Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 42, Issue 10, 3314(2022)

Measurement of Water Vapor Absorption in the Ultraviolet Band Using MAX-DOAS and Evaluation of Its Influence on DOAS Retrieval

Hong-mei REN1、*, Ang LI1、1; *;, Zhao-kun HU1、1;, Pin-hua XIE1、1; 2; 3;, Jin XU1、1;, Ye-yuan HUANG1、1; 2;, Xiao-mei LI1、1; 2;, Hong-yan ZHONG1、1; 4;, Hai-rong ZHANG1、1; 2;, Xin TIAN1、1; 4;, Bo REN2、2;, Jiang-yi ZHENG1、1; 2;, Shuai WANG5、5;, and Wen-xuan CHAI5、5;
Author Affiliations
  • 11. Key Laboratory of Environmental Optical and Technology, Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China
  • 22. Science Island Branch of Graduate School, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
  • 55. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Quality Control in Environmental Monitoring, China National Environment Monitoring Centre, Beijing 100012, China
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    Figures & Tables(11)
    MAX-DOAS regional station location in Qianxian, Xi'an and the instrument observation principle(a): Observation location; (b): Observation principle
    Ultraviolet and visible blue H2O and O4 absorption cross section
    Water vapor optimal retrieval band test(a): Ultraviolet; (b): Visible
    Examples of DOAS fitting retrieval in ultraviolet (a) and visible bands (b)
    The DSCD in the ultraviolet and visible bands (α=5°)(a): O4 DSCD; (b): H2O DSCD; (c): H2O DSCD/O4 DSCD
    Correlation analysis of O4 and H2O DSCD in in the ultraviolet and visible bands(a): H2O DSCD; (b): O4 DSCD; (c): H2O DSCD/O4 DSCD
    The absorption cross section of H2O and other trace gases (O4, HONO and HCHO) in the ultraviolet band
    Example of DOAS fitting retrieval for O4, HONO and HCHO(a): The water vapor absorption reference cross section was not included in the fitting process;(b): The water vapor absorption reference cross section was included in the fitting process
    • Table 1. Parameter settings of MAX-DOAS regional station in Qianxian, Xi'an

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      Table 1. Parameter settings of MAX-DOAS regional station in Qianxian, Xi'an

      SpectrometerLocation and TimeAngle setting
      Spectral range294~460 nmLongitude108.05°EElevation1°, 2°, 3°, 4°, 5°, 6°, 8°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 90°
      FWHM0.35 nmLatitude34.53°N
      Temperature control25 ℃Measuring time4:00—22:00 LT
    • Table 2. Parameter settings of water vapor DOAS fitting

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      Table 2. Parameter settings of water vapor DOAS fitting

      351~370 nm
      434~455 nm
      NO2298 K, 220 K
      O3223 K, 293 K
      O4293 K
      H2OHITEMP, 296 K
      H2OPOKAZATEL, 298 K
      HCHO297 K
      HONO296 K
      BrO223 K
      RingCalculated from QDOAS and additional Ring spectrum multiplied by λ-4
    • Table 3. The DOAS fitting parameter for O4, HONO and HCHO

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      Table 3. The DOAS fitting parameter for O4, HONO and HCHO

      (338.2~370 nm)
      (337~375 nm)
      (336.5~359 nm)
      Polynomial degree354

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    Hong-mei REN, Ang LI, Zhao-kun HU, Pin-hua XIE, Jin XU, Ye-yuan HUANG, Xiao-mei LI, Hong-yan ZHONG, Hai-rong ZHANG, Xin TIAN, Bo REN, Jiang-yi ZHENG, Shuai WANG, Wen-xuan CHAI. Measurement of Water Vapor Absorption in the Ultraviolet Band Using MAX-DOAS and Evaluation of Its Influence on DOAS Retrieval[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2022, 42(10): 3314

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    Paper Information

    Category: Research Articles

    Received: Aug. 20, 2021

    Accepted: Feb. 16, 2022

    Published Online: Nov. 23, 2022

    The Author Email: REN Hong-mei (hmren@aiofm.ac.cn)

