Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 32, Issue 9, 2427(2012)

Analysis of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectra of Oxyhemoglobin for Liver Cancer with Combined Multivariate Statistics

XIONG Yang1、*, LI Yun-tao1, GUO Yan2, RAO Feng-fei1, ZHANG Jian-min1, SI Min-zhen3, LIU Ren-ming3, and TANG Wei-yue1
Author Affiliations
  • 1[in Chinese]
  • 2[in Chinese]
  • 3[in Chinese]
  • show less

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    CLP Journals

    [1] Xiong Yang, Si Minzhen, Gao Fei, Zhang Deqing. Study on Cervical Cancer Oxyhemoglobin Using Near-Infrared Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2015, 42(1): 115001


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    XIONG Yang, LI Yun-tao, GUO Yan, RAO Feng-fei, ZHANG Jian-min, SI Min-zhen, LIU Ren-ming, TANG Wei-yue. Analysis of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectra of Oxyhemoglobin for Liver Cancer with Combined Multivariate Statistics[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2012, 32(9): 2427

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    Paper Information

    Received: Mar. 25, 2012

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Sep. 26, 2012

    The Author Email: Yang XIONG (xiongyang19870326@126.com)

