Advanced Photonics, Volume. 1, Issue 1, 016001(2019)
Bound states in the continuum and Fano resonances in the strong mode coupling regime
Fig. 1. Strong coupling of modes in a dielectric resonator. (a) TE- and TM-polarized waves incident on a dielectric cylindrical resonator with permittivity
Fig. 2. Modes of a dielectric resonator and models of their coupling. (a) Classification of eigenmodes of a dielectric resonator. (b) Friedrich–Wintgen approach describing an open cylindrical resonator as a closed resonator and a radiation continuum. Eigenmodes of the resonator interact via the radiation continuum. (c) Non-Hermitian approach describing an open cylindrical resonator by a complex spectrum of eigenfrequencies. Eigenmodes of the resonator interact via perturbation
Fig. 3. Avoided resonance crossing,
Fig. 4. Relationship between Fano parameter and
Fig. 5. Multipole decomposition for
Fig. 6. Two-band approximation of strong mode coupling. Comparison of the exact solution and approximate two-band model of strong coupling between the modes
Fig. 7. Effect of material losses on the regime of strong coupling and quasi-BIC. (a) Dependence of the total quality-factor
Fig. 8. Experimental results. (a) Experimental setup for the measurement of SCS spectra of the cylindrical resonator filled with water depending on its aspect ratio
Fig. 9. Complex spectrum of eigenmodes. The spectrum is shown for the modes with the azimuthal index
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Andrey A. Bogdanov, Kirill L. Koshelev, Polina V. Kapitanova, Mikhail V. Rybin, Sergey A. Gladyshev, Zarina F. Sadrieva, Kirill B. Samusev, Yuri S. Kivshar, Mikhail F. Limonov, "Bound states in the continuum and Fano resonances in the strong mode coupling regime," Adv. Photon. 1, 016001 (2019)
Category: Research Articles
Received: Oct. 31, 2018
Accepted: Dec. 3, 2018
Published Online: Feb. 18, 2019
The Author Email: Kivshar Yuri S. (