Optical Instruments, Volume. 46, Issue 1, 55(2024)

Noncontact artificial image recognition based on photochromic perovskite materials

Xing ZHOU1,2 and Xi CHEN1、*
Author Affiliations
  • 1Institute of Photonic Chips, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
  • 2Centre for Artificial-Intelligence Nanophotonics, School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
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    Xing ZHOU, Xi CHEN. Noncontact artificial image recognition based on photochromic perovskite materials[J]. Optical Instruments, 2024, 46(1): 55

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    Paper Information


    Received: Feb. 28, 2023

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Mar. 6, 2024

    The Author Email: CHEN Xi (xichen@usst.edu.cn)

