Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, Volume. 56, Issue 23, 231403(2019)

Numerical Simulation of Stress Field of Laser Phase Transformation Hardening Vermicular Graphite Cast Iron Based on Beam Discretization

Ming Pang* and Wendan Tan
Author Affiliations
  • Airport College, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300, China
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    Figures & Tables(8)
    Finite element mesh model. (a) Three-dimensional model; (b) X-Z section
    Temperature gradient distributions on two paths. (a) Path 1; (b) path 2
    Thermal stress distribution nephograms in three directions. (a) X direction; (b) Y direction; (c) Z direction
    Thermal stress distributions on two paths. (a) Path 1; (b) path 2
    Residual stress distribution nephograms in three directions. (a) X direction; (b) Y direction; (c) Z direction
    Residual stress distributions on two paths. (a) Path 1; (b) path 2
    Residual stress distributions on path 1 under different laser parameters. (a) Different laser power; (b) different laser heating time
    • Table 1. Mechanical property parameters of RuT300

      View table

      Table 1. Mechanical property parameters of RuT300

      Temperature /℃252004006008001000
      Yield strength /MPa24022120017815740
      Elastic modulus /GPa145140135129124100
      Poisson ratio0.
      Thermalexpansion coefficient /(10-6·℃-1)10.611.512.513.514.515.5

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    Ming Pang, Wendan Tan. Numerical Simulation of Stress Field of Laser Phase Transformation Hardening Vermicular Graphite Cast Iron Based on Beam Discretization[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2019, 56(23): 231403

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    Paper Information

    Category: Lasers and Laser Optics

    Received: May. 5, 2019

    Accepted: Jun. 26, 2019

    Published Online: Nov. 27, 2019

    The Author Email: Pang Ming (

