Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 31, Issue 10, 2870(2011)

Hadamard Transform Spectrometer Mixed Pixels’ Unmixing Method

YAN Peng*, HU Bing-liang, LIU Xue-bin, SUN Wei, LI Li-bo, FENG Yu-tao, and LIU Yong-zheng
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    YAN Peng, HU Bing-liang, LIU Xue-bin, SUN Wei, LI Li-bo, FENG Yu-tao, LIU Yong-zheng. Hadamard Transform Spectrometer Mixed Pixels’ Unmixing Method[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2011, 31(10): 2870

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    Paper Information

    Received: Jan. 26, 2011

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Nov. 9, 2011

    The Author Email: Peng YAN (summer_hehe@163.com)

