Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 52, Issue 4, 20220595(2023)
High-beam-quality idler-resonant mid-infrared optical parametric oscillator based on MgO:PPLN
Fig. 1. Experimental setup for the high beam quality idler resonant MgO:PPLN-OPO
Fig. 2. Spatial distribution. (a) 1.064 µm pump beams; (b) 1.522 µm signal beams; (c) 3.534 µm idler beams
Fig. 3. Near-infrared (1.522 μm) signal beams and mid-infrared (3.534 μm) idler beams energies as a function of the pump beams energy at crystal temperature of 110 ℃
Fig. 4. Wavelength tuning curves of the OPO outputs versus the temperature of the MgO:PPLN crystal
Fig. 5. Mid-infrared idler beams output energy of the wavelength tuning at a pump energy of 21 mJ
Fig. 6. Beam quality measurement of the mid-infrared idler beams at 3.534 μm
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Abulikemu Aiziheerjiang, Jiashaner Dana, Yuxia Zhou, Yusufu Taximaiti. High-beam-quality idler-resonant mid-infrared optical parametric oscillator based on MgO:PPLN[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2023, 52(4): 20220595
Category: Lasers & Laser optics
Received: Aug. 19, 2022
Accepted: --
Published Online: Jul. 4, 2023
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