powered SBUVDs based on diverse Ga2O3 polymorphs.

      Table 1. Comparison of the photoelectric properties of self-powered SBUVDs based on diverse Ga2O3 polymorphs.

      MaterialsStructureR (mA/W)τr (ms)τd (ms)References
      * The time constants corresponded to fast exponents.
      Pt/κ(ε)-Ga2O3/PtMSM0.9<100<100This work
      Au/β-Ga2O3 NWsSBD0.011 × 10−36 × 10−2[57]
      Pt/Au/β-Ga2O3/Au/PtMSM11.6 × 10−31780*2090*[62]

    SBUVDs based on the HVPE κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layers are characterized by high sensitivity to UV radiation, but their operation rate is still low in comparison with commercial devices. The characteristics of the commercial SBUVDs were summarized in our previous work[46]. Matrix SBUVDs are of interest for many practical applications. In addition, the HVPE growth process of the κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layers should be further optimized for the development of simultaneously highly sensitive, high-speed performance and cost-effective SBUVDs. Thus the future research and developments are directed to improve the operation rate of the SBUVDs, to develop matrix detectors based on HVPE κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layers as well as to optimize the HVPE process in order to produce cost-effective SBUVDs based on κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layers.

    Notably, the high values of photoelectric properties exhibited in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 indicate the manifestation of an enhancement of photoresponse. We had been reporting that self-localization of holes is the main mechanism of an enhancement of the photoresponse for the MSM structure based on the HVPE deposited α-Ga2O3 layer with ohmic Ni/Ti contacts[46, 65]. Therefore, reducing of the potential barrier at metal/semiconductor interfaces is also feasible mechanism of an enhancement of the photoresponse for the MSM structure composed of the HVPE deposited κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layer with Pt contacts. The current flowing through the Schottky barrier is described by following expressions[29]:



    where Is is the saturation current; n is the ideality factor; k is the Boltzmann constant; TK is the absolute temperature; A is the Richardson constant; φb is the Schottky barrier. The φb value can be compute from Eqs. (5) and (6)[66, 67]:


    The assessments by means of Eqs. (5)–(7) showed that the φb values were 1.05 and 0.89 eV in dark conditions and under radiation exposure at λ = 254 nm and P = 620 µW/cm2. The φb values in dark conditions correspond to literature data[68]. A decrease in φb values by 0.16 eV under irradiation occurs due to the accumulation of self-trapped holes near the electrode’s regions[6971].


    We have developed and demonstrated the advantages of shortwave ultraviolet radiation detectors based on the κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layers with Pt interdigital contacts. 13.1 μm thick κ(ε)-Ga2O3 layers were deposited by the halide vapor phase epitaxy on the patterned sapphire substrates with a GaN template. The spectral dependencies of the photoelectric properties of structures were analyzed in the wavelength interval of 200–370 nm. The detectors based on HVPE deposited κ(ε)-Ga2O3 demonstrated a significant response to shortwave ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength no more than 260 nm. The maximum photo to dark current ratio, responsivity, detectivity and external quantum efficiency of structures were 180.86 arb. un., 3.57 A/W, 1.78 × 1012 Hz0.5∙cm∙W−1 and 2193.6%, respectively, at a wavelength of 200 nm and applied voltage of 1 V. The high values of the photoelectric properties were caused by the manifestation of an enhancement of the photoresponse mainly due to a decrease in the Schottky barrier at the Pt/κ(ε)-Ga2O3 interface under ultraviolet radiation exposure. The detectors had sensitivity to shortwave ultraviolet radiation at zero applied voltage and could functionalize in self-powered operation mode due to built-in electric field at the Pt/κ(ε)-Ga2O3 interfaces. The responsivity and external quantum efficiency of structures at a wavelength of 254 nm and zero applied voltage were 0.9 mA/W and 0.46%, respectively. The rise and decay times in self-powered operation mode do not exceed 100 ms, i.e., detectors developed are fast responding.


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    Aleksei Almaev, Alexander Tsymbalov, Bogdan Kushnarev, Vladimir Nikolaev, Alexei Pechnikov, Mikhail Scheglov, Andrei Chikiryaka, Petr Korusenko. High-speed performance self-powered short wave ultraviolet radiation detectors based on κ(ε)-Ga2O3[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2024, 45(4): 042502

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    Paper Information

    Category: Articles

    Received: Oct. 21, 2023

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Jun. 21, 2024

    The Author Email: Almaev Aleksei (AAlmaev)

