Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 48, Issue 3, 322003(2019)

Detection of PAHs in coastal sea water using portable SERS sensor

Yan Xia, Jia Wenjie, Shi Xiaofeng, Zhang Xu, Zhang Yichao, and Ma Jun
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  • [in Chinese]
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    Yan Xia, Jia Wenjie, Shi Xiaofeng, Zhang Xu, Zhang Yichao, Ma Jun. Detection of PAHs in coastal sea water using portable SERS sensor[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2019, 48(3): 322003

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    Paper Information

    Category: 光通信与光传感

    Received: Oct. 10, 2018

    Accepted: Nov. 20, 2018

    Published Online: Apr. 6, 2019

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