Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 40, Issue 2, 628(2020)

Quick Classification of Pottery from Lingjiatan Site (3000BC) Based on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis

WU Wei-hong1、*, YAO Zheng-quan2, WANG Jing3, ZHANG You-yin4,5, and ZHU Jian3
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  • 1[in Chinese]
  • 2[in Chinese]
  • 3[in Chinese]
  • 4[in Chinese]
  • 5[in Chinese]
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    WU Wei-hong, YAO Zheng-quan, WANG Jing, ZHANG You-yin, ZHU Jian. Quick Classification of Pottery from Lingjiatan Site (3000BC) Based on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Principal Component Analysis[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2020, 40(2): 628

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    Paper Information

    Received: Dec. 6, 2018

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: May. 12, 2020

    The Author Email: Wei-hong WU (shuohiah@163.com)

