Acta Optica Sinica, Volume. 41, Issue 8, 0823008(2021)

Research Progress of Low-Coherence Laser

Linhai Xu1,3, Yufei Wang1,2、**, Yufei Jia1,3, and Wanhua Zheng1,2,3,4、*
Author Affiliations
  • 1Laboratory of Solid State Optoelectronics Information Technology, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
  • 2College of Future Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 101408, China
  • 3Center of Materials Science and Opto-Electronic Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • 4State Key Laboratory of Integrated Optoelectronics, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
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    Figures & Tables(17)
    Comparison of traditional Fabry-Pérot laser and random laser. (a) Schematic of a Fabry-Pérot laser with two mirrors and a gain medium, the right mirror is partially mirror, the black dots represent the scattering center in laser cavity; (b) generation mechanism of random laser, multiple scattering increases the path of light inside the random gain medium
    Electrically-injected random photonic crystal laser[31]. (a) Structure schematic of lateral cavity photonic crystal surface emitting laser; (b) SEM image of random photonic crystal; (c) optical power-current curves of random photonic crystal laser under different Vr(variable of Gaussian distribution random function); (d) emission spectra for Vr=0 nm; (e) emission spectra for Vr=20 nm; (f) emission spectra for Vr=40 nm; (g) emission spectra for Vr=50 nm
    Electrically-pumped random laser with directivity[42]. (a) Schematic of the random laser; (b) SEM picture of a random laser with 25% hole-filling fraction and total resonator diameter of 500 μm, the diameter of the holes is 20 μm; (c) current-voltage (IV) and light power-current (LI) characteristics of devices with various filling fractions, measured at a heat-sink temperature of 5 K; (d) maximum operating temperature and the peak output power measured in the surface direction of the device with different filling fractions
    Experimental device[32]
    Speckle-free full-field imaging[32]. (a) Detected image using small pinhole; (b) detected image using large pinhole
    Schematic of electrically-pumped degenerate cavity laser, controlling the number of modes of degenerate cavity by adjusting the size of the aperture[11]. (a) Large aperture and low coherence operation; (b) small aperture and high coherence operation
    Contour of Xenopus embryonic heart obtained by low coherence light imaging and blood flow in heart of Xenopus embryo under high coherence light[11]. (a) Xenopus embryo with highlighted heart region; (b) heart beating cycle of Xenopus embryo; (c) embryo heart under high-coherence light source; (d)-(f) schematic of heart contours at different stages taken with low-coherence light source; (g)-(i) speckle imaging at different stages taken with high-coherence light source
    Design and simulation of D-shaped cavity laser[34]. (a) Schematic of the D-shaped cavity; (b)-(d) electric field distributions of the highest Q mode; (e) calculated pump thresholds of the first 10 lasing modes
    Spatial coherence of the lasers and application to full-field imaging[34]. (a)(b) Speckle contrast of the F-P cavity laser and D-shaped cavity laser; (c)(d) Air Force Resolution Chart of the F-P cavity laser and D-shaped cavity laser in transmission mode
    Stability diagram of the resonator, unstable resonator systems lie in shaded regions[66]
    Schematic of the quasi-stadium semiconductor laser[68]
    Schematic of the near concentric cavity structure[36]. (a) 2D symmetric stable cavity; (b) spatial intensity profile of a high-order transverse mode in a stable cavity; (c) non-axial mode; (d) three-dimensional sketch of the stable cavity with directional emission
    Simulation results of different resonators[36]. (a) Dependence of quality factor Q on number of transverse mode m; (b) spatial distributions of field amplitude (left) and corresponding Husimi projections (right) for high-order transverse modes (m=7); (c) number of high-Q resonance mode and number of lasing modes as functions of parameter g
    Schematic of dumbbell-shaped cavity. (a) Schematic of the dumbbell-shaped cavity with five-layer structure; (b) SEM image of the dumbbell-shaped cavity, the virtual coil represents the cavity side wall wrapped by SiO2 and metal layer
    Mode field distributions of the five types of typical modes in the dumbbell-shaped cavity[37]. (a) First type of mode; (b) second type of mode; (c) high-Q mode of the third type of mode; (d) low-Q mode of the third type of mode; (e) fundamental F-P mode; (f) concentric cavity mode; (g) hybrid mode; (h) chaotic mode
    Experimental results of the dumbbell-shaped cavity semiconductor laser[37]. (a) Output power and voltage as functions of injection current; (b) emission spectrum; (c) horizontal far-field pattern; (d) speckle pattern; (e) schematic of the experimental setup to characterize speckle contrast
    • Table 1. Parameters of the quasi-stadium resonator[68]

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      Table 1. Parameters of the quasi-stadium resonator[68]

      Resonator TypeL /μmR /μmW /μmWs /μm

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    Linhai Xu, Yufei Wang, Yufei Jia, Wanhua Zheng. Research Progress of Low-Coherence Laser[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2021, 41(8): 0823008

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    Paper Information

    Category: Optical Devices

    Received: Nov. 16, 2020

    Accepted: Dec. 21, 2020

    Published Online: Apr. 10, 2021

    The Author Email: Wang Yufei (, Zheng Wanhua (

