Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 41, Issue 8, 0823018(2021)

Critical Technologies of Micro-Nano-Manufacturing and Its Applications for Flexible Optoelectronic Devices

Linsen Chen*, Wen Qiao**, Yan Ye, Yanhua Liu, and Donglin Pu
Author Affiliations
  • School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215006, China
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    Figures & Tables(26)
    Laser direct writing for gray lithography. (a) Laser direct writing principle based on point by point scanning[51]; (b) laser direct writing principle based on field by field scanning[51]; (c) Fourier level expansion method of "SHU" character with 249 gray scale; (d) multi-step structures fabricated by gray lithography utilizing DPSSL; (e) multi-stage structures fabricated by gray lithography utilizing LED; (f) complex micro-nano-structures fabricated by 3D laser direct writing technology
    Continuous frequency lithography system and its fabricated samples. (a) Schematic of UV continuous frequency lithography system; (b) schematic of Fourier transform optical system based on phase element modulation[65]; (c) relationship between the change of photolithographic structure period and the axial movement distance of phase element[7]; (d) SEM image of grating structure; (e) SEM image of pixel-type nano-grating structure with variable period and variable orientation; (f) SEM of circular grating; (g) SEM image of Fresnel zone structure; (h) SEM image of microporous array; (i) SEM image of micro-column array
    Key technologies for large-area fabrication. (a) Using DS2TI software to divide and overlap the graphics; (b) DS2TI software interface diagram; (c) Z-correction focusing; (d) schematic of 3D navigation flight exposure structure
    Fabrication flowchart of embedded Ni-mesh electrode[78]
    Fabrication flowchart of embedded Ni-mesh electrode[79]
    Photoelectric characteristics of embedded Ni-mesh electrode with different thickness[79]. (a) Optical transmittance; (b) haze; (c) square resistance of the Ni-mesh electrodes with varying period; (d) FoM value of the Ni-mesh electrodes with varying period
    Mechanical properties of embedded Ni-mesh electrode[79]. (a) Square resistance change rate of Ni-mesh electrode and ITO under different bending radius; (b) square resistance change rate of Ni-mesh electrode and ITO under bend repeatedly of 10000 times; (c) square resistance change rate of Ni-mesh electrode and ITO under scotch tape test of 100 times; (d) deformation of the square- and “T”-structured Ni-mesh electrode after bending
    Fabrication flowchart of composite Ag/Ni-mesh electrode[80]
    Morphology and photoelectric characteristic curves of composite Ag/Ni-mesh electrode[80]. (a) SEM image of the Ag/Ni-mesh electrodes under various Ni deposition time; (b)-(d) thickness and square resistance, optical transmittance, and haze of the Ag/Ni-mesh electrodes under various Ni deposition time
    Fabrication process and morphology of the freestanding metal mesh electrode[81]. (a) Fabrication flowchart of freestanding metal mesh electrode; (b) SEM of Ni mesh electrode surface and side
    Photoelectric characteristics of freestanding Ni-mesh electrode[81]. (a) Optical transmittance; (b) square resistance and FoM; (c) image of the freestanding Ni-mesh electrode
    Fabrication process for the designed absorption device based on pixelated lattice structure[82]
    Colorful displays incorporating pixelated nanostructures[83]. (a) Rainbow color display; (b) colorful school emblem; (c) cherry pattern
    Structure of electrochromic device, color change effect diagram after applying voltage, and cycle stability of the device[89]
    Vector light field display based on nano-grating[7]. (a) Mechanism diagram of nano-grating realizing views control; (b) schematic of nano-grating arrangement; (c) SEM image of nano-grating with scale of 20 μm; (d)-(f) 3D perspective images from different views
    Vector 3D display based on blazed grating[95]. (a) 3D display mechanism diagram of vector light field; (b)(c) SEM image of blazed grating; (d)(e) 3D display effect under different views
    True 3D display of virtual reality fusion based on vector light field[96]. (a) Schematic of augmented reality 3D display; (b) mechanism of multi view 3D display; (c) naked eye augmented reality 3D display; (d)-(f) mermaid 3D images observed from left, middle, and right views; (g)-(i) 3D images of unfolded book observed from left, middle, and right views
    Thickness, square resistance, transmittance, and shielding effectiveness of composite Ag/Ni-mesh electrode deposited at different time[80]
    Transmittance and shielding effectiveness of self-supporting Ni-mesh electrode[81]
    Structure diagram of double-layer Ni-mesh device[101]. (a) Fabrication process; (b) shielding mechanism; (c) side view of shielding mechanism
    Optical transmittance and shielding efficiency of the single-layer and double-layer Ni-mesh electrodes[101]. (a) Transmittance of the single-layer and double-layer Ni-mesh electrodes after PVA coating; (b) shielding effectiveness and transmittance of single-layer and double-layer Ni-mesh electrodes with various grid space; (c)(d) transmittance and shielding effectiveness of the double-layer Ni-mesh electrodes under different double-layer grid spacing
    Physical diagram, permeability, electrochemical energy storage, and bending resistance of all solid state supercapacitor based on Ag-mesh electrode[107]
    Performance characterization of supercapacitor based on flexible transparent self-supporting electrode[79]. (a) Self-supporting Ni-mesh electrode and the transmittance of supercapacitor based on this; (b) electrochemical energy storage properties of the supercapacitor after folding
    Optoelectric properties, micro-nano-structure and solid state supercapacitor, electrochemical energy storage and bending resistance of flexible transparent conductive film based on Ni-mesh[108]
    Transmittance, gas permeability, and energy storage performance of supercapacitor based on self-supporting electrode[109]
    Characterization of MnO2@Au-Ni electrode performance[110]. (a) SEM image of the MnO2@Au-Ni electrode under various scale bar; (b) transmittance of the Ni-mesh electrode and MnO2@Au-Ni electrode; (c)(d) cyclic voltammetry curves and areal capacitance of the supercapacitor structed by MnO2@Au-Ni electrode with varying scanning rate

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    Linsen Chen, Wen Qiao, Yan Ye, Yanhua Liu, Donglin Pu. Critical Technologies of Micro-Nano-Manufacturing and Its Applications for Flexible Optoelectronic Devices[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2021, 41(8): 0823018

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    Paper Information

    Category: Optical Devices

    Received: Dec. 11, 2020

    Accepted: Feb. 23, 2021

    Published Online: Apr. 10, 2021

    The Author Email: Chen Linsen (, Qiao Wen (

