Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 52, Issue 6, 20230181(2023)
Review of backscattering problems in optical gyros (invited)
Fig. 1. Measurement system for backscattering of ring laser resonator[10]
Fig. 2. (a) Measurement system for backscattering characteristics of resonator fiber optic gyro; (b) Measuring result of backscattering characteristics of resonator fiber optic gyro[12] (AOM: Acoustic optical modulator)
Fig. 3. (a) Measurement system for backscattering of ring resonator in silica planar lightwave circuit; (b) Measurement result of backscattering of ring resonator in silica planar lightwave circuit[14]
Fig. 5. (a) Backscattering in IFOG; (b) Phase error due to backscattering in IFOG[20]
Fig. 8. (a) Measurement system of photonic crystal fiber; (b) Measurement result of hollow-core photonic crystal fiber; (c) Measurement result of polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber[26] (OTDR: Optical time domain reflectometry, PMF:Polarization maintaining fiber, PM-PCF: Polarization maintaining photonic crystal fiber, HC-PCF: Hollow core photonic crystal fiber)
Fig. 10. (a) Two main types of backscattering noise in RFOG; (b) Separation of intensity resonant peaks of backscattering beam in RFOG when rotate[31]
Fig. 11. Optical path structure of RFOG to eliminate backscattering noise[31] (PM: Phase modulator, AOM: Acoustic optical modulator, PSD: Phase sensitive demodulator, PZT: Piezoelectric transducer)
Fig. 12. Optical path structure of RFOG using phase-locked lasers[44] (OPLL: Optical phase lock-loop, PM: Phase modulator, IM: Intensity modulator)
Fig. 13. Optical path structure of RFOG using coherent detection[48] (C: Coupler, PM: Phase modulator, AOM: Acoustic optical modulator, TA: Tunable attenuator, BPF: Bandpass filter, LPF: Low-pass filter)
Fig. 14. (a) Optical path structure of RFOG using broadband source; (b) Measurement result of RFOG using broadband source[49] (MIOC: Multifunction integrated-optics chip)
Fig. 16. (a) Optical path structure of BFOG to remove lock-in phenomena by frequency biasing; (b) Signal beat frequency in BFOG without frequency biasing; (c) Signal beat frequency in BFOG with frequency biasing[53] (P: Pump light, B: Stimulated Brillouin scattering)
Fig. 17. Optical path structure of BFOG to remove lock-in phenomena by push-pull phase modulation[54] (C: Coupler, PM: Phase modulator, PC: Polarization controller)
Fig. 18. (a) Optical path structure of waveguide resonant gyro based on single sine phase modulation[14]; (b) Optical structure of waveguide resonant gyro based on double sine phase modulation[61] (C: Coupler, PM: Phase modulator, LIA: Lock-in amplifier, PI: Proportional integrator, LDC: Laser diode controller, FBC: Feedback circuit)
Fig. 19. Suppression of backscattering noise in microsphere resonator by Faraday rotators[66]
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Zhongqi Tan, Hongteng Ji, Yuanhao Mao, Geng Wu, Xiaowei Jiang, Shiyu Guan, Dingbo Chen, Yuchuan Quan. Review of backscattering problems in optical gyros (invited)[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2023, 52(6): 20230181
Category: Invited paper
Received: Mar. 20, 2023
Accepted: --
Published Online: Jul. 26, 2023
The Author Email: Ji Hongteng (