Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 41, Issue 3, 918(2021)

Hyperspectral Model Optimization for Protein of Tan Mutton Based on Box-Behnken

FAN Nai-yun*, LIU Gui-shan, ZHANG Jing-jing, ZHANG Chong, YUAN Rui-rui, and BAN Jing-jing
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    FAN Nai-yun, LIU Gui-shan, ZHANG Jing-jing, ZHANG Chong, YUAN Rui-rui, BAN Jing-jing. Hyperspectral Model Optimization for Protein of Tan Mutton Based on Box-Behnken[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2021, 41(3): 918

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    Paper Information

    Received: Feb. 24, 2020

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Apr. 7, 2021

    The Author Email: Nai-yun FAN (fny0606@163.com)

