Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 30, Issue 2, 554(2010)

Application of Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Fluorescence to Investigating the Distribution of Trace Elements in Different Organs of Greenhouse Rape

XIN Shu-zhen1, SONG Yan-jing1, LV Chao1, RUI Yu-kui1、*, XU Wei2, WU Dan1, WU Shuang1, ZHONG Jun2, and CHEN Qing1
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    XIN Shu-zhen, SONG Yan-jing, LV Chao, RUI Yu-kui, XU Wei, WU Dan, WU Shuang, ZHONG Jun, CHEN Qing. Application of Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Fluorescence to Investigating the Distribution of Trace Elements in Different Organs of Greenhouse Rape[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2010, 30(2): 554

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    Paper Information

    Received: Feb. 2, 2009

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Jul. 23, 2010

    The Author Email: Yu-kui RUI (ruiyukui@163.com)

