Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 31, Issue 10, 2870(2011)

Hadamard Transform Spectrometer Mixed Pixels’ Unmixing Method

YAN Peng*, HU Bing-liang, LIU Xue-bin, SUN Wei, LI Li-bo, FENG Yu-tao, and LIU Yong-zheng
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    Hadamard transform imaging spectrometer is a multi-channel digital transform spectrometer detection technology, this paper based on digital micromirror array device (DMD) of the Hadamard transform spectrometer working principle and instrument structure, obtained by the imaging sensor mixed pixel were analyzed, theory derived the solution of pixel aliasing hybrid method, simulation results show that the method is simple and effective to improve the accuracy of mixed pixel spectrum more than 10% recovery.


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    YAN Peng, HU Bing-liang, LIU Xue-bin, SUN Wei, LI Li-bo, FENG Yu-tao, LIU Yong-zheng. Hadamard Transform Spectrometer Mixed Pixels’ Unmixing Method[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2011, 31(10): 2870

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    Paper Information

    Received: Jan. 26, 2011

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Nov. 9, 2011

    The Author Email: Peng YAN (summer_hehe@163.com)

