Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 49, Issue 1, 114001(2020)

Nonlinear characteristic and correction for new-style parallel adjustment mechanism of secondary mirror

Ye Yu1,2,3, Yue Zhongyu1,2, Gu Bozhong1,2, and Yang Shihai1,2
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    Ye Yu, Yue Zhongyu, Gu Bozhong, Yang Shihai. Nonlinear characteristic and correction for new-style parallel adjustment mechanism of secondary mirror[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2020, 49(1): 114001

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    Paper Information

    Category: 光学设计

    Received: Oct. 11, 2019

    Accepted: Nov. 21, 2019

    Published Online: Jun. 8, 2020

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