Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Volume. 34, Issue 4, 1045(2014)

Spectral Characteristics of Decomposition of Incorporated Straw in Compound Polluted Arid Loess

FAN Chun-hui1、*, ZHANG Ying-chao2, XU Ji-ting1, and WANG Jia-hong1
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  • 1[in Chinese]
  • 2[in Chinese]
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    FAN Chun-hui, ZHANG Ying-chao, XU Ji-ting, WANG Jia-hong. Spectral Characteristics of Decomposition of Incorporated Straw in Compound Polluted Arid Loess[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2014, 34(4): 1045

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    Paper Information

    Received: Jun. 19, 2013

    Accepted: --

    Published Online: Apr. 9, 2014

    The Author Email: Chun-hui FAN (fanchunhui@sust.edu.cn)

