BLASTING, Volume. 40, Issue 4, 44(2023)

Refined Numerical Model Construction and Blasting Simulation of Fractured Rock Mass

YE Hai-wang1、*, WEI Wen-peng1, ZHOU Han-hong2, YU Meng-hao1, LI Xing-wang1, LEI Tao1, WEN Ying1, WANG Qi-zhou1, SHI Bin-hong3, YU Yan3, ZHANG Sheng3, ZHONG Chuan-shan3, GAO Yu-wen4, and HASSAN Abdou Mohamed Abdelkader1
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  • 3[in Chinese]
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    YE Hai-wang, WEI Wen-peng, ZHOU Han-hong, YU Meng-hao, LI Xing-wang, LEI Tao, WEN Ying, WANG Qi-zhou, SHI Bin-hong, YU Yan, ZHANG Sheng, ZHONG Chuan-shan, GAO Yu-wen, HASSAN Abdou Mohamed Abdelkader. Refined Numerical Model Construction and Blasting Simulation of Fractured Rock Mass[J]. BLASTING, 2023, 40(4): 44

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    Paper Information


    Received: Nov. 24, 2022

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Jan. 15, 2024

    The Author Email: Hai-wang YE (

