Journal of Semiconductors, Volume. 43, Issue 9, 092501(2022)
Large unsaturated magnetoresistance of 2D magnetic semiconductor Fe-SnS2 homojunction
Fig. 1. (Color online) Characterization of the Fe-SnS2 flakes. (a) The atomic structure of Fe-SnS2. One Sn atom is replaced by one Fe atom and surrounded by six Sn atoms. (b) Raman spectra of Fe-SnS2 and SnS2 flakes. (c) EDS of the Fe-SnS2 flake. Inset is a partially enlarged view of the characteristic peaks of Fe. (d) Low-resolution TEM image of the Fe-SnS2 flake. (e) High resolution TEM image of Fe-SnS2 flake. (f) SAED patterns of Fe-SnS2 flake.
Fig. 2. (Color online) (a) Schematic diagram of Fe-SnS2 homojunction device. (b) AFM image of a typical device. On the right-hand is the corresponding optical microscope image, and the relative direction of the applied magnetic field is marked. The scale is 5μm. (c)I–Vds curves at zero magnetic field, 14 T vertical magnetic field and 14 T parallel magnetic field. The inset is an enlarged view of the conduction part.
Fig. 3. (Color online) MR of the Fe-SnS2 homojunction device under parallel magnetic field. (a)I–Vds curves under different magnetic fields. (b) Dependence of MR on magnetic field extracted fromIds–B curves atVds = –7 V. (c) Extracted MR as a function of bias based on theI–Vds curves at zero magnetic field and 14 T. There is a peak value of MR atVds ~ –6.5 V.
Fig. 4. (Color online) MR of the Fe-SnS2 homojunction device under vertical magnetic field. (a)I–Vds curves under different magnetic fields. (b) Dependence of MR on magnetic field extracted fromIds–B curves atVds = –7 V. The magnetic field direction is vertical to the device plane. (c) Extracted MR as a function of bias based on theI–Vds curves at zero magnetic field and 14 T. There is a peak value of MR atVds ~ –6.2 V.
Fig. 5. (Color online)Vg dependence of the Fe-SnS2 homojunction device.I–Vds curves under different gate voltages in (a) parallel and (b) vertical magnetic fields. The black line is the curve at 14 T and the red line is the curve at zero magnetic field. At large negativeVg (–8 V and –5 V), MR tends to infinity under parallel magnetic field.
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Jingzhi Fang, Huading Song, Bo Li, Ziqi Zhou, Juehan Yang, Benchuan Lin, Zhimin Liao, Zhongming Wei. Large unsaturated magnetoresistance of 2D magnetic semiconductor Fe-SnS2 homojunction[J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2022, 43(9): 092501
Category: Articles
Received: Mar. 22, 2022
Accepted: --
Published Online: Nov. 17, 2022
The Author Email: Liao Zhimin (, Wei Zhongming (