Chinese Optics Letters, Volume. 13, Issue 4, 042701(2015)

Radiative force on atoms from the view of photon emission

Zhuo Song, Yonggang Peng, and Yujun Zheng*
Author Affiliations
  • School of Physics, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China
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    Figures & Tables(4)
    Mean force F as a function of Γt in a laser plane wave. Parameters are Γ=2π×6 MHz, Ω=−2π×0.6 MHz, kL=2π×1.28×106 m−1, δL=−Γ (blue solid line), δL=0 (red dashed line), δL=Γ (green dotted line), δL=2Γ (black solid line). Note that the blue solid line and green dotted line overlap each other. F is scaled by its maximum absolute value.
    Emission intensity I [(a),(c)] and mean force F [(b),(d)] as functions of v0 and δL(0) in the long time limit. For (a) and (b), δL(0)=−2Γ (blue solid line), δL(0)=−Γ (red dashed line), δL(0)=0 (green dotted line), and δL(0)=Γ (black solid line). The other parameters are the same as in Fig. 1. F and I are normalized.
    Mean force F, average emitted photon number 〈N〉, emission intensity I, and the first-order time derivative of emission intensity, I˙, as functions of Γt in a laser standing wave. Parameters are δL=−2Γ (blue solid line), δL=−Γ (red dashed line), δL=−Γ/2 (black solid line), and δL=Γ (green dotted line). The red dashed lines and green dotted lines overlap in the subfigures of I, 〈N〉, and I˙. The other parameters are the same as in Fig. 1. F, 〈N〉, I, and I˙ are normalized.
    Mean force F and emission intensity I as functions of the detuning frequency δL (upper panel) and position x (lower panel) in the long time limit. The parameters are Γ=2π×6 MHz, Ω0=−2π×0.6 MHz, kL=2π×1.28×106 m−1, x=1 (for the upper panel), and δL=−2π MHz (for the lower panel). F is scaled by its maximum absolute value and I is normalized.

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    Zhuo Song, Yonggang Peng, Yujun Zheng, "Radiative force on atoms from the view of photon emission," Chin. Opt. Lett. 13, 042701 (2015)

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    Paper Information

    Category: Quantum optics

    Received: Dec. 6, 2014

    Accepted: Feb. 12, 2015

    Published Online: Sep. 21, 2018

    The Author Email: Yujun Zheng (

