Photonics Research, Volume. 10, Issue 3, 810(2022)
Terahertz bound states in the continuum with incident angle robustness induced by a dual period metagrating
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Wenqiao Shi, Jianqiang Gu, Xingyuan Zhang, Quan Xu, Jiaguang Han, Quanlong Yang, Longqing Cong, Weili Zhang, "Terahertz bound states in the continuum with incident angle robustness induced by a dual period metagrating," Photonics Res. 10, 810 (2022)
Category: Physical Optics
Received: Aug. 17, 2021
Accepted: Jan. 18, 2022
Published Online: Mar. 1, 2022
The Author Email: Jianqiang Gu (, Quanlong Yang (, Longqing Cong (, Weili Zhang (