High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Volume. 6, Issue 4, 04000e56(2018)

Loss mechanism of all-fiber cascaded side pumping combiner

Chengmin Lei1, Zilun Chen1,2,3, Yanran Gu1, Hu Xiao1,2,3, and Jing Hou1,2,3
Author Affiliations
  • 1College of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies , National University of Defense Technology , Changsha 410073 , China
  • 2Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of High Energy Laser Technology , National University of Defense Technology , Changsha 410073 , China
  • 3Hunan Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center of High Power Fiber Laser , National University of Defense Technology , Changsha 410073 , China
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    Figures & Tables(11)
    The longitudinal scheme of the cascaded combiner.
    (a),with respect toof Stage 1. (b) The evolution of waveguide power in Pump fiber 2 and signal fiber (inner cladding) to the total pump power along the length of Pump fiber 2 of Stage 2 forand. (c) LPC1, LPC2 with respect toof Stage 1 (LPlaunching at Stage 1,,of Stage 2 is).
    (a)and LPC with respect toof Stage 2. (b) The evolution of waveguide power in Pump fiber 2 and signal fiber (inner cladding) to the total pump power along the length of Pump fiber 2 of Stage 2 for differentof Stage 2. (LP33 launching at Stage 1,(at both stages) is.)
    The schematic of the combiner fabrication system.
    Diameter scanning of pump fiber tapers at different longitudinal positions for (a) Samples 1–4 (around the taper waist) and (b) Sample 5.
    The experimental setup of pump coupling efficiency testing system and the microscope image of the combiner (with LD pumping).
    The results of pump coupling efficiency testing for Samples 1–4 as Stage 1. (a) Only with LD1 pumping; (b) with LD1 and LD2 pumping together.
    The highest temperature along the fiber coating of Stage 2 for Samples 1–3 as Stage 1: (a) only LD1 injecting pump power or (b) LD1 together with LD2 injecting pump power (the blue square stands for the case that only LD2 injected).
    The thermal images of the cascaded combiner when injecting 186.3 W pump light of LD1 and 215.5 W pump light of LD2. (a) Sample 3 as Stage 1; (b) Sample 1 as Stage 1.
    (a) Experimental setup of the component test with 1018 nm fiber laser pumping. (b) The thermal image of the cascaded combiner when injecting total 1018 nm laser light of 1088 W (545 W for Stage 1 and 543 W for Stage 2). Stage 1/Stage 2: Sample 3/Sample 5.
    • Table 1. and pump coupling efficiency of the combiner samples.

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      Table 1. and pump coupling efficiency of the combiner samples.

      Sample ( )Pump coupling efficiency (%)Stage

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    Chengmin Lei, Zilun Chen, Yanran Gu, Hu Xiao, Jing Hou. Loss mechanism of all-fiber cascaded side pumping combiner[J]. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 2018, 6(4): 04000e56

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    Paper Information

    Category: Research Articles

    Received: Jul. 10, 2018

    Accepted: Sep. 26, 2018

    Posted: Sep. 26, 2018

    Published Online: Dec. 27, 2018

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