Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 52, Issue 6, 20230193(2023)

Research progress in levitated optomechanical sensing technology (invited)

Haoming Zhang1,2, Wei Xiong1,2, Xiang Han1,2, Xinlin Chen1,2, Tengfang Kuang1,2, Miao Peng1,2, Jie Yuan1,2, Zhongqi Tan1,2, Guangzong Xiao1,2, and Hui Luo1,2
Author Affiliations
  • 1College of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
  • 2Nanhu Laser Laboratory, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
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    Haoming Zhang, Wei Xiong, Xiang Han, Xinlin Chen, Tengfang Kuang, Miao Peng, Jie Yuan, Zhongqi Tan, Guangzong Xiao, Hui Luo. Research progress in levitated optomechanical sensing technology (invited)[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2023, 52(6): 20230193

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    Category: Invited paper

    Received: Apr. 3, 2023

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    Published Online: Jul. 26, 2023

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