Manipulating the valley degree of freedom in TMDs has aroused tremendous interests recently due to the large enough energy degeneracy lifting by spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in them[
Journal of Semiconductors, Volume. 44, Issue 1, 012001(2023)
Gate tunable spatial accumulation of valley-spin in chemical vapor deposition grown 40°-twisted bilayer WS2
The emerging two-dimensional materials, particularly transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), are known to exhibit valley degree of freedom with long valley lifetime, which hold great promises in the implementation of valleytronic devices. Especially, light–valley interactions have attracted attentions in these systems, as the electrical generation of valley magnetization can be readily achieved — a rather different route toward magnetoelectric (ME) effect as compared to that from conventional electron spins. However, so far, the moiré patterns constructed with twisted bilayer TMDs remain largely unexplored in regard of their valley spin polarizations, even though the symmetry might be distinct from the AB stacked bilayer TMDs. Here, we study the valley Hall effect (VHE) in 40°-twisted chemical vapor deposition (CVD) grown WS2 moiré transistors, using optical Kerr rotation measurements at 20 K. We observe a clear gate tunable spatial distribution of the valley carrier imbalance induced by the VHE when a current is exerted in the system.The emerging two-dimensional materials, particularly transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), are known to exhibit valley degree of freedom with long valley lifetime, which hold great promises in the implementation of valleytronic devices. Especially, light–valley interactions have attracted attentions in these systems, as the electrical generation of valley magnetization can be readily achieved — a rather different route toward magnetoelectric (ME) effect as compared to that from conventional electron spins. However, so far, the moiré patterns constructed with twisted bilayer TMDs remain largely unexplored in regard of their valley spin polarizations, even though the symmetry might be distinct from the AB stacked bilayer TMDs. Here, we study the valley Hall effect (VHE) in 40°-twisted chemical vapor deposition (CVD) grown WS2 moiré transistors, using optical Kerr rotation measurements at 20 K. We observe a clear gate tunable spatial distribution of the valley carrier imbalance induced by the VHE when a current is exerted in the system.
Manipulating the valley degree of freedom in TMDs has aroused tremendous interests recently due to the large enough energy degeneracy lifting by spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in them[
AB stacked bilayer systems such as MoS2 offer broken inversion symmetry that arises from the vertical electric field induced by electrostatic gating. It hence leads to a pronounced valley polarization effect that gathers ‘magnetized’ valley at the sample edge in the existence of a finite longitudinal electrical current[
Nevertheless, a twisted bilayer of TMD, which yields a variety of fundamental physics including flat bands and strong e–e interactions[
Here, we show the study of the valley Hall effect (VHE) in 40°-twisted chemical vapor deposition (CVD) grown WS2 moiré transistors, using optical Kerr rotation measurements at 20 K. We observe a clear gate tunable spatial distribution of the valley carrier imbalance induced by the VHE when a current is exerted in the system. Further, our results demonstrate that TMD moiré heterostructure can offer an attractive platform for probing and manipulating valley degree of freedom.
The fabrication of 40°-twisted bilayer WS2 transistors
To fabricate the WS2 moiré transistors, the twisted bilayer WS2 with different angles were first grown on the SiO2/Si substrates by an improved CVD method with the assistance of heteroatom tin (Sn) for reducing stacking energy. The details of the process of growth can be found in our former article[
Figure 1.(Color online) (a) Twisted bilayer WS2 crystal structure and schematic of the band extrema at the K+ and K− points in monolayer WS2. The figure shows the conduction-band and valence-band spin splitting and the allowed optical transitions for circularly polarized light. (b) Schematic of the twisted bilayer WS2 (t-WS2)/h-BN heterojunction device. Optical microscope images of (c) twisted bilayer WS2 transistor on SiO2/Si, (d) t-WS2/h-BN heterostructure, and (e) the final device after lithography patterning. The scale bar is 5μm.
Characterization of the as-prepared moiré devices
In the following, we show the electrical and optical properties of the t-WS2 field effect transistor, being mounted in a close-cycle Montana Instrument cryostat. The transfer curves of the device forVds = 1 V at 20 K is presented in
Figure 2.(Color online) (a) Source–drain current as a function of back-gate voltageVg of the device at 20 K forVds =1 V. (b) PL spectra of the heterostructure at 20 K. In the PL plot, the thick green solid line indicates the measured data, and the red solid line shows the Gaussian fitting result. The four Gaussian components are attributed to the neutral excitons (X0), trions (X-), defect-trapped localized exciton (LX1) or biexciton (XX), and defect-trapped localized exciton (LX2).
Gate tunable spatial accumulation of valley spins in the devices
In the following part, we will study the emerging valley Hall effect in our t-WS2 device. Spatially resolved magneto-optic KR is implemented to measure the microscopic spin-valley accumulation in real space. An ACVds = 2 V RMS is exerted to the device to generate oscillating longitudinal charge current. The out-of-plane spin-valley polarization is probed by a linearly polarized laser with photon energy optimized to the lower energy side of X0. The reflected probe laser is analyzed by a polarization sensitive photoreceiver system. To mitigate possible heating effects, the optical power of probe laser is selected to 10µW. To further determine the spatial distribution and magnitude of the spin accumulation, the 2D lateral distribution of the KR is mapped by an electrically-driven X-Y scanner.
Figure 3.(Color online) Spatial map of the Kerr rotation angle under (a)Vg = –80 V, (b)Vg = 0 V, and (c)Vg = 20 V. Signals from metal electrodes are not shown as the polarization of reflected light from electrodes is destructed.
Figure 4.(Color online) Linecuts of the Kerr rotation map under different back gates. Original data and fits are open markers and solid lines, respectively, which are shifted vertically for clarity.
To analyze the KR maps more quantitively, we linecut the KR maps orthogonal to the electrical current direction, as depicted with dashed lines in
wherelD is the spin-valley diffusion length,y1 +y2 is the width of the channel[
In conclusion, we have firstly observed the gate-tunable valley Hall effect in twisted bilayer WS2 transistor by measuring the spatial distribution of the KR induced by spin and valley imbalance. It seems that the CVD twisted bilayer WS2 suffers from strains and/or defects, and the moiré superlattice played limited role in the valley Hall effect. Future studies in cleaner samples, and smaller twist angles will be needed. Our findings provide new insights into electrical control of the valley Hall effect in twisted bilayer TMDs and open up new possibilities for the study of spin and valley properties in moiré superlattice.
This work is supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2019YFA0307800). The work gratefully acknowledges financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 22175060, 21975067, 92265203, 11974357, 12004259, 12204287, U1932151), Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province of China (Nos. 2021JJ10014, 2021JJ30092), and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2022M723215).
Appendix A. Supplementary materials
Supplementary materials to this article can be found online at
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Siwen Zhao, Gonglei Shao, Zheng Vitto Han, Song Liu, Tongyao Zhang. Gate tunable spatial accumulation of valley-spin in chemical vapor deposition grown 40°-twisted bilayer WS2[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2023, 44(1): 012001
Category: Articles
Received: Nov. 2, 2022
Accepted: --
Published Online: Feb. 22, 2023
The Author Email: Liu Song (, Zhang Tongyao (