Journal of Natural Resources, Volume. 35, Issue 12, 2942(2020)

The effects of ecological forest compensation on farmers' income from the perspective of incentive compatibility theory: An empirical study in Sanming, Fujian

Jun-long LI1,2、*, Xiang-zheng DENG3, Fan ZHANG3, and Chuang-neng CAI4
Author Affiliations
  • 1School of Economics and Management, Sanming University, Sanming 365004, Fujian, China
  • 2Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of Fujian Institutions of Higher Learning Research Center of Low Carbon Economy, Sanming 365004, Fujian, China
  • 3Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
  • 4Business School, Shantou University, Shantou 515063, Guangdong, China
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    Based on the survey data of 499 farmers in Sanming, Fujian, the method of propensity score matching was used to measure the income effects of cash compensation and post compensation for farmers. The results show that both cash compensation and post compensation have positive effects on farmers' income. The effect of cash compensation on farmers' income is insignificant, while post compensation has 55.4% and 57% net effect on farmers' total income and per capita income, respectively. Further research found that the two compensation methods had different income effects for poor and non-poor farmers. Cash compensation is not conducive to poor farmers' income, while post compensation has significant positive effects across farmers with different income. In addition, considering the basic mission of ecological forest, it is found that the net effects of cash compensation and post compensation on ecological protection are different. Therefore, scientific planning on compensation methods and compensation standards is a fundamental way to achieve the double effects of ecological protection and farmers' income increase.


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    Jun-long LI, Xiang-zheng DENG, Fan ZHANG, Chuang-neng CAI. The effects of ecological forest compensation on farmers' income from the perspective of incentive compatibility theory: An empirical study in Sanming, Fujian[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2020, 35(12): 2942

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    Paper Information

    Received: Dec. 31, 2019

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: May. 8, 2021

    The Author Email: LI Jun-long (

