Infrared and Laser Engineering, Volume. 52, Issue 3, 20220482(2023)
Damage effect of pulsed laser on Ta2O5/SiO2 filter film on quartz substrate
Fig. 1. (a) Ta2O5/SiO2 multilayer film sample; (b) Spectrogram of multilayer film transmission
Fig. 2. (a) Schematic diagram of laser damage to optical thin films; (b) Experimental platform of laser damage to optical thin films
Fig. 3. Damage probability distribution of multilayer films irradiated by femtosecond, nanosecond and picosecond laser with different laser fluences
Fig. 4. Damage morphology of multilayer film irradiated by 800 nm femtosecond laser for different fluences
Fig. 5. Damage morphology of multilayer film irradiated by 532 nm picosecond laser for different fluences
Fig. 6. Damage morphology of multilayer film irradiated by 1064 nm picosecond laser for different fluences
Fig. 7. Damage morphology of multilayer film irradiated by 532 nm nanosecond laser for different fluences
Fig. 8. Damage morphology of multilayer film irradiated by 1064 nm nanosecond laser for different fluences
Fig. 9. Damage morphology of multilayer film irradiated by 1064 nm nanosecond laser when laser fluence is 24.32 J/cm2
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Yunzhe Wang, Luwei Zhang, Junfeng Shao, Weidong Qu, Huachao Kang, Yin Zhang. Damage effect of pulsed laser on Ta2O5/SiO2 filter film on quartz substrate[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2023, 52(3): 20220482
Category: Lasers & Laser optics
Received: Jul. 12, 2022
Accepted: --
Published Online: Apr. 12, 2023
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