High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 10, Issue 6, 06000e35(2022)

High laser damage threshold reflective optically addressed liquid crystal light valve based on gallium nitride conductive electrodes

Zhibo Xing1,2, Wei Fan1,2、*, Dajie Huang1, He Cheng1, and Tongyao Du1
Author Affiliations
  • 1National Laboratory on High Power Laser and Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
  • 2Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
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    Figures & Tables(13)
    The basic structure of the reflective OALCLV.
    The relationship between the driving voltage on the liquid crystal cell and the reflectivity of the OALCLV. Only the loss of the liquid crystal layer is considered; the other layers are considered as ideal materials.
    The relationship between the ratio of the voltage of the liquid crystal layer and the total voltage and the driving frequency in the (a) off-state and (b) the on-state.
    Schematic of the experimental facility used for the GaN damage resistance test.
    The laser damage data of the GaN single crystal. The experimental data of the damage probability are represented by discrete points, while the fitting data are represented by the linear fitting line.
    The damage spot micrograph of the GaN single crystal specimen (the measuring scale is shown in the figure).
    The image response of full black input (a) and full white input (b) of the OALCLV.
    The test result (rising curve (a) and declining curve (b)) of the response speed of the OALCLV.
    The image response test result of the reflective OALCLV: input ((a), (c)) and output ((b), (d)).
    • Table 1. The parameters in the simulation of the HFE mode reflective liquid crystal cell.

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      Table 1. The parameters in the simulation of the HFE mode reflective liquid crystal cell.

      Wavelength (λ)1053 nm
      Ordinary refractive index ( ${n}_{\mathrm{o}}$ )1.517
      Extraordinary refractive index ( ${n}_\mathrm{e}$ )1.741
      Thickness of the cell4.6 μm
      Off-state reflectivity1%
    • Table 2. The parameters of the liquid crystal cell in Equation (1).

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      Table 2. The parameters of the liquid crystal cell in Equation (1).

      RLC1.15×106 Ω[18]
      CLC1.286×10–8 F
      R01.25×1012 Ω[18]
      CBSO1.98×10–10 F[18]
      R16×106 Ω[18]
      C11.2×10–10 F[18]
      R $_\Phi$ (light mode)2.14×106 Ω
      R $_\Phi$ (dark mode)1.07×108 Ω
    • Table 3. The parameters in the damage resistance test of the GaN single crystal.

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      Table 3. The parameters in the damage resistance test of the GaN single crystal.

      Wavelength1053 nm
      Pulse width12 ns
      Test type1-on-1
      Effective area of the spot0.1 mm2
      Total damage sites70
    • Table 4. The experimental setup and result of the reflective OALCLV.

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      Table 4. The experimental setup and result of the reflective OALCLV.

      Readout wavelength1053 nm
      Input pulse width12 ns
      Wavelength of the address light470 nm
      Driving voltage27 V
      Driving frequency208 Hz
      Maximum reflectivity55%
      Average maximum on–off ratio~55
      Response speed~100 ms (up/down)

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    Zhibo Xing, Wei Fan, Dajie Huang, He Cheng, Tongyao Du. High laser damage threshold reflective optically addressed liquid crystal light valve based on gallium nitride conductive electrodes[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2022, 10(6): 06000e35

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    Paper Information

    Category: Research Articles

    Received: Mar. 7, 2022

    Accepted: Aug. 18, 2022

    Published Online: Dec. 22, 2022

    The Author Email: Wei Fan (fanweil@siom.ac.cn)

