Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, Volume. 11, Issue 1, 1850001(2018)

Variations of OCT measurements corrected for the magnification effect according to axial length and refractive error in children

Inmaculada Bueno-Gimeno1、*, Enrique Espa?a-Gregori2, Andres Gene-Sampedro1, Juan Carlos Ondategui-Parra3, and Carlos J. Zapata-Rodriguez1
Author Affiliations
  • 1Department of Optics and Optometry and Vision Science, University of Valencia, Spain
  • 2Department of Surgery, University of Valencia, University Hospital La Fe, Spain
  • 3Faculty of Optics and Optometry, University Vision Centre, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
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    Inmaculada Bueno-Gimeno, Enrique Espa?a-Gregori, Andres Gene-Sampedro, Juan Carlos Ondategui-Parra, Carlos J. Zapata-Rodriguez. Variations of OCT measurements corrected for the magnification effect according to axial length and refractive error in children[J]. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 2018, 11(1): 1850001

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    Paper Information

    Received: Mar. 27, 2017

    Accepted: Jul. 26, 2017

    Published Online: Sep. 17, 2018

    The Author Email: Bueno-Gimeno Inmaculada (

