High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 7, Issue 1, 010000e9(2019)

High damage threshold liquid crystal binary mask for laser beam shaping

Gang Xia1,2,3, Wei Fan1,2, Dajie Huang1,2, He Cheng1,2, Jiangtao Guo1,2,3, and Xiaoqin Wang1,2,3
Author Affiliations
  • 1Key Laboratory of High Power Laser and Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
  • 2National Laboratory on High Power Laser and Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
  • 3University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
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    Gang Xia, Wei Fan, Dajie Huang, He Cheng, Jiangtao Guo, Xiaoqin Wang. High damage threshold liquid crystal binary mask for laser beam shaping[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2019, 7(1): 010000e9

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    Received: Jul. 6, 2018

    Accepted: Nov. 30, 2018

    Published Online: Feb. 25, 2019

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