Electro-Optic Technology Application, Volume. 36, Issue 5, 15(2021)

Application Prospect of SBS Hundred Picosecond Pulse Compression Laser in Electro-optical Countermeasure System(Invited)

LIU Zhao-hong, FAN Rong, LI Ning, ZHANG Qing-lei, WANG Yu-lei, and LV Zhi-wei
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    LIU Zhao-hong, FAN Rong, LI Ning, ZHANG Qing-lei, WANG Yu-lei, LV Zhi-wei. Application Prospect of SBS Hundred Picosecond Pulse Compression Laser in Electro-optical Countermeasure System(Invited)[J]. Electro-Optic Technology Application, 2021, 36(5): 15

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    Received: Sep. 26, 2021

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Dec. 1, 2021

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