Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society, Volume. 42, Issue 2, 403(2023)

Effect of Borax/Triethanolamine Composited Retarder on Hydration and Hardening of Potassium Magnesium Phosphate Cement

YE Fei, SHI Wenjie, WU Bo, TAN Gaoming, and MA Xue*
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    YE Fei, SHI Wenjie, WU Bo, TAN Gaoming, MA Xue. Effect of Borax/Triethanolamine Composited Retarder on Hydration and Hardening of Potassium Magnesium Phosphate Cement[J]. Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2023, 42(2): 403

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    Paper Information


    Received: Aug. 15, 2022

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Mar. 17, 2023

    The Author Email: Xue MA (ma_xue369@163.com)

