Photonics Research, Volume. 8, Issue 5, 684(2020)

Ultrahigh-Q silicon racetrack resonators On the Cover

Long Zhang1, Lanlan Jie1, Ming Zhang1,2, Yi Wang1, Yiwei Xie1, Yaocheng Shi1,2, and Daoxin Dai1,2、*
Author Affiliations
  • 1State Key Laboratory for Modern Optical Instrumentation, Center for Optical & Electromagnetic Research, College of Optical Science and Engineering, International Research Center for Advanced Photonics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
  • 2Ningbo Research Institute, Zhejiang University, Ningbo 315100, China
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    Figures & Tables(6)
    Schematic configurations of the proposed ultrahigh-Q MRR. (a) 3D view and (b) top view.
    (a) Cross section of the SOI waveguide. (b) Mode field distribution at a waveguide width W=1.6 μm. (c) Calculated transmission loss as the waveguide core width Wco increases with different mean deviation σ at the wavelength of 1550 nm.
    (a) Calculated MERs of the TE modes at the SMWG–MWB junction as the radius Rmax varied when the TE0 mode is launched from the SMWG. Calculated light transmissions in the waveguide consisting of an input SMWG, a 180° Euler MWB, and an output SMWG when (b) Rmin=5 μm, (c) Rmin=10 μm, and (d) Rmin=15 μm. The insets show the simulated light propagation in the designed waveguide and the modal profile at the output port.
    (a) Microscope images of the fabricated ultrahigh-Q resonator. (b) Zoom-in view of bent DC. Inset: Enlarged view of coupling region around R=Rmin. (c) Grating couplers for chip–fiber coupling.
    (a) Measured spectral responses at the through port of the fabricated MRRs. (b) Enlarged view of the measured major fundamental mode resonance peak with the Lorentzian transmission matrix model fitted. (c) Enlarged view of the measured mode splitting.
    • Table 1. Comparison of Ultrahigh-Q Silicon Photonic Resonatorsa

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      Table 1. Comparison of Ultrahigh-Q Silicon Photonic Resonatorsa

      Ref.TypeWaveguideFabricationReff(μm)FSR (nm)Cross sectionQloadQintrinsicLoss (dB/cm)
      [18]All-passRidgeReflowing & oxidation24500.043wr=2.05  μmhr=0.22  μmhs=1.00  μm2.0×1072.2×1070.0027
      [15]All-passRidgeDouble-etching60000.017wr=3.0  μmhr=0.13  μmhs=0.09  μm1.7×106/0.085 (straight part)
      [16]Add-dropRidgeDouble-etching20+400.208wr=2.00  μmhr=0.13  μmhs=0.09  μm1.1×1063.2×1060.21
      [3]Add-dropRidgeDouble-etching20+500.325wr=2.00  μmhr=0.13  μmhs=0.09  μm1.1×1062.7×1060.25
      [17]All-passStripSingle-etching4500.160wr=3.00  μmhr=0.22  μm1.3×1062.2×1060.3
      This workAll-passStripSingle-etching290.900wr=1.60  μmhr=0.22  μm1.3×1062.3×1060.3

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    Long Zhang, Lanlan Jie, Ming Zhang, Yi Wang, Yiwei Xie, Yaocheng Shi, Daoxin Dai, "Ultrahigh-Q silicon racetrack resonators," Photonics Res. 8, 684 (2020)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Silicon Photonics

    Received: Jan. 13, 2020

    Accepted: Feb. 27, 2020

    Published Online: Apr. 22, 2020

    The Author Email: Daoxin Dai (

